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  • Ashton wasn't a big important town, yet it was here that three very different characters would face the hardest tests of their lives.  Marshall, an ex-city newspaper editor with an eye for a story and a nose for something rotten; Hank, the young pastor of a small church in danger of tearing itself apart and Tal, captain of the angelic warriors summoned to make a stand against an encroaching tide of evil.  They had to face a callous, clever, sleepless enemy and they would need each other more than would dare to believe. Cover art by Vic Mitchell.
  • Tommy Phan,  successful detective novelist, comes home on evening to find a small rag doll on his doorstep. It's a simple doll, covered entirely in white cloth, with crossed black stitches for the eyes and mouth, and another pair forming an X over the heart. Curious, he brings it inside. That night Tommy hears an odd popping sound and looks up to see the stitches breaking over the doll's heart. And in minutes the fabric of Tommy Phan's reality will be torn apart as he is forced to flee a seemingly indestructible adversary. He must use all his journalistic skills to find out what this thing is, here it's from and why it has been sent to him. And he's running out of time...the message that appears on his computer screen reads: The deadline is dawn...  Cover at by Lee Gibbons.
  • Why did the solitary girl leave her rented house only for short walks at night? Why was she so frightened? Why did animals shrink away from her? The girl herself didn't know.  Molly Fountain, the no-nonsense neighbour, was determined to find the answer. She sent for a wartime secret service colleague to come and help. What they discovered was horrifying beyond anything they could have imagined...the young, beautiful girl is being groomed to be the sacrificial virgin at a ceremony... her death will give life to a hideous creature that lurks beneath the ancient stones of Bentford Priory.  Writer Molly Fontaine and her son John battle time, ruthless gangsters and the forces of evil to try to save Christina.
  • Why did the solitary girl leave her rented house only for short walks at night? Why was she so frightened? Why did animals shrink away from her? The girl herself didn't know.  Molly Fountain, the no-nonsense neighbour, was determined to find the answer. She sent for a wartime secret service colleague to come and help. What they discovered was horrifying beyond anything they could have imagined...the young, beautiful girl is being groomed to be the sacrificial virgin at a ceremony... her death will give life to a hideous creature that lurks beneath the ancient stones of Bentford Priory.  Writer Molly Fontaine and her son John battle time, ruthless gangsters and the forces of evil to try to save Christina.
  • For two families, it was supposed to be a relaxing camping trip in the California mountains. They thought it would be fun to get away from everything for a while. But they're not alone. The woods are also home to two terrifying residents who don't take kindly to strangers - an old hag with unholy powers, and her hulking son, a half-wild brute with uncontrollable, violent urges. The campers still need to get away - but now their lives depend on it...Cover art by Jill Bauman
  • This book is NOT fiction! Count Dracula really existed. Donald F. Glut brings to life tales of historical vampires taken from numerous contemporary chronicles dating from the days of the Roman Empire up through the recorded exploits of vampire hunters of the Twentieth Century. From the cobblestone streets of European cities, through the vastness of Asia and the jungles of Africa, to the secret haunts of the New World, the author brings his researches to life in over fifty narratives of vampire case histories. Have you ever wondered whether or not vampires actually exist? Folklore or fact? Glut's classic survey of the historical record provides food for thought fascinating insights into sanguinary world of the vampire.
  • No ordinary teenager does the things that Slim MacKenzie does - but then no ordinary teenager sees the things he has seen. Slim has Twilight Eyes, a terrifying psychic ability that allows him to see beneath the outer skin of humans - sometimes revealing an altogether different creature beneath. And once he's identified the monster within, Slim knows it is his sacred duty to kill it. Cover art variant by Phil Parks.
  • You're travelling through another dimension, not only of sight and sound, but of mind:  a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination...The Twilight Zone:  where demonic tyrants of the past live again to terrorise a man who carries the seeds of their hate into the present; where evil perches on the wing of a plane taunting a psychic who dare not believe his eyes and hold onto his mind; where the power to control the world rests in the fantasy-fraught imagination of a lonely child; where the joys of eternal youth are offered to those who remember childhood and who are not too old to dream. With fabulous black and white photos from all four segments.

  • The creator of Lincoln Rhyme offers a selection of  sixteen very twisted tales: Without Jonathon; The Weekender; For Services Rendered;  Beautiful; The Fall Guy; Eye To Eye; Triangle; All The World's A Stage; Gone Fishing; Nocturne; Lesser-Included Offence; The Blank Card; The Christmas Present; Together; The Widow of Pine Creek; The Kneeling Soldier. A great sampler of Deaver's writing.
  • Lost World adventure No. II. In the face of an Atlantic hurricane, two girls and a boatload of men from various nations pit their strength against the appalling rigours of the open sea. Tension mounts. The desirable Synolda is forced into the arms of a man who knows her past and uses that knowledge. A man with hatred in his eyes – a hatred that can only be satisfied with blood. There is mutiny and murder before the unrelenting Sargasso weed entombs them all. But suddenly land is sighted – land unmarked on the chart, concealing unimaginable horrors. https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/found-atlantis-dennis-wheatley/
  • The day I died started out bad and got worse in a hurry... Betsy Taylor has just woken up in a morgue to discover she's a vampire. On the plus side, being undead does beat the alternative - she now has superhuman strength and an unnatural effect on the opposite sex. What Betsy can't handle is her new liquid diet. And whilst her mother is relieved to find out that being dead doesn't mean that Betsy can't visit, her new night-time friends have the ridiculous idea that Betsy is the prophesied vampire queen. The scrumptious Sinclair and his cohorts want her help in overthrowing the most obnoxious, power-hungry vampire for five centuries. Frankly, Betsy couldn't care less about vamp politics. But Sinclair and his friends have powerful methods of persuasion. Not the least of which is unlimited access to Manolo  Blahnik's Spring Collection...
  • On an entirely normal, beautiful autumn day in Chester’s Mill, Maine, the town is inexplicably and suddenly sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. A planes crashes into it and fall from the sky in flaming wreckage; a gardener’s hand is severed as The Dome comes down on it; those running errands in the neighboring town are divided from their families; cars explode on impact. No one can fathom what this barrier is, where it came from, and when - or if - it will go away. The Army needs a man on the 'inside' and finds Dale Barbara, former Iraq veteran, now a short-order cook. He finds support with a few intrepid citizens - but against them stands Big Jim Rennie, a local politician who will stop at nothing - even murder - to cling to power and who sees The Dome as the answer to his political prayers. With Big Jim is his son, who is keeping a dreadful secret; and a bunch of Big Jim's renegade bully-boys who designate themselves as the new law and order. They have to find what created The Dome, fast. Because the children begin having dreams of a horrific Hallowe'en...electricity and the internet begin to fail...food and water is running short...air is limited...and time is running out...
  • Father John Rafferty is plunged into scandal when a young women he has been counselling is brutally murdered in his Greenwich Village church. This is no isolated act of violence, but a manifestation of a spiritual plague so deep and subtle it will tests all his faith and courage.  Beset by public scorn and private doubt, Father John is vulnerable.  His reputation is besmirched, his parish besieged by outside forces and betrayed from within by an evil as ancient as creation itself.  When he finally recognises the truth, he must overcome his horror and tap the ageless power of the priesthood if he is to fulfil his role as bulwark against the shadows that seek endlessly to engulf him.  The Devil walks among us every day and his face is far more familiar than we can bear to believe.
  • This volume contains three of Russell's best-known horror tales: Sanguinarius: Count Ferencz Nadasdy - Charming, handsome, irresistible...and depraved beyond redemption as he indulges in fiendish rites. Sardonicus: The hideously afflicted master of a remote, dungeon-dark castle. Sagittarius: Laval - a monstrous actor in plays of torture and death, plays that become terrifyingly real...
  • Wolf Springs Chronicles I. Katelyn McBride’s life changed in an instant when her mother died. Uprooted from her California home, Katelyn was shipped to the middle of nowhere, Arkansas, to her only living relative, her grandfather. And now she has to start over in Wolf Springs, a tiny village in the Ozark Mountains. Like any small town, Wolf Springs has secrets. But the secrets hidden here are more sinister than Katelyn could ever imagine. It’s a town with a history that reaches back centuries, spans continents, and conceals terrifying truths. And Katelyn McBride is about to change everything. Broken families, ageless grudges, forced alliances, and love that blooms in the darkest night...welcome to Wolf Springs.
  • Adriana had come to the remote island to recover from the shock of her parents' violent death. The other guests at Revillion Manor welcomed her with open arms, eager to make her feel at home - perhaps too eager. Adriana began to think. Overwhelmed by their solicitude, she sensed a mysterious purpose behind the ministrations of her incredibly attractive companions, all of whom seemed to have discovered the secret of eternal youth and beauty. And when Adriana found out the horrifying truth, there was nowhere to run, no one to turn to, no way to save her immortal soul....
  • Gregory Sallust V. Set against the background of Vichy, France and the occupied territories in 1940, with Gregory as determined as ever to overthrow the iron rule of the Third Reich. Nursed back to health by Madeleine Lavalliere, he leaves Paris just as the Germans march into the capital. Little did he realize, however, that he would meet up with Madeleine once more, that together they would evolve a plan which would inflict irreparable damage upon the Nazis...
  • Book II  of New Tales Of the Vampires: Educated in the Florence of Cosimo de' Medici, trained in knighthood at his father's mountaintop castle, Vittorio inhabits a world of courtly splendor and country pleasures - a world suddenly threatened when his entire family is confronted by an unholy power. In the midst of this upheaval, Vittorio is seduced by the vampire Ursula, the most beautiful of his supernatural enemies. As he sets out in pursuit of vengeance, entering the nightmarish Court of the Ruby Grail, increasingly more enchanted (and confused) by his love for the mysterious Ursula, he finds himself facing demonic adversaries, war and political intrigue.