Fifteen years on the city streets -and  Wezzo survived. Will is the story of Wezzo and Geoff, two school friends with the world at their feet, whose choices lead them down vastly different paths. Later, their worlds collide and once again they become uniquely linked. All of us make choices. But what happens when our choices plunge us into despair? What can we do? Who do we turn to? Wezzo’s choices leave him homeless on the city streets of Newcastle, Australia, while Geoff’s choices trap him in a maze of diabolical white-collar corruption. Yet they’d both started out full of hopes and dreams. Will is about triumph in the midst of tragedy, love lost, purpose found; the strongest of families torn apart then re-created in the most unlikely place. In a world hobbled with epidemic homelessness, Will portrays ‘streeties’   as gifted individuals who deserve another chance, rather than as shameful failures. Will contrasts the victims and the victors, the hopeless and the hopeful, a challenge not only to think about destiny – but to resolve it. And the ending…?  It’s definitely a surprise…