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  • Book II of The Mallorean. Garion and Ce'nedra continue their quest with the immortal Belgarath the Sorcerer, his daughter Polgara the Sorceress and the little Drasnian, Silk. Garion knows that it is the mysterious figure Zandramas who is responsible for the abduction of his infant son, and he and his companions journey many miles and encounter many strange beings in their search for him. Their way leads through the foul swamps of Nyissa, ruled over by the Snake-Queen and on into the dark kingdom of the Murgos, where human sacrifices are still made to the dead god Torak. Further on, however, even beyond those forbidding lands, they must face the ultimate danger - not only to themselves but to all mankind...Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • The blue-painted wizard appeared and spoke to Finnian. "You let a man die today because you couldn't be bothered!" "It wasn't my business." "You think nothing in life is your business!" the wizard howled. "But I'll make it so things will be!" Finnian waited alert, ready to kill if the wizard voiced a curse, but he only looked hard and said: "From now on, as long as you stay in my land, you will aid any man or woman in need of help." That didn't sound so bad..until Finnian discovered the whole realm needed help!

  • Book IV of The Dark Is Rising. With the final battle between the Light and the Dark soon approaching, Will sets out on a quest to call for aid. Hidden within the Welsh hills is a magical harp that he must use to wake the Sleepers - six noble riders who have slept for centuries. But an illness has robbed Will of nearly all his knowledge of the Old Ones, and he is left only with a broken riddle to guide him in his task. As Will travels blindly through the hills, his journey will bring him face-to-face with the most powerful Lord of the Dark - the Grey King. The King holds the harp and Sleepers within his lands, and there has yet to be a force strong enough to tear them from his grasp...Cover art by Les Edwards.
  • Book VI of Apprentice Adept. All seems lost for the powers of good in the worlds of Phaze and Proton. Bane and Mach have been forced to co-operate with the evil Adverse Adepts who now have access to the Book of Magic and the Oracle and are gaining power by the minute. But Stile and the Blue Adept still hold the trump card - the secret powers of their grandchildren Flach and Nepe, who like their fathers Bane and Mach are able to communicate at will across the frames. One by one, the good Adepts fall into the power of the enemy until a contest is arranged between the forces of good and evil simultaneously on both frames - the prizes will be the Book of Magic and the Oracle, the keys to the balance of power in the two frames, and if the Adverse Adepts win, they will use them for their own selfish ends and impose  a cruel dictatorship on both animals and humans. Cover art by Chris Achilleos.
  • Kelvin of Rud V.  As soon as the vile witch Zady has grown herself a new body, Professor Devale sends her back into the frame to flush out Mouvar and the Opal - and kill everything Kelvin Knight Hackleberry holds dear. But growing a body has taken Zady twenty years and by now Hackleberry is almost a grandfather. His human son Charles is in love with Glow, nursemaid to the slow-growing twins Kildee and Kildom. His dragon son Horace is in love with another dragon, Ember, equally telepathic. And although his daughter Merlain doesn't know it yet, her true love, whose name is Glint, is just about to come into her life - unless Zady gets to him first. The stakes are high. The last battle is on.

  • Zadieyek of Gyre - a dangerous fighter, a star gladiator who is greatly feared - has been captured and sold as a slave. Suffering from amnesia, she remembers nothing of her life before the trip across the desert with the slavers - and, due to a head injury, remembers mercifully little of that. But she does know that she would rather fight in the arena than be a harlot for the men who do...Cover art by Peter Jones. N.B. This is NOT a typical MZB - legend tells that she wrote it as a result of a bet with her son and in response to the Gor novels.
  • Book X of Sword Of Truth. On the day she awoke remembering nothing but her name, Kahlan Amnell became the most dangerous woman alive. For everyone else, that was the day that the world began to end. As her husband, Richard, desperately searches for his beloved, whom only he remembers, he knows that if she doesn't soon discover who she really is, she will unwittingly become the instrument that will unleash annihilation. But Kahlan learns that if she ever were to unlock the truth of her lost identity, then evil itself would finally possess her, body and soul. If she is to survive in a murky world of deception and betrayal, where life is not only cheap but fleeting, Kahlan must find out why she is such a central figure in the war-torn world swirling around her. What she uncovers are secrets darker than she could ever have imagined. Cover art by  Keith Parkinson.
  • In the five queendoms, the kotti is a sacred animal, believed to possess magical powers. To young Hynkkel, the kotti Mieu is his treasured companion, his friend, his kin…until she is cruelly taken from him in a drunken rage by his violent brother, leaving Hynkkel’s heart as barren as the deserts of his homeland. Commanded by his father to Solo - to travel into the unknown in a test of survival - Hynkkel sets out with little more than the red-gold sandcat pendant, bestowed upon him by a woman, worn around his neck as a reminder of his loss. He begins his journey with nothing…But his trek will bring him to a cave where he will enter the secret world of the cat…And to a trial that will mark his destiny. Cover art by Melvyn Grant.
  • Book I of The Fall Of Atlantis. Domaris, disciple of the Temple of Light, was wrenched from her peaceful life by the arrival of the Atlantean prince Micon, whose powers over wind and sun, earth and fire are coveted by the sorcerers of the dark who would harness his gifts for their own evil ends. Soon, out of a tender, earthly passion, would rise forces that might decide the final victory.  Soon, Domaris would bear Micon a son - but Deoris, her sister, would be enthralled by the forces of darkness.