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The Mudflat Million: R.G. Campbell and S.H. Courtier

The Mudflat Million: R.G. Campbell and S.H. Courtier

Regular price $10.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 AUD
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Mudflat is a typical small Australian township of a few hundred people. David Parsloe, one of its former sons who migrated to America and prospered hugely, bequeaths to the little township of his birth £1 million - for cultural purposes. The next thing that happens is a impecunious, retired Brigadier, a high-pressure, fast thinking advertising man, and everyone else in the town, tries to secure their pound of flesh. The main contenders is the band of living, breathing evidence of David Parsloe's Charles II-like propensities, who have formed themselves into a union - the name of which clearly explains their birth status. Mudflat's other claim to fame is the late Inigo Burse, author - another son of Mudflat who has just 'arrived' in the literary world. It seems that that Inigo and Parsloe were schoolfellows - and bedfellows - in the same marital bed at different times...which makes for some very interesting relationship entanglements! Earthy Australian comedy.

Product Information

1st edition; hardback; slight warp to boards; blank front endpaper neatly removed; tightly bound and clean within; uncommon title, Modern Literature
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