The two volumes of Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom have inspired a whole generation of students of the Tarot. Described by many as the Bible of Tarot readers, the books brought awareness of myth and modern psychology to the Tarot’s ancient esoteric symbolism. This new edition contains the full texts of The Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana appear in one volume. The Tarot is an eternally fascinating set of strange and beautiful pictures, beyond which lies a world of potent symbols granting access to a path of self knowledge, personal growth and freedom. These symbols connect us to the great stories of world mythology and the eternal truths of the soul. Learn how to use Tarot as an effective and accessible means of self-enlightenment. The book includes a complete section on how to give Tarot readings, as well as an analysis of the origins, meaning and psychological aspects of Tarot divination.