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  • A new breed of gangster is rising. An independent black comedy filmed in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Following the end of World War II, General George S. Patton is seriously injured in a car accident and not expected to survive.  This film tells of the last few months of Patton's life and the Army Medical Corps' efforts to save his life. Interspersed with flashbacks, the film also shows Patton's earlier career as a fledgling tank commander in World War I.  Excess postage paid at the checkout will be refunded when the order is processed.
  • The original version as directed by Roger Corman.  Seymour works in a dilapidated flower shop and he raises a new hybrid plant with the hopes that he can make a fortune from it.  But the plant thrives on flesh and blood - and is continually asking for more with cries of, "Feed me, feeeed me!" Seymour is really in trouble when the heads of the killer plant's victims appear as its flowers.  Excess postage paid at the checkout will be refunded when order is processed.
  • Hoffman plays a likeable graduate student and marathon runner unwillingly trapped in a murderous game of intrigue involving a sadistic Nazi fugitive, Christian Szell.  Based on William Golding's novel. Excess postage paid at the check-out will be refunded when order is processed.
  • Three hit women are sent to rural Louisiana to intercept a big money dope deal.  But when they get to the isolated roadside cafe, bullets blast apart what should have been a simple transaction.  It could be a huge misunderstanding - or a deadly double-cross.  Excess postage paid at the checkout will be refunded when order is processed.

  • As the Allies march toward Paris in the summer of 1944, Hitler gives orders that the French capital should not fall into enemy hands except as 'a field of rubble'.  The man assigned to carry out this barbaric act of destruction is Wehrmacht commander General von Choltitz, who already has mines planted on the Eiffel Tower, in the Louvre, Notre Dame and on the bridges over the Seine.  However at dawn on August 25, Swedish Consul General Nordling steals into German headquarters through a secret underground tunnel and there starts a tense game of cat and mouse as Nordling tries to persuade von Choltitz to abandon his plan. Excess postage paid at the checkout will be refunded when order is processed.
  • John Winger manages to lose his apartment, his job and his girlfriend all in one day - so he joins the Army and almost starts Word War III!  Excess postage paid at check-out is refunded when order is processed.