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  • When Alan Davies (Jonathan Creek, QI and so much more...!)  was growing up he seemed to drive his family mad. 'What are we going to do with you?' they would ask - as if he might know the answer. Perhaps it was because he came of age in the 1980s. That decade of big hair, greed, camp music, mass unemployment, social unrest and truly shameful trousers was confusing for teenagers. There was a lot to believe in - so much to stand for, or stand against - and Alan decided to join anything with the word 'anti' in it. He was looking for heroes to guide him (relatively) unscathed into adulthood. From his chronic kleptomania to the moving search for his mother's grave years after she died; from his obsession with joining (going so far as to become a member of Chickens Lib) to his first forays into making people laugh (not always intentionally), this is a touching and funny return to the formative years that make us all.
  • Book I of Agents Of Kalanon. Sir Brannon Kesh spent years building a new life as a physician and leaving the name Bloodhawk (and the wartime reputation that went with it) behind. But when the King's cousin is murdered, duty calls him back. The crime scene suggests dark magic and evidence points to the ambassador of Nilar, an alluring woman with secrets of her own and a view of Bloodhawk as little more than a war criminal. As bodies pile up and political ramifications escalate, Brannon must join forces with a vain mage, a socially awkward priest, and a corpse animating shaman to solve the murders and prevent another war. But who can he trust when the phases of a bigger plan fall into place? The Risen are the greatest danger Brannon has ever faced. If he and his team cannot stop the killer, then all of Kalanon - and the world - will descend into darkness. Winner of SpecFicNZ Novel Competition.
  • A charming Australian story of two little rock sprites who fall into the hands of Octo the Octopus  and escape, only to be captured by Pegler the Pirate, a seagull with a lame leg, who sails  a ship with the black sails, with a ban of queer little animals of the bush with gipsy blood in them, who were wandering on the sea because they were tired, of the land. Peglar imprisons them in his sea castle. Can Marl the fairy rescue them? Told and illustrated by Pixie O'Harris.
  • Red In The Centre I. For the best part of a year, Monte Dwyer travelled through the country sourcing stories for broadcast on Charles Wooley's radio program Across Australia. In doing so he has captured the essence of knockabout Australia, from the naked and the light to the serious and the thoughtful. Monte is a people person and his adventures reflect the easy way in which he observes and converses with a kaleidoscope of characters. and in between, woven in some of his recollections and perceptions to make a patchwork quilt about Australia and its people. Illustrated with colour photographs.  
  • Red Morgan's story begins in the great depression of the thirties to the forties, when Morgan and his sisters had to line up at the cake shop for stale cakes and then scavenge through the market garbage tips for enough food to survive on. It takes the reader through his service in the Royal Navy Cadets at the age of twelve then into the Welsh Home Guard at the age of fourteen. England was under threat of being invaded by the Germans and his home town of Swansea was being bombed every night. At fifteen he tried to join the British Merchant Navy but was told he was too young. He then joined the Norwegian Maritime Service which requested a letter and signature from his father and proof of age. He wrote a note, forged his father's signature and was on a Norwegian tanker the very next day. The war was raging now, and ships were being sunk faster than they could be built and at fifteen, Morgan was right in the middle of it all. Life at sea was hell and there are tears, laughter and one hell of a lot of loving going on during the war years as he served on petrol tankers, the most dangerous ships afloat. The story moves from ports in America, Iran, Iraq, Durban, Cape Town, India, Lorenco Marques, Italy, Alexandria and many more around the world - and many nights spent in the lockups in some of these ports. This book is a true story, written in a manner which makes the readers feel that they are in the book with the author and in his exploits around the world, written as it happened with no punches pulled, warts and all. Illustrated with black and white photographs.  
  • Book I of Sooner Or Later: For 16 years, Elizabeth Conroy had been slowly suffocating in her Pollyanna straightjacket, when circumstances dealt her a crushing blow. Gone was the laughter and the life she had known as bitterness and anger bit into her soul. She knew she had to escape the city and all she had held dear before she emotionally festered to death. Looking like a vagrant, Elizabeth roamed the Queensland hinterland, not at all sure that life had any value. But one thing she was sure of, no one would ever push her around again. Book II of Sooner Or Later When Patrick Ryan reluctantly came to Australia as a ten pound migrant, he never dreamt he would exchange the soft, misty days of the Emerald Isle for the blistering heat of the Queensland hinterland. Nor could he imagine how his family in Ireland, with their 12 acre plot, could become emotionally entangled with the wealthy Davidsons on the 90,000 acres of Glamorgan Station. Book III of Sooner Or Later: Three headstrong women in the Autumn of their lives reveal their true character when faced with life’s changing circumstances.
  • The son of New Zealand artist Douglas Badcock, David came to Australia in 1977 with the dream of establishing himself as an Australian landscape painter. His journey began as a commercial artist, learning a skill to rely upon between his early exploration of the the Australian landscape and light. From one such adventure his Flinder's Ranges collection drew the attention to The Elder Fine Art Gallery in  Adelaide who exhibited his location paintings for the first time in 1981. By the 1980s his dream of being an Australian landscape painter was completed and he was featured in a televised documentary series Artists of the Far North.  This book of his paintings charts his remarkable journey.
  • Tales of Ghrymatti I. Legends warned that Ghrymatti's third moon never brought good fortune, so with Veena about to reveal her mystic face for the first time in twenty cycles, many of the land's people were on edge. But no one could have suspected the invasion of Vindessa. Able to control the forces of nature with the power of her Crystal Element, Vindessa subjugates the people of Ghrymatti with the help of her sorcerer son G'Briel and her 'Black Cats' Army. In her lust for the throne, however, Vindessa makes many promises, some of which she did not keep. Will the deposed Queen Yehelyah and her family overcome Vindessa with the unlikely assistance of the mysterious Dragon Rider Nea'ss? Illustrations by Chris Froggatt.
  • "If people turn to look at you in the street, you are not well dressed, but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable." So said Beau Brummell, the first metrosexual, 200 years before the word was even invented. His name has become synonymous with wit, profligacy, fine tailoring, and fashion. A style pundit, Brummell was responsible for changing forever the way men dress - inventing, in effect, the suit. He cut a dramatic swath through British society, from his early years as a favorite of the Prince of Wales and an arbiter of taste in the Age of Elegance, to his precipitous fall into poverty, incarceration, and madness, creating the blueprint for celebrity crash and burn, falling dramatically out of favor and spending his last years in a hellish asylum. But for nearly two decades, Brummell ruled over the tastes and pursuits of the well heeled and influential - deemed more important than Napoleon and the inspiration for Byron's Don Juan. Through love letters, historical records, and poems, Ian Kelly reveals the man inside the suit, unlocking the scandalous behavior of London's high society while illuminating Brummell's enigmatic life in the colorful, tumultuous West End. A rare rendering of an era filled with excess, scandal, promiscuity, opulence, and luxury, 'Beau Brummell' is the first comprehensive view of an elegant and ultimately tragic figure whose influence continues to this day.