Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • Have you ever suffered a loss - a relationship, a family member or friend, a job, a possession? If you are still attached to this past loss, it is holding up your life.  How about letting it go, in order to bring love, happiness and fulfilment into your life? To let go is one of the most valuable of healing principles because all problems involve some form of holding on or attachment. Psychologist and seminar leader Chuck Spezzano can lead the way through a step-by-step guide to letting go of these attachments and the beginning of healing. If you want to create change in your life and have a better future, then this is the book for you.
  • A comprehensive explanation of the rich heritage associated with the art of divination. Forty different divination methods are described, making this volume a source for serious study of major divination disciplines. Fortune-telling methods described include: Physiognomy (face reading); Tasseography (tea-leaf reading);  Palmistry; Graphology (handwriting interpretation); Crystal gazing; Candle flame reading;  Color divination; Numerology and many more. Illustrated.
  • If you're re-examining your priorities or searching for a sense of purpose, here is the explanation and guide to finding happiness and fulfilment by understanding the true essence of the sun sign. There are examples of people past and present, famous and unknown - Bill Clinton, Princess Diana, Mother Teresa and Bill Gates - that all paint a rich, detailed picture of each sun sign personality. Ancient esoteric lore and myth combine with practical, down-to-earth advice and unerringly accurate observations. Are some sun signs better able to cope with change or embrace new technology? What challenges will competitive Aries find? Why is marriage such an important issue for Librans? Why are Taureans so preoccupied with financial security? What work do Geminis excel at? Is it true that Sagittarius is a lucky sign? Are Scorpios really the sexiest sign of the zodiac? If you want a better understanding of yourself and others, this could be the book for you.
  • A merry introduction for good would-be magic-makers to a world of spells, charms, amulets and practical magic for everyday concerns. It explores the main concepts and philosophy behind modern witchcraft and explains the basic rituals, what tools you will need and simple spells and charms for love and luck, friendship, good health, recovering lost objects, dispelling conflict, thwarting gossip and more. Illustrated.
  • Dr. Keeney has been at the forefront of significant changes in the psychotherapy field over the past twenty years. His writings have been published throughout the world by academic presses, and he has worked at some of the most prestigious psychotherapy institutions in the United States. Seeking to offer people a viable alternative, Everyday Soul is the first truly ecumenical book that shows how to awaken our minds, bodies, and souls to the fire that burns within us. The son of a minister, Dr. Keeney realized from an early age that the only way to achieve peace with himself was to discover his own spiritual path. He has spent years experiencing the teachings of holy men and women on the meaning of spiritual awareness, and has been initiated into the mystical practices of indigenous peoples of North and South America, as well as the Bushmen of the Kalahari. Dr Keeney is one of a handful of people who have been taught the all but extinct Japanese art of vital energy exchange by Osumi, Sen-sei. Offering experiences from his own life, Keeney skillfully incorporates these healing traditions into stories and practical exercises for creatively turning all the activities of your life - from sleep to relationships, from work to your movement through the world - toward cultivating a connection to the Divine, the Sacred, the Light.
  •  It has been written, and should be read, as a travel book. But its journey is through the land of the spirit. Nicholas shows post-World War II Britain as a chaos of conflicting faiths. He describes the neglected streets of Canterbury; the crowds that throng around spirit-healers ; he examines the claims of the Christian Scientists and analyses the growing power of Rome. He travelled from the valleys of Wales, where faith is expressed in song to the remotest haunts of the Wee Frees (a small group of Scots Presbyterians who chose to remain outside the 1900 union of the Scottish United Kirk.) where worship is as stark and stern as the barren countryside.
  • In this volume: The Broken Wings; The Voice Of The Master; Thoughts And Meditations; A Self Portrait.
  • From the rich arrays of history, myth, religion and story that makes up the Celtic tradition, Matthews brings together a selection of lesser-known and unusual writings rather than those more generally available. This collection of lore, life and literature sets forth the Celtic world, from the Druidic priesthood and rites to the Bardic heritage, from the distant origins of the Celtic peoples to the colour and drama of their culture. Tales of adventure, magic, mystery and wonder from pre-Christian Ireland and Arthurian Britain interweave with ancient fables, Taliesin's poetry, historical investigations  into the ancient past and modern adaptations of ancient themes.
  • The message of this book is very simple: Right now, you can be happier. More things won't do it. Even a great relationship may not save you. The focus here is on the only place where real change can happen: in how you see yourself and relate to other people. The book uses practical guidance and warm, realistic inspiration to show clearly that while you can't always choose what happens in your life, you can choose your responses, values and behaviors - and the results are life changing. Here are skills and insights across all areas, from your most intimate relationships to your friendships, extended family, work and community. Psychologically positive and astute, it also looks at the big spiritual questions that let you value your life rather than just spending it. Small changes bring BIG results. 
  • For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. "F**k positivity," Mark Manson says. "Let’s be honest, shit is f**ked and we have to live with it." Manson doesn’t sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it is - a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth. He makes the argument, backed both by academic research and well-timed poop jokes, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade, but on learning to stomach lemons better. Human beings are flawed and limited - "Not everybody can be extraordinary, there are winners and losers in society, and some of it is not fair or your fault." Manson advises us to get to know our limitations and accept them. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek. There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones really matter, says Manson. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience.  
  • The prolific writings of Kahlil Gibran, author of The Prophet, continue to inspire a devoted international following. In this volume of early writings, Gibran’s simple yet lyrical style crosses from prose to poetry and yields insight into his dedication and inner vision of beauty, including the tale of a strange hermit in The Tempest,  the discovery of love lost to war in The Mermaids and the long voyage of sea and soul in the prose poem Between Night and Morn.
  • Written  by two highly-experienced Tarot readers, this introduction book covers what the Tarot is; the cards; the Major and Minor Arcana;how to use the cards, different spreads and layouts and further instruction. Illustrated.
  • A volume that provides the information you need to use the earth's wonderful bounty of medicinal plants confidently, effectively, and above all, safely. It examines 100 of the most widely used, most easily available, most familiar and most fascinating medicinal plants, tracing their history, folklore, and healing properties and summarising the latest scientific research on their many benefits. It also explains where to find the herbs, how to take them, store and prepare them, even how to grow them. There is an easy-to-use A-to-Z herb encyclopedia, plus sections titled Prevention and A Fast-Action Guide to Using the Healing Herbs, Conditions - from ear infection to stress - A-to-Z conditions and the herbs you can use to treat and prevent specific symptoms and diseases; Healing Actions - from antibiotic to sedative; an A-to-Z list of medicinal uses with herbs as a natural alternative to certain medicines; Other Uses - some unusual uses for the healing herbs, for example as insect repellent or memory improvement. There’s also special precautions about certain herbs, whether in preparation, long-term use or short-term effects.  
  • A Course in Miracles is s et of three books that teach that the way to remember God is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course originated in  1965 in response to a request of two psychologists to find another way of relating to others.  Many refer to the Course as the "Third Testament,"believing that it represents the same basic theology of the Bible, although in a more spiritually evolved form.  The essential characteristic of the Course that lies at the core of our differences is that it is a non-dualistic spirituality . Christianity, as Judaism before it, is a dualistic thought system in which God and the world, spirit and matter co-exist as separate states, both of which are real. Reality is thus seen to be a dimension of opposites - as with good and evil - in marked distinction from the Course's understanding of reality as being only perfect unity in which there are no opposites. Kenneth Wapnick and Rev. W. Norris Clarke, S.J., priest, philosopher, theologian, and Professor Emeritus from Fordham University, engage in this dialogue in order to identify the radical differences, as well as the similarities, between the thought systems of A Course in Miracles and biblical Christianity.
  • Cry Havoc introduced Beverley Nichols as an advocate of peace. The Fool Hath Said - as well as being his personal spiritual journey - gives his advocacy of Christianity in a modern world.He presents his belief convincingly, taking the hurdles one at a time to end with a newly defined attitude toward his own religious concepts. He successfully conveys why there is a need for faith, that faith is possible and can be applied to modern problems and has done it with reverence and sincerity. He  was an Oxford Group member and in the chapter Crusaders Of 1936, he states 'Though this book is not a record of the Oxford Group, it would be incomplete unless I paid tribute to this amazing movement. For though I...had found that Christ was indeed God, it was not until I went to a meeting of the Oxford Group that I found, once again, the friend whom I earlier rejected.'
  • A fabulous start-up book by a respected Pagan practitioner. It covers: What is Paganism? Pagan Beliefs; Is Paganism Appropriate to Me? The Pagan Gods; Celebrating the Seasonal Cycle; Spiritual Practice. A must for anyone considering this Path in life. Illustrated.
  • Faith, a young orphan girl is adopted by a Christian couple, but her adoptive mother dies and her father's mother moves in to take care of the family. Grandmother is lazy, drunk and violent, insisting that her son be rid of Faith, resenting her as an outsider and an intruder.  Faith runs away, determined to find work as a servant girl...and she begins to find friends and help where she least expects it.  Also published as The CHild Of The Toy Stall.
  • The tale of the spiritual, erotic and psychic evolution of Tu Ming, a Taoist monk in Old China. Tu is apprenticed in sequence to five female adepts in the discipline known as the dual cultivation, a type of tantric yoga in which sexual techniques replicate states of spiritual progress. This practice culminates in the creation of a spiritual embryo at the moment of enlightenment. The five masters who instruct Tu are characters akin to those in Chinese folklore: the gentle pillow girl, Mei Cha, the doughty herb gatherer, Su Ba, and Lekshe Tsogyel, an acrobatic aristocrat from Tibet. Tu advances not only in his practice, but also in his understanding of life and love as he falls under the spell of five unforgettable women and experiences an epiphany that redefines what it means to attain the highest knowledge.