
  • Past Doctor Adventures XIII. In his fourth incarnation, the Doctor landed on the planet Zeta Minor, a world located on the edge of the known universe, the bridge-point for the opposite universes of matter and anti-matter. Now in his fifth life, the Doctor meets the same race the landed there before, and once again they are eager to harness its secrets - with terrifyingly dangerous results. Caught up in a situation akin to a Jacobean revenge tragedy, the Doctor must fight his way through layers of court intrigue before he can try to stop the people really in control from allowing the forces of Anti-matter free reign to destroy every life-form in the universe.
  • In this volume: Painlessness, Kirstyn McDermott;  for want of a jesusman, Jason Fischer; Hush, Deborah Biancotti; This Is Not My Story, Dirk Flinthart; Truth Window, Terry Dowling;  Nightship, Kim Westwood;  Fearless Flying Apartment People, Geoffrey Maloney; Wives, Paul Haines; The Census-Taker's Tale, Kaaron Warren; Getting Rid Of Mother, Robert Hood; The Last Deflowerer, Karen Maric; Bitter Dreams, Ian McHugh; The Goosle, Margo Lanagan; The Empire, Simon Brown; Ascension, Martin Livings. Cover art by Tomislav Tikulin.
  • In this volume: Dead Sea Fruit: Kaaron Warren; The Cup Of Nestor: Simon Brown; Hero Vale: Margo Lanagan; When The World Was Flat: Geoffrey Maloney; La Frofonde: Terry Dowling; The Dying Light: Deborah Biancotti; Father Muerte And The Flesh: Lee Battersby; The Souls Of Dead Soldiers Are For Blackbirds, Not Little Boys: Ben Peek; Heironymus Boche: Chris Lawson; Terning Tha Weel: Kim Westwood; The Legend Of Grandmother June: Alistair Ong. Cover art by Tomislav Tikulin.
  • In this volume: Running: Martin Livings; Matricide: Lucy Sussex; The Passing of the Minotaurs (Caeli-Amur); Rjurik Davidson; (variant of Passing Of The Minotaurs); Dreaming With the Angels: Jack Dann; Johnny Cash: Ben Peek; The Red Priest's Homecoming: Dirk Flinthart; Once Giants Roamed the Earth: Rosaleen Love; Fresh Young Widow: Kaaron Warren; Watch: Stephen Dedman; Riding the Crocodile: Greg Egan; Skein Dogs: Leanne Frahm; Leviathan: Simon Brown. Cover art by Shaun Tan.
  • Tales of far away and other when - this collection includes:  The Daughter of the Tree; The Superior Sex; The Ajeri Diary; Quick to Haste; The Smiling Future; Gathi; The Children; Throwback; One-Way Journey; The Season of the Babies; Featherbed on Chlyntha; The Transit of Venus; All in Good Time; The Absolutely Perfect Murder; Operation Cassandra; The Last Generation?  Cover art by Richard Powers.
  • This volume contains: Tyson's Turn, Michael D. Miller;A Step Into Darkness, Nina Hoffman; Tiger Hunt, Jor Jennings; In The Garden, A.J. Mayhew; Arcadus Arcane, Dennis J. Pimple; Recalling Cinderella, Karen Joy Fowler; The Ebbing, Leonard Carpenter; In The Land of the Leaves, Norma Hutman; Anthony's Wives, Randell Crump; The Thing from the Old Seaman's Mouth, Victor L. Rosemund; Without Wings, L.E. Carroll; Shanidar, David Zindell; One Last Dance, Dean Wesley Smith; Measuring the Light, Michael Green; A Way Out, Mary Frances Zambreno.  Includes commentaries by Theodore Sturgeon, Robert Silverberg, Jack Williamson and Roger Zelazny. Includes photographs from the 1984 Writers Of The Future Awards.
  • Stories in this volume include: Home Grown, William Brown; Like Iron Unicorns, Paul D. Batteiger; Atlantis, Ohio, Mark Siegel; Search for Research, L. Ron Hubbard; A Conversation with Schliegelman, Dan Barlow; In Orbite Medievali, Toby Buckell; Guildmaster, Dan Dysan; An Essay on Art, Judith Holman; Skin Song, Melissa J. Yuan-Innes; As the Crow Flies, Leslie Claire Walker; Mud and Salt, Michael J, Jasper; The Basic Basics of Writing, Algis Budrys; The Quality of Wetness, Ilsa J. Bick; Your Own Hope, Paul E. Martens;  Pulling Up Roots, Gary Murphy; Fame? Fortune? Chocolate? Michael H. Payne; Daimon! Daimon! Jeff Rutherford. With thirteen illustrations.
  • Originally published as two books, Worlds of the Golden Queen is a stellar tale of love, adventure, sacrifice, and war set in a fantastic future.  The Golden Queen: The insectoid Dronons have slain the human queen Semarritte, throwing the ten thousand worlds over which she reigned into chaos. Desperate to save mankind, Lord Veriasse, her near-immortal consort, has created a new queen: Everynne, cloned from the dead original. Hotly pursued, Everynne falls in with cocky bodyguard Gallen O'Day; the pious Orick, an intelligent black bear; and the beautiful orphan Maggie Flynn. With Gallen and the others newly sworn to her service, the young queen begins the great struggle against the aliens. Leaping from world to world via an ancient system of instantaneous transport gates, the heroes face terrible dangers and great wonders as they seek the heart of the dronon worlds, carrying the battle straight to the enemy. Beyond the Gate: Maggie Flynn has become, by test of combat, the new Golden Queen. Gallen, Maggie, and Orick face an attack by Dronons on a planet where humans have achieved the pinnacle of genetic engineering. They must stop them while guarding the secret of Maggie's whereabouts, for she is only the Golden Queen until her champion, Gallen, is defeated by a Dronon challenger. Originally published as by Dave Wolverton. Cover art by Matthew Stawicki.
  • Free publicity isn't something you turn down: not when you're a formerly successful celebrity superstar whose current popularity is on par with that of a genital wart. So when Zach Vance was asked to attend the much-publicised launch of Earth's first-ever starship, he jumped at the chance to score some points with the Great Viewing Public.  The next thing Zach knew, he was trapped aboard a ship full of dead people, orbiting the Earth with only a frigid medical technician, an illegal military clone, a talking plant and a lethal alien organism for company. As far as Zach was concerned, things couldn't possibly get worse. But of course, they did...