Author Autographed

//Author Autographed
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  • Older than the Melbourne Cup, the Derby is restricted to three year olds and run at set weights.  Here is the history of the Derby, with a roll call of famous horses, both winners and also-rans and the effect that this race has had on so many careers. With black and white photographs.
  • Book IV of The Great South Land Saga. The beautiful valley was lonely and remote and lovely Tilly Martin longed to leave it. Only the presence of Everitt Oliver, his flattering words and dark good looks, eased her restless heart. And she intended to have him - on her own terms. But another woman, as wild and untamed as the land, passionately longed for him too. Before their destinies were decided, the valley would know murder, madness, and disgrace...a young girl born to ill-repute would get a new chance at life...and a proud settler would be humbled by the man he despised.
  • For 2000 years, since it pierced the side of Christ, the Spear of Destiny has been invested with amazing occult power. This is the legend and its continuing fulfillment through the decline of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages and into the twentieth century. It tells the story of the chain of men who possessed the Spear, from Herod the Great to Adolf Hitler and how they sought to change the face of history by wielding its occult powers for good or evil. The Spear of Destiny is identified as the Spear of the Holy Grail mentioned in the sagas of the Dark Ages and shows the Grail to be a uniquely Western path to mind expansion. For the first time the Satanic occult development and faculties of Adolf Hitler are described in authentic and documented detail,   demonstrating how he furthered his aims and his conquest of the world by black magic practices. The final chapters describe a Manichean battle of worlds behind the changing scene of modern times.  With black and white photographs.
  • Jaxie Clackton dreads going home.  His mum's dead, his old man bashes him mercilessly and he wishes he was an orphan. Then in one terrible moment his life is stripped to what he can carry and ow he can keep himself alive.  There's just one person in the world who would understand hi  and what he still dares to dream for. But to reach her he has to cross the vast saltlands on a trek that only a dreamer or a fugitive would dare to attempt.
  • Red Morgan's story begins in the great depression of the thirties to the forties, when Morgan and his sisters had to line up at the cake shop for stale cakes and then scavenge through the market garbage tips for enough food to survive on. It takes the reader through his service in the Royal Navy Cadets at the age of twelve then into the Welsh Home Guard at the age of fourteen. England was under threat of being invaded by the Germans and his home town of Swansea was being bombed every night. At fifteen he tried to join the British Merchant Navy but was told he was too young. He then joined the Norwegian Maritime Service which requested a letter and signature from his father and proof of age. He wrote a note, forged his father's signature and was on a Norwegian tanker the very next day. The war was raging now, and ships were being sunk faster than they could be built and at fifteen, Morgan was right in the middle of it all. Life at sea was hell and there are tears, laughter and one hell of a lot of loving going on during the war years as he served on petrol tankers, the most dangerous ships afloat. The story moves from ports in America, Iran, Iraq, Durban, Cape Town, India, Lorenco Marques, Italy, Alexandria and many more around the world - and many nights spent in the lockups in some of these ports. This book is a true story, written in a manner which makes the readers feel that they are in the book with the author and in his exploits around the world, written as it happened with no punches pulled, warts and all. Illustrated with black and white photographs.  
  • Reid’s collection of poems relate to the beauty of the Australian countryside, creating realistic images. He also offers humor and vision in his observations of people, animals, philosophy, emotions and of course, love.

  • Book II of Krondor's Sons. Nicholas, third son of Prince Arutha of Krondor is bright and gifted, but sheltered by the restrictive Court life. He sets sail with his squire Harry for pastoral Crydee. Shortly after their arrival, Crydee is attacked by unknown forces, the castle is reduced to ruins, the townspeople slaughtered and two young noblewomen abducted.  The invaders, servants of dark forces, are intent on the complete destruction of the Kingdom of the Isles. More than the fate of the two abducted women is at stake - there is an evil force that menaces the entire world of Midkemia, and Nicholas is destined to confront this terrifying threat. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.

  • For the first time since its establishment in 1917, the Imperial War Museum has produced a substantial, fully illustrated volume of largely unpublished material from its almost endless reserve of pictures, posters, postcards, art, photographs, films, pamphlets, books, diaries, letters, and documents that detail the massive British effort to fight and win 'the war to end all wars'.  This is the voice of the individual caught up in this cataclysmic conflict: the vivid experiences of the fighting fronts and the home fronts from soldiers, factory workers, nurses at the Front; early pilots, civilians in the Zeppelin raids, the gunners behind the howitzers, prisoners of war, sailors, the bereaves, the wounded, the brave, the bemused and much, much more.  Illustrated with colour and black and white photographs and art.
  • Book III of The Hound And The Falcon. In the magical kingdom of Rhiyana, peace reigns under the Elvenking. But terrible forces are stirring in the world beyond. Alfred, the Elven priest has settled down at last amongst his own people, as Lord Chancellor of Rhiyana. But old enemies will not let Alfred savor his new life, and he must prepare for the ultimate battle of wills against an evil whose power is even greater than his own...The Hounds of God, the heretic-hunters and inquisitors of the Church of Rome, have come hunting. Their prey: the king and his immortal people. And their greatest weapon may be one of the king’s own kin. Cover art by Kevin Eugene Johnson.