Twenty two original tales of lust and obsession – and that’s a lot of lust and obsession. Stories in this volume are:  Lunch at the Gotham Cafe, Stephen King; The Psycho, Michael O’Donoghue; Pas de Deux, Kathe Koja; Bright Blades Gleaming, Basil Copper; Hanson’s Radio, John Lutz; Refrigerator Heaven, David J. Schow; Ro Erg, Robert Weinberg; Going Under, Ramsey Campbell; Hidden, Stuart Kaminsky; Prism, Wendy Webb; The Maiden, Richard Laymon; You’ve Got Your Troubles, I’ve Got Mine, Bob Burden; Waco, George C. Chesbro; The Penitent, John Peyton Cooke; Drive, Kathryn Ptacek; Barbara, John Shirley; Hymenoptera, Michael Blumlein; The End of It All, Ed Gorman; Heat, Lucy Taylor; Thin Walls, Nancy A. Collins; Locked Away, Karl Edward Wagner; Loop, Douglas E. Winter.