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  • Book II in the legendary Pern series. Another Turn, and the deadly silver Threads began falling again.  The bold dragonriders took to the air once more and their magnificent dragons swirled and swooped, belching fire that destroyed the shimmering strands before they could reach the ground. But F'lar knew he had to find a better way to protect his beloved Pern and he had to find it before the rebellious Oldtimers could breed any more dissent...before his brother F'nor would be foolhardy enough to launch another suicide mission...and before those mercurial fire lizards could stir up any more trouble.

  • Book III of The Hound And The Falcon. In the magical kingdom of Rhiyana, peace reigns under the Elvenking. But terrible forces are stirring in the world beyond. Alfred, the Elven priest has settled down at last amongst his own people, as Lord Chancellor of Rhiyana. But old enemies will not let Alfred savor his new life, and he must prepare for the ultimate battle of wills against an evil whose power is even greater than his own...The Hounds of God, the heretic-hunters and inquisitors of the Church of Rome, have come hunting. Their prey: the king and his immortal people. And their greatest weapon may be one of the king’s own kin. Cover art by Kevin Eugene Johnson.
  • Contains:  The Golden Age: The question of lions came up, but Charlotte wanted none of it. "No, thank you," she said, firmly; "you'll be chained up till I'm quite close to you, and then you'll be loose, and you'll tear me in pieces. I know your lions!" "No, I won' - I swear I won't," protested Edward. "I'll be quite a new lion this time,  something you can't even imagine..." Likened to The Wind in the Willows with real children in place of Kenneth Grahame's storybook animals - children of the late Victorian era who see the world in ways that would confound the adults around them. Dream Days: Eight delightful chapters or stories for the young and young-at-heart, brimming with adventure and pleasure. Includes: The Twenty-first Of October; Dies Irae; Mutabile Semper; The Magic Ring; Its Walls Were as of Jasper; A Saga of the Seas; The Reluctant Dragon;   A Departure.  And Grahame's ultimate fantasy, The Wind in the Willows. Since 1903, the escapades of Mole, his friend the adventuresome Ratty, the antisocial and shy Badger, and the pompous Toad of Toad Hall have delighted young and old. There are adventures on the river, becoming lost in the Wild Wood, a trip in Toad's colourful gypsy caravan, a battle to regain Toad Hall from the clutches of marauding weasel - and a never-to-be forgotten encounter with the Piper at the Gates of Dawn. 
  • The Spook and his apprentice, Thomas, have travelled to Priestown on unfinished business.  Deep int he catacombs of the cathedral lurks a creature the Spook has never been able to defeat, a creature so evil that the whole County is in danger of being corrupted by its powers.  They call it the Bane. The Spook and Thomas prepare for battle, but it becomes clear the Bane is NOT the only enemy in Priestown.  The Quisitor has arrived - looking for those who meddle int he dark - witches, warlocks...and spooks. Cover art  by David Wyatt.
  • Plucked from a gypsy encampment as a baby by the mysterious Mr. Socrates, Modo is the product of years of gruelling training in combat and espionage.  He's also keeping a secret: his appearance is so hideous he has to hide from the world.  But Modo has the power to alter his appearance, making himself handsome for a few hours at a time. After months of working alone in London, Modo meets Octavia Milkweed, a beautiful fellow agent, and they are soon on the trail of the sinister Dr. Hyde, whose invention will cost many lives and bring down the British Government. As they rush to save Hyde's victims, Modo and Octavia become friends and allies - but can he ever tell her the truth about himself? Cover art by Christopher Steininger.

  • The realm of Urland is terrorised by a last evil dragon that demands an annual virgin sacrifice, drawn by lot. Many heroes have tried and failed to slay the beast.  Sorcerers could once control the elements and out of all the beasts of the earth, only the dragon. Now the king's daughter has been chosen and there is only one sorcerer left who may be able to combat the evil beast with ancient magics - and one naive apprentice. Novelisation based on the screenplay of the 1981 film.

  • Book I of Herculine. An orphan taken in by nuns at a secluded convent, Herculine is an outsider among her peers and the nuns. Her uniqueness results in a mysterious mission, ripe with dark magic, heresy and blood, that leads her into a fantastic, terrifying and sensual world where she will discover her true nature and her destiny. Described as a darkly erotic, Gothic tale of superstition, seduction, sorcery and salvation set in nineteenth century France.

  • The sequel to Giftwish. The Realm of Feydom is dying: an ancient spell forbids rain to fall; war, famine and plague, together with a sinister monster, threaten the land. King Ewan and the witch-girl Catchfire set out to break the spell.  But Catchfire falls into enemy hands and Ewan must race against time to save her and then achieve the impossible.
  • Sanctor Grouin was the tyrant ruler of Myrcia, a kingdom under attack by the savage aarmies of the Skarrion leader Gortahook.  Lukan Barra, fallen from his apprenticeship, was pressed into service as sword fodder.  Then Grouin declared the throne open to any who could secure the intervention of the fabled  Erseiyr, the immortal winged creature worshipped and feared by the Myrcians for centuries.  Lukan sets out for the mountain lair of Erseiyr with the beautiful Rui Ravenstone. Cover art by Peter Goodfellow.
  • The third omnibus volume in the Swords of Raemllyn series. The volume contains Blade of the Conquerer Book 7): Lijena Farleigh, possesses the Sword of Kwerin Bloodhawk - and with it in her grasp, controls the fate of an entire continent. Freebooters Davin Anane and Goran One-Eye battle demons alongside her to defeat the one known as the Blackheart and to put the sorely injured Prince Felrad on Raemllyn's throne. Magicks and monsters stand in their way. Can justice ever prevail when fighting such evil? The Tombs of A'bre (Book 8): To open the Tombs of A'bre, to accept immortality, Davin must come to grips with losing forever a friend and staunch battle-companion.  The Jewels Of Life (Book 9): Davin Anane has lost his best friend, Goran One-Eye, who returned home to an alternate plane of existence. While happy for his stalwart battle companion, Davin finds life challenging without him. Once the greatest thief in all Raemllyn, his light-fingered talents have waned as he defeated a tyrant. But he finds an unexpected, comely companion willing - to aid him. The final adventure begins...Cover art  by Paul Davies.
  • Sally Willows envied her ad-man husband his glamorous work; Tim Willows felt Sally lived in ease and luxury while he was sweating to pay the bills. So an ill-tempered minor god, tired of their bickering, worked a modest miracle...Sally Willows, now occupying her husband's body, experienced the full horrors of the Nationwide Advertising Agency, while Tim, now outwardly Sally, dealt with the amorous advances of a local Lothario. It was a toss-up whether Sally/Tim's well-earned dismissal or Tim/Sally's bizarre attempt at murder was more spectacular - but both seemed insignificant when Tim found he was pregnant!
  • Book II of Forest Kingdom. In Castle Midnight, where the Real and Unreal meet, the King lies murdered.  His three sons get ready to do battle for the throne.  One prince is ill - possibly the victim of poison - so his followers, determined to keep his illness a secret, hire an impersonator.  The Great Jordan had been a great actor, but currently down on his luck, and more than willing to take on a royal role.  Then the Unreal gets the upper hand and large sections of the castle become supernatural no-go zones, with hallucinations and spectres as thick on the ground as spies and traitors - and just as deadly.  Soon the Great Jordan begins to wonder if this is his final curtain call. Cover art by David Farren.
  • Book I of  The Tower And The Hive. The Talents were the elite of the Nine Star League.  Their gifts were many and varied, ranging from the gently telepathic to the rare and valued Primes.  On the Primes rested the entire economic wealth and communications systems of the civilised worlds.  But they were very scarce - only very rarely was a new Prime born.  And now on the planet Altair, in a small mining colony, a new Prime existed, a three year old girl - trapped in a giant mudslide that had wiped out the rest of the Rowan mining community.  Every Altarian who was even mildly talented could 'hear' the child crying for help, but none knew where the child was buried.  Every resource is centered into finding 'The Rowan' - the first Prime ever born on Altair, more unique, more powerful, more agoraphobic and more lonely than any other Prime yet known  in  the Nine Star League. Cover art by Romas Kukalis as Romas.

  • Book V of The Dancers At The End Of Time. At last!  A self-proclaimed saviour has arrived at the End Of Time, home of the deliciously decadent and frightfully bored. Unfortunately, the last thing they need is a messiah. Especially one like the Fireclown - who offers such unlikely gifts as Madness, Pain and Doom. Still, he does provide a welcome touch of amusement and - dare we say? - conflict to the final days of Man.  Indeed, that impregnable spinster, Miss Mavis Ming, is more than a little charmed by his attention - despite the destruction he might wreak on one and all. Such is the way of love...Cover art by Robert Gould. Published in Britain under the title of The Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming.
  • Legend said the Empire Stone was larger than a fist and could light a man's path in the dead of night.  Fashioned by the Gods - or demons - it could bring awesome power and untold riches to anyone who possessed it.  But it was lost when the city of Thyone was destroyed. The Year of the Mouse has begun badly for Peirol of the Moorlands.  Having fallen in with Koosh Begee and his gang of tricksters, he taken to gambling.  And he's lost.  Peirol soon realises he's been trapped and Begee forces him to recover a long-lost gem from a ruined temple.  Peirol begins an incredible adventure of  danger, magic and mystery, ruthless warlords and wild sorcerers in search of the fabled Empire Stone. Cover art by David O'Connor.
  • Dungeons and Dragons Endless Quest  No. 29.  Everyone in your village knows about the Tower of Darkness. It's said to be bewitched and more than one villager - including your mother - has entered its dark passages, never to be seen again. But you'll have to brave whatever might be lurking inside...Cover art by Jeff Easley.

  • Fourteen-year-old Cosmo Hill longs to escape from the Clarissa Frayne Institute for Parentally Challenged Boys. When his chance comes, he grabs it but things go fatally wrong. Cosmo feels his life force ebbing away, sucked out of him by a strange blue parasite - when a wise-cracking gang of kids bursts in, blast the creature and save him.  They are the Supernaturalists, and Cosmo's new life with this unlikely 'family' is about to begin...Cover art by Tony Fleetwood.