Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • For 2000 years, since it pierced the side of Christ, the Spear of Destiny has been invested with amazing occult power. This is the legend and its continuing fulfillment through the decline of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages and into the twentieth century. It tells the story of the chain of men who possessed the Spear, from Herod the Great to Adolf Hitler and how they sought to change the face of history by wielding its occult powers for good or evil. The Spear of Destiny is identified as the Spear of the Holy Grail mentioned in the sagas of the Dark Ages and shows the Grail to be a uniquely Western path to mind expansion. For the first time the Satanic occult development and faculties of Adolf Hitler are described in authentic and documented detail,   demonstrating how he furthered his aims and his conquest of the world by black magic practices. The final chapters describe a Manichean battle of worlds behind the changing scene of modern times.  With black and white photographs.
  • Atlantis...Avalon..Lemuria and Lyonesse; the country of the Amazons, the kingdom of Prester John and the realm of the Queen of Sheba... Stories of the lost or undiscovered worlds of antiquity have fascinated us through the ages - and will certainly continue to do so. The author examines both the scientific and the mystical of the problem  of historical or legendary lost worlds and sets out the evidence for the reader to asse4ss fact and fiction. With medieval maps and images.
  • Health in body, mind and spirit - a fanciful cliché or a real possibility?  More and more health care professionals are recognising and seeking an integrated approach to health, healing and well-being; and more people are seeking integrated health care that will treat more than the symptoms of dis-ease. This volume covers ancient wisdom and modern medicine; and the contributors represent a wide range of disciplines and beliefs. Key chapters include Buddhist Medicine and Mental Well-Being; Spiritual Healing: Research Evidence and Practical Application; Communication Skills; Conflict Resolution; The Role of Melatonin in Healing;The Kabbalah and Mind/Emotion Balance and so much more. Whether you are a health car professional wishing to expand your horizon, or a person seeking an alternative cure, this is the book for you.
  • A profusely illustrated compendium of astrological knowledge that explores the significance of each of the twelve sun signs of the zodiac and the complementary effect of the moon in its different phases. Julia and Derek Parker are established leaders in the field of astrology. They combined their skills in 1971 with the publication of The Complete Astrologer, which became an international bestseller. This was followed by more than 40 books, including the highly successful Parker's Astrology. The Parkers have also broadcast and lectured throughout Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States. Illustrated.  
  • Cornelius Agrippa was  German polymath, physician, legal scholar, soldier, theologian and occult writer. His Three Books of Occult Philosophy published in 1533 drew heavily upon Kabbalah, Hermeticism and neo-Platonism. His book was widely influential among occultists of the early modern period, and was condemned as heretical by the inquisitor of Cologne. He was had somewhat of a reputation as a prophet. It is believed that he was involved in a secret occult group as a young man, but in later life he recanted his belief in magical and occult practices.  Given the seriousness of his beliefs it is unlikely that he would have penned the Oracle; and it is more likely that during the Victorian age period of interest in seances and able turning, an entrepreneur has based this Oracle on a form of divination descended from Agrippa. The method involves choosing a question from a list of 100, then randomly selecting a symbol and matching the symbol to a table which gives on which page the answer may be found.
  •  It has been written, and should be read, as a travel book. But its journey is through the land of the spirit. Nicholas shows post-World War II Britain as a chaos of conflicting faiths. He describes the neglected streets of Canterbury; the crowds that throng around spirit-healers ; he examines the claims of the Christian Scientists and analyses the growing power of Rome. He travelled from the valleys of Wales, where faith is expressed in song to the remotest haunts of the Wee Frees (a small group of Scots Presbyterians who chose to remain outside the 1900 union of the Scottish United Kirk.) where worship is as stark and stern as the barren countryside.
  • First published in 1991, Parkers' Astrology is universally acknowledged as one of the best practical introductions to astrology for interested amateurs and budding professionals. It has now been expanded and updated for a new generation and includes the latest developments in astrology, from the effect of the comet/asteroid Chiron to Astro'Carto'Graphy - the new technique of location astrology. There is also a fresh look at the ancient art of horary astrology and explores advanced birth chart techniques using midpoints, harmonics and the moon's nodes. Beautifully illustrated.
  • Need advice on business matters, health or affairs of the heart? Hazel brings a New Age awareness and interpretations to the I Ching, allowing easy access to this ancient wisdom and prophecy. Said to be the oldest book in the world, the I Ching is a source of divination from  Taoist and Confucian philosophy written by Chinese scholars over 3000 years ago. No-one knows exactly how the I Ching works - but work it does.
  • The two volumes of Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom have inspired a whole generation of students of the Tarot. Described by many as the Bible of Tarot readers, the books brought awareness of myth and modern psychology to the Tarot’s ancient esoteric symbolism. This new edition contains the full texts of The Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana appear in one volume. The Tarot is an eternally fascinating set of strange and beautiful pictures, beyond which lies a world of potent symbols granting access to a path of self knowledge, personal growth and freedom. These symbols connect us to the great stories of world mythology and the eternal truths of the soul. Learn how to use Tarot as an effective and accessible means of self-enlightenment. The book includes a complete section on how to give Tarot readings, as well as an analysis of the origins, meaning and psychological aspects of Tarot divination.