A decade after the premiere of the 1968 film The Night of the Living Dead, George Romero returned with its sequel, Dawn of the Dead which became an instant zombie classic.    Romero went to town – the biggest, baddest Zombie film of them all. The United States is devastated by a mysterious plague that reanimates recently-dead human beings as flesh-eating zombies. Millions have died and reanimated. Social order is collapsing. Rural communities and the National Guard have been effective in fighting the zombie hordes in open country, but urban centers descend into chaos. Traffic reporter for WGON-TV Philadelphia Stephen Andrews and his pregnant girlfriend Fran Parker plan to take the stations helicopter and leave the city. Across town, SWAT officers Roger DeMarco, Peter Washington and their team raid a low-income housing project, where the tenants are defying the martial law of delivering their dead to the National Guard. When Stephen, Fran, Roger and Peter meet up, they decide a shopping mall, filled with all they need and easy to barricade, is the ideal place to stay. But how long will they be safe…?