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  • Book II of Spellbinder. Using Riana's physical skill and Paul's modern know-how, the three outwit Ashka and Paul finds his way home. In order to save Riana's life, Paul has to drag her into his world. Now Riana, who grew up in a closed rustic community, must contend with the chaos and complexity of our modern world. Her confrontations with technology are both amusing and frightening. To make matters worse, the Spellbinder Ashka finds a way into our world. She tricks Paul's father into helping her combine Spellbinder technology with our science to make her invincible. The challenge of defeating Ashka requires all of Paul and Riana's courage and ingenuity.
  • Book III of the Empire trilogy. Besieged by spies and rival houses, stalked by a secret and merciless brotherhood of assassins, the brilliant Lady Mara of the Acoma faces the most deadly challenge she has ever known.  The fearsome Black Robes see Mara as the ultimate threat to their ancient power.  In search of allies who will join her against them, Mara must travel beyond civilization's borders and even into the hives of the alien cho-ja.  As those near and dear to her fall victim to many enemies, Mara cries out for vengeance.  Drawing on all of her courage and guile she prepares to fight her greatest battle of all - for her life, her home, and the Empire itself. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Welcome to the Fugue, a magical land inhabited by descendants of supernatural beings who once shared the earth with humans. The Fugue has been woven into a wondrous, magnificent carpet for protection against those who would destroy it; but as the carpet begins to unravel, battle is joined between good and the particularly repulsive evil forces for control of the Fugue.Cover art by Tim White.
  • Book II of Farseer. Fitz has survived his first hazardous mission as king’s assassin, but is left little more than a cripple. Battered and bitter, he vows to abandon his oath to King Shrewd, remaining in the distant mountains. But love and events of terrible urgency draw him back to the court at Buckkeep, and into the deadly intrigues of the royal family. Renewing their vicious attacks on the coast, the Red-Ship Raiders leave burned-out villages and demented victims in their wake. The kingdom is also under assault from within, as treachery threatens the throne of the ailing king. In this time of great danger, the fate of the kingdom may rest in Fitz’s hands - and his role in its salvation may require the ultimate sacrifice. Cover art by John Howe.
  • Book V of Raven, Swordsmistress of Chaos. On the night of the Summer Gathering in Haral, The Black One arose from the depths, killing, torturing and dismembering its victims. Panic ruled the City.  The Priests of Lord Vedast claimed that, in fulfilling an ancient prophecy, Raven and Spellbinder were responsible for the carnage.  The two find themselves powerless bait for the monster - a devil who aimed to make Raven Mistress of the World and the murderer of Spellbinder. Cover art by Chris Achilleos.
  • DragonLance. Book I of Krynn. Untold tales of Krynn...Tales of sea monsters, dark elves, ice bears, hideous hydra-headed serpents, and loathsome draconian troops. Further adventures of the kender Tas; the innkeeper Otik and young Tika; the dwarf Flint and Tanis, leader of the companions; Caramon and Raistlin, twon brothers, one, a genial warrior, the other, a sickly magician and scholar. And is Raistlin still alive in the Tower?  Has his nephew Palin's quest to save him been in vain?  Nine short stories and a novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman...Riverwind And the Crystal Staff, Michael Williams; The Blood Sea Monster, Barbara and Scott Siegal;  A Stone's Thrown Away, Roger E. Moore; Dreams Of Darkness, Dreams Of Lght; Warren B. Smith; Love And Ale, Nick O'Donohoe; Wayward Children, Richard A. Knaak; The Test of The Twins, Margaret Weis;  Harvests, Nancy Varian Berberrick; Finding The Faith, Mary Kirchoff; The Legacy, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.  Cover art by Larry Elmore; illustrations by Steve Fabian.
  • Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered the Rings of Power - the means by which he will rule the world. All he lacks to complete his domination is the One Ring, the Ruling Ring - which has fallen into the hands of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit of the Shire. In the sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task. The Ring is entrusted to his care and he must leave the Shire he loves and make a dangerous journey across Middle-Earth, to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord.  Here he must destroy the Ring and foil the evil plot of Sauron. He will find friends and help along the way, sometimes where he least expects it - but he must conquer himself in order to destr0y Sauron. Cover art by John Howe.
  • Late one stormy night, in the pleasant and peaceful land of Ruwenda, three princesses are born.  As each baby is placed in her mother's arms, the Archimage Binah bestows on her a powerful gift: a pendant containing a bud of the long-extinct Black Trillium: the badge of the royal house, a symbol of an ancient magic. While the sisters blossom into beautiful young women, neighboring Labornok use a dark magician to sunder Binah's protection. As invaders pour into Ruwenda, the Archimage orders the princesses to flee-and changes them to search for three magical talismans which when brought together will be their only chance to regain their kingdom and free its people. Each must accomplish her task separately-and to succeed, each must also confront and conquer the limits of her own soul. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.

  • Book I of the Serpentwar Saga. Something dark is moving in distant nations and ancient powers are readying themselves for a final confrontation.  A Dark Queen has raised a standard in remote lands and is gathering armies of unmatched might.  Enter a band of desperate men whose only hope for survival is to face this ancient power and discover its true nature - a dangerous and suicidal quest.   With these men travels the mysterious Miranda on whom all must wager their lives.  She appears to be an ally but knows much more than she is willing to tell.  Does she have a hidden agenda?  Will she prove be an ally in the final confrontation? Cover art by Geoff Taylor.