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  • A banquet for the serious sci-fi buff. In this volume:  A selection from The Ideal, Stanley G. Weinbaum; Moxon's Master, Ambrose Bierce; Reason, Isaac Asimov; But Who Can Replace A Man? Brian Aldiss; A selection from The Time Machine, H.G. Wells; Of Time and Third Avenue, Alfred Bester;  Sail On! Sail On! Philip José Farmer; A selection from Worlds Of The Imperium, Keith Laumer;  The Business, As Usual; Mack Reynolds; What's It Like Out There? Edmond Hamilton; Sky Life, Robert A. Heinlein; The Star, Arthur C. Clarke; The Crystal Egg, H.G. Wells; The Wind People, Marion Zimmer Bradley; Unhuman Sacrifice, Katherine Maclean; What Was It? Fitz-James O'Brien; The First Days Of May, Claude Veillot; Day of Succession, Theodore L. Thomas; Angel's Egg, Edgar Pangborn; Another World, J.H. Rosny AînéA selection from Odd John, Olaf Stapledon; Call Me Joe, Poul Anderson; A selection from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea, Jules Verne; You Are With It! Will Stanton; Cease Fire, Frank Herbert...and Mark Twain speaks from the London Times of 1904.  
  • Dragonriders Of Pern, Book I: The men who rode the dragons were a breed apart. Chosen when the dragons first hatched, they became soul-mates for life with the huge, magnificent beats they controlled - the green, the blue, the brown and the bronzes - beautiful...terrible...the only creatures who could defend the planet Pern from the blood-red star. But without the Queen, the dragons would become extinct. Only the gigantic golden Queen could breed the new flights. And the Queen was fading...dying...leaving behind one last, huge, golden egg...
  •  Book III of The Planet Pirates series.  These people will save the galaxy:  Lunzie, who's discovered that the one good heavyworlder she has ever met isn't so good after all; Fordeliton, who is investigating the connection between the super-rich and the planet pirates, and who is dying from a mysterious slow poison; Dupaynil, who has made the mistake of pushing Sassinak too far and has been exiled; and Aygar, who is out to prove he has brains as well as heavyworlder brawn. And of course, there's Sassinak...ordered to report to FedCentral for the trial of the mutineer Tanegli. She'd been told to disarm her ship when it enters restricted space; she'd been told her crew can't have liberty or leave; and she'd been told to follow all the rules. But the only person who might be able to stop the disaster ahead has never been one to follow the rules...

  • An Anthology of Way-Back-When Futures...brought to you by...How Are They All On Deneb IV? C.C. Shackleton; Mouth Of Hell, David I. Masson; Brightside Crossing, Alan E. Nourse; The Sack, William Morrison; The Monster, A.E. van Vogt; The Monsters, Robert Sheckley; Grenville's Planet, Michael Shaara; Beachhead, Clifford D. Simak; The Ark of James Carlyle, Cherry Wilder; On The River and Goddess In Granite, Robert F. Young; The Seekers, E..C. Tubb; When The People Fell, Cordwainer Smith; The Titan, P. Schuyler Miller; Four In One, Damon Knight; The Age of Invention, Norman Spinrad; The Snowmen, Frederik Pohl; Schwartz Between The Galaxies, Robert Silverberg.  Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Eighth Doctor Adventures No. VII. Kursaal is a pleasure world, a huge theme park for the Cronus system - or rather, it will be if it isn't destroyed during construction. Eco-terrorists want the project halted to preserve vital archeological sites - areas containing the last remains of the long-dead Jax, an ancient wolf-like race, who remains are being buried beneath the big business tourist attractions. Sam fall sin with the environmentalists and finds her loyalties divided. Meanwhile, the Doctor's own investigations lead him to believe that the Jax are not extinct after all. Cut off from the TARDIS, separated from his companions and pursued for murder, the Doctor realises that Kursaal hides a terrible secret - and that Sam is being affected by events more than anyone would guess.
  • A double helping of Dr. Who adventures. The Myth Makers:  Long, long ago on the great plains of Asia Minor, two mighty armies faced each other in mortal combat. The Greeks and the Trojans  would fight for Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world. To the Greeks it seemed that the city of Troy was impregnable and only a miracle could bring them success... And then help arrives in a most unexpected way as a strange blue box materialises close to their camp, bringing with it the First Doctor, Steven and Vicki, who soon find themselves caught up in the irreversible tide of history and legend...The Gunfighters: Back in the gun-totin', hard-hittin', fast-shootin' days of the Old Wild West, when outlaws ruled the land and the good guys stayed off the streets, a troupe of traveling players - Miss Dodo Dupont, Steven Regret and the mysterious Doctor Caligari - moseyed into the town of Tombstone one October afternoon. Their method of transportation was a mite peculiar though. After all, a police box materializing out of thin air sure ain't the usual way to enter a sedate town like Tombstone. And when the Doctor and his pardners meet up with Wyatt Earp and the notorious Clanton brothers, they soon find out that the scene is all set for high noon at the O.K. Corral. Cover art by Andrew Skilleter .
  • Somewhere in a far galaxy, a being inconceivably alien is surging tumultuously from an unimaginable womb. In a  solitary cell on the Underworld, the vast prison satellite in perpetual Earth-orbit, Terra Viridian is tormented by a vision, an imperative which has already driven her to an insane blood-letting.  On an Earth embalmed in peace by a ubiquitous bureaucracy, the Magician weaves his musical spells and tries to close his mind to the thoughts of others...Just three links in a chain stretching across space and time towards a testing as awesome as it is unpredictable. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • The Interplanetary Relations Bureau had one basic rule: Democracy imposed from without is the severest form of tyranny. That was why the IPR teams working throughout the galaxy operated in secret, mingling with the unsuspecting natives in their efforts to bring democracy to the humanoid worlds. Kurr, though, was a problem: the King's shrewd understanding of his down-trodden people, backed up with periodic torture, defeated the IPR's efforts. Until Cultural Survey Officer Forzon arrived. Despite a frightening lack of knowledge, a price on his head and treason in his own ranks, Forzon fought his own unconventional way to a solution that resulted in a  revolution. Cover art by Patrick Woodroffe.
  • In this volume: Dead Sea Fruit: Kaaron Warren; The Cup Of Nestor: Simon Brown; Hero Vale: Margo Lanagan; When The World Was Flat: Geoffrey Maloney; La Frofonde: Terry Dowling; The Dying Light: Deborah Biancotti; Father Muerte And The Flesh: Lee Battersby; The Souls Of Dead Soldiers Are For Blackbirds, Not Little Boys: Ben Peek; Heironymus Boche: Chris Lawson; Terning Tha Weel: Kim Westwood; The Legend Of Grandmother June: Alistair Ong. Cover art by Tomislav Tikulin.