Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
  • Health in body, mind and spirit - a fanciful cliché or a real possibility?  More and more health care professionals are recognising and seeking an integrated approach to health, healing and well-being; and more people are seeking integrated health care that will treat more than the symptoms of dis-ease. This volume covers ancient wisdom and modern medicine; and the contributors represent a wide range of disciplines and beliefs. Key chapters include Buddhist Medicine and Mental Well-Being; Spiritual Healing: Research Evidence and Practical Application; Communication Skills; Conflict Resolution; The Role of Melatonin in Healing;The Kabbalah and Mind/Emotion Balance and so much more. Whether you are a health car professional wishing to expand your horizon, or a person seeking an alternative cure, this is the book for you.
  • Do you feel 'spaced out' after using strong household cleaners or a photocopier? Do you feel sick while having your car filled up with petrol or do you love the smell and can't get enough of it? Do you get headaches or ache all over after a day in the city? Since World War Two, our bodies have been assaulted by a barrage of previously unknown physical hazards — thousands of new chemicals in our air, water and food; electromagnetic radiation and changes in ultra-violet light conditions. This book explains how chemical sensitivities can have a profound and alarming effect on our social, emotional and intellectual development. It also discusses what we can do about it. The book offers a range of sensible and practical precautions we can take to minimize our chemical exposure, and encourages us to choose the least chemically hazardous options — or demand that satisfactory alternatives be made available.
  • The first authoritative biography of Babaji, the immortal master made famous by Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi. Babaji lives today near Badrinath, in the upper Himalayan mountains. His body has not aged since the age of sixteen, when centuries ago he attained the supreme state of enlightenment and divine transformation. This followed his initiation into scientific art of Kriya Yoga by two deathless masters, the siddhas Agastyar and Boganathar, who belonged to the "18 Siddha Tradition", famous among the Tamil speaking people of southern India. This rare account, by a long time disciple, reveals their little known stories, ancient culture and present mission, as well as how their Kriya Yoga can be used to bring about the integration of the material and spiritual dimensions of life. Clear explanations of the psychophysiological effects of Kriya Yoga and guidelines for its practice are given. It includes verses from the Siddhas' writings with commentary.
  • Written by one of the world's leading experts on dreams and their meaning, this book focuses on what happens to our brains while we are asleep and explains clearly and precisely what it all means. The author discusses the work of famous analysts such as Freud and Jung and writes reassuringly about learning to cope with nightmares and how to solve problems while asleep. Explore the magical realm of sleep and inner consciousness with this fascinating, illustrated guide to the world of dreams. Illustrated.
  • Pele, the volcano Goddess of ancient Hawai'i, is still openly revered and worshipped in the islands. Her personification has evolved from a rich heritage of mythology and lore of her exploits introduced to the Western world by W.D. Westervelt. First published in 1916, there are also adventurous tales of Pele's sister Hi'iaka with mortals such as the handsome chiefs Kahawaii and Lohiau and the love affair with the half-man, half-pig demigod Kamapua'a. The powerful conflicts between Pele and Poliahu, the snow goddess, and Hi'iaka and the many mo'o (supernatural water creatures) are recounted with great dramatic suspense. Cover art by Brian Ibaan.
  • A fabulous volume of the paranormal and fascinating from the ancient past to the modern day. Chapters: Riddles of The Past; Ancient Monuments; The Search For Atlantis; The Art Of Magic; Witchcraft; Monsters; Divination; Astrology Reincarnation; Ghosts And Spirits; Spiritualism; PSI And Science; The Power Of Dreams; Animal PSI; Mind Over Matter; Leaving The Body; Healing; Enigmas In The Sky; PSI And The Brain. Lavish colour and black and white illustrations.
  • A Course in Miracles is s et of three books that teach that the way to remember God is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course originated in  1965 in response to a request of two psychologists to find another way of relating to others.  Many refer to the Course as the "Third Testament,"believing that it represents the same basic theology of the Bible, although in a more spiritually evolved form.  The essential characteristic of the Course that lies at the core of our differences is that it is a non-dualistic spirituality . Christianity, as Judaism before it, is a dualistic thought system in which God and the world, spirit and matter co-exist as separate states, both of which are real. Reality is thus seen to be a dimension of opposites - as with good and evil - in marked distinction from the Course's understanding of reality as being only perfect unity in which there are no opposites. Kenneth Wapnick and Rev. W. Norris Clarke, S.J., priest, philosopher, theologian, and Professor Emeritus from Fordham University, engage in this dialogue in order to identify the radical differences, as well as the similarities, between the thought systems of A Course in Miracles and biblical Christianity.
  • They work alongside you in many of Australia's businesses and corporations. They intimidate fellow workers. They exhibit manipulative behaviour. They demonstrate lack of remorse. They are glib and superficially charming. They are the white collar psychopaths who exist in a variety of institutions. They are individuals who manipulate their way through life and leave an indelible mark on both their victims and society. They are destructive men and women - cunning, self-centered, ruthless and terrifying. What motivates these individuals? How can coworkers protect themselves from these "monsters" who hide behind a veneer of respectability? This guide provides a fascinating insight into the mind of the workplace psychopath. Drawing on studies and research in forensic psychology, it shows how to recognise and manage a workplace psychopath.
  • A wealth of health information with chapters on Food as Medicine; Digestion and Absorption; Food Profiles; The Best Foods For Particular Health Problems and of course, recipes. There is in-depth detail on why certain foods work the way they do and all information is backed by scientific research.