
  • Star Trek Adventures No. 11. Due to violent ion storms, the Neutral Zone is shifting and the planet Arachnae will move from Federation territory to Romulan space.  The Enterprise is ordered to seek out intelligent life there and, if it exists, offer full Federation protection. Dr.  Katalya Tremain, the Federation's foremost expert on the exobiology of this region is assigned to the Enterprise and Kirk finds that she has a fanatical hatred of any and all things Vulcan...  including Spock. Why was a woman guaranteed to be a problem sent for such a delicate situation? Is the mission being sabotaged?  Cover art by Alister Pearson.
  • Fun fantasy and time stories: I Love Galesburg in the Springtime: A town does not want to forget its past and begins producing random - and physical - 'memories'. Love, Your Magic Spell Is  Everywhere: What happens when two work colleagues find a novelty shop - with a difference. Where the Cluetts Are: A couple find their perfect house in an old blueprint - and the house seems to have found the perfect owners. Hey, Look At Me!  A shy young author dies, but still wants to leave his mark on the world...The Coin Collector: A man picks up an odd coin in his change - which allows him to visit a parallel universe and live two different lives. The Love Letter: When a young man buys an old desk and finds a young lady's letter to an unknown lover, he answers it - and gets a reply. Also in this volume: A Possible Candidate For The Presidency; The Prison Legend; Time Has No Boundaries and The Intrepid Aeronaut. A book for the serious collector - very hard to get.
  • The late great Asimov challenged a talented group of sci-fi writers with:  What would happen if the robots of Asimov's universe were to meet alien races?  Would the Three Laws of Robotics that protect both humans and robots still apply when dealing with a species that is neither? In this volume: Maverick: Derec Avery should be able to control the network of robotic cities, but the cities are not working as they should and they are becoming dangerous. Someone else is tampering with them - Dr. Janet Anastasi, Derec's mother. Unwittingly, her intereference is about to start a war between humans and aliens, and Derec must find a way to prevent destruction.       Humanity: Derec's quest for identity has led him across the galaxy to slowly rebuild the pieces of his life: first, Ariel Burgess, the woman whose love he had to win three times; then his father, Dr. Avery, the mad genius whose experiment Derec has become.  Now he has become caught up in an experiment that threatens to undermine the Laws of Robotics. He must deal with three robots that have no fixed shape, no clear sense of what is a human and what is not. They are his mother's creations - but do they spell doom - or salvation? Cover art by Paul Rivoche.
  • The 22nd century, 150 years after the Dust Wars destroyed America's Mid-West, and much else besides. California is a last outpost for survival and reclamation during a long epidemic of all-purpose despair.  The extraordinary cult of 'Tumbondé', a former taxi driver its prophet and leader, predicts the imminent arrival on earth of 'Gods' from the stars. The movement grows daily. Tom O'Bedlam, an apparent madman, prey since childhood to visions which seem to confirm 'Tumbondé', goes even further. He can, he will, help others to make the Crossing. If the world doesn't go too mad too soon. If well-meaning 'rationalists' don't lock him away...Cover art by Mark Salwowski
  • Prisoner of war, optometrist, time traveller...these are the life roles of Billy Pilgrim, the hero of this moving, bitter and funny story of innocence faced with apocalypse. One of the world's great anti-war books, this centres on the infamous bombing of Dresden  during Word War II, Pilgrim's odyssey through time reflects the journey of our own fractured lives as we search for meaning in what we are afraid to know. Slaughterhouse-Five made Kurt Vonnegut a cult hero in American literature, a reputation that only strengthened over time, despite his being banned and censored by some libraries and schools for content and language. But it was precisely those elements of Vonnegut’s writing - the political edginess, the genre-bending inventiveness, the frank violence, the transgressive wit - that have inspired generations of readers not just to look differently at the world around them but to find the confidence to say something about it.
  • In this volume: The Streets Of Ashkelon: An alien race believes everything it is told - and when it hears the Christian message the consequences are truly horrific.  Portrait Of The Artist; Rescue Operation; Captain Bedlam; Final Encounter;Unto My Manifold Dooms; The Pliable Animal; Captain Honario Harpplayer, R.N.;  According To His Abilities; I always Do What Teddy Says: A frightening glimpse at the possibility of mass mind control from childhood. But why is one person spared? Cover art by Jim Burns.
  • On July 2, 1947 something crashed in the desert outside of Roswell, New Mexico. An explosion of light and sound made the sheep wail, the chickens squawk, and the children scream. And then the ranchers heard a noise they thought could only have come from the devil himself. For forty years, Majestic Agency director Wilfred Stone helped the CIA pretend the landing never happened. Then his conscience got the better of him. This is the real story, told to reporter Nicholas A. Duke by the guilt-racked shell of the man who once worked tirelessly to cover it all up.  It is a truth so terrifying that Whitley Strieber had to call it fiction. Cover art by Ted Seth Jacobs©  
  • Book III of The Damned. After millennia of useless war, the union of alien races was on the verge of winning a decisive victory - thanks to their new Earth allies.  But then the birdlike Wais scholar, Lalelelang, found disturbing evidence that huamns might not adapt so easily to peace.  When her field research revealed the existence of a secret group of powerfully telepathic humans called the Core, it looked as if Lalelelang would be the first victim in a new war between Humans and their allies.  At the last moment, a lone Core commander took a chance on her intelligence and compassion, to gamble the fate of Humanity on the remote chance they  could find an alternative to a galaxy-wide bloodbath. Cover art by Barclay Shaw.
  • On the planet known as Snare, the descendants of Islamic fundamentalist emigrants have created beautiful enclaves, where they can sit on a patio enjoying green grass and "true-roses," but the nomadic tribes live in a much harsher landscape. Where the grass is purple, the trees are orange, and the huge and dangerous sentient Cha'Meech lizards roam the landscape. Idres Warkannan and his companions seek to find the only man who can redeem their Islamic civilisation from its despotic ruler and restore justice to the population. Zayn Hassan, refugee from the despot's service, finds himself living among the tribes of the "comnee," where Healer and Spirit Rider Ammadin, seeing the dangers all around her, is beginning to doubt the gods who are her only protection.  To save herself and her people, Ammadin journeys eastward into war, intrigue, and adventure - and finds more than she bargained for on all counts. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Book VII of Deathstalker. Lewis Deathstalker abandoned his place as Paragon and Imperial Champion for the love of Jesamine Flowers, the King's intended. Both have been branded traitors to the Empire and are now travelling in more notorious circles - with immoral gladiator Rose Constantine, con man Brett Random and alien reptiloid Saturday. While Lewis is rooting out Finn Durandal, real traitor to the Empire, he finds there is a greater threat - The Terror that was predicted to destroy all humanity is encroaching. It's said that the only one who can stop it disappeared more than two hundred years ago - Owen Deathstalker.  Now Lewis and his companions must find Owen who they believe - must believe - isn't dead at all.  Cover art by Patrick Jones.
  • Book XI of Pern. When AIVAS - the Artificial Intelligence Voice Address System - was first discovered at Landing, the entire planet of Pern was awed at the knowledge it divulged. All the history of the people of Pern was there. Dragonholders, Lord Holders and Craftmasters crowded into the tiny inner room to learn the secrets of their beginnings. Ana AIVAS had other gifts to offer -- stored information of old crafts that had been forgotten, of medicine, music and technology. But the greatest promise AIVAS offered was the chance to rid Pern of Thread forever. All the great ones of Pern began the long and arduous task of learning just how to operate the incredible plan - a plan of such daring and epic proportions that both dragons and riders would be put at risk. Cover art by Steve Weston.
  • Features such myths, mysteries and marvels as: the giant skulls; living dinosaurs; footage of an abominable snowman; frozen mammoths; animal ESP and space visitors.
  • Eighth Doctor Adventures No. VII. Kursaal is a pleasure world, a huge theme park for the Cronus system - or rather, it will be if it isn't destroyed during construction. Eco-terrorists want the project halted to preserve vital archeological sites - areas containing the last remains of the long-dead Jax, an ancient wolf-like race, who remains are being buried beneath the big business tourist attractions. Sam fall sin with the environmentalists and finds her loyalties divided. Meanwhile, the Doctor's own investigations lead him to believe that the Jax are not extinct after all. Cut off from the TARDIS, separated from his companions and pursued for murder, the Doctor realises that Kursaal hides a terrible secret - and that Sam is being affected by events more than anyone would guess.
  • Everything looked the same. Throckmnorton Street...Lovelock's Pharmacy, the dime store...and everyone seemed the same. Aunt Aleda. Sheriff Grivett.  But the town was dying slowly and changing secretly. On a quiet fall evening in the small, peaceful town of Mill Valley, California, Dr. Miles Bennell discovered an insidious, horrifying plot. Silently, subtly, almost imperceptibly, alien life-forms were taking over the bodies and minds of his neighbors, his friends, his family, the woman he loved - the world as he knew it...   First published in 1955 and made into a blockbuster film in 1978, this is the revised and updated edition issued to coincide with the film's release. Please note: this is not a novelisation  of the film; it is Finney's original novel.
  • A selection of shorts.  In this volume: First Love, First Fear; Starcrossed; Assassins of Air; Parks of Rest and Culture; The Water Sculptor; Rope of Glass; Interpose; The History Machine; The Cliometricon; Stance of Splendour; Wayside World; The  Monadic Universe; The Word Sweep. Cover art by Colin Hay.
  • Book II of Star of the Guardians. By calling a temporary truce, Derek Sagan and the rebels thwarted the alien Corasian invasion. Enemies once again, the rebels have resumed their defiance and Sagan has returned to his campaign to topple the corrupt galactic government. He plans to set Dion up as king of the Starfire dynasty - and place himself as the ruling power behind the throne. On a remote planetary sinkhole of sin and corruption, a small weapon - barely ten centimetres a side - is hidden. If activated, this seemingly harmless crystal cube could tear a hole in the universe - and destroy the fabric of creation. Sagan wants it. Lady Maigrey wants it. And so does Abdiel, a cruel genius who commands a drugged army of mindless slaves.  Now Dion is caught in this struggle as he faces his greatest trial in his battle for the interstellar throne. Cover art by Stephen Youll.

  • Book II of Queen Of Angels. Absolute zero. The universal ultimate. No-one has ever found it. Yet two hundred years in the future, among the families making up the population of the Moon, William Pierce is almost there. In the dark void of the Ice Pit the frozen Heads are ready to yield their secrets...Cover art by Peter Jones.

  • Carl Bok is a citizen of Springworld, the heavy-gravity planet with monstrous and dangerous flora and fauna. Carl is well over two metres tall and weighs-in at 180 kilograms. Now he has won a scholarship to Starschool. He'll spend a year on this touring school, visiting sixteen of the colonised planets. This will be the experience of a lifetime. It's tough enough for Carl as the poor scholarship student among the rich kids. His problems get worse when they arrive at Earth. Carl finds himself in urgent need of big money and, since he's a pretty tough guy, becomes a paid fighter. He has to fight dangerous and deadly human and animal opponents. His fellow students - B'oosa, Miko, Alegria and Francisco "Pancho" Bolivar -  get caught up in his exploits... And then there are the aliens...Cover art by Peter Elson.