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  • The Ka of Gifford Hillary is a story concerned with the greatest of all mysteries: what happens after death? With Sir Gifford Hillary and Wing Commander Johnny Norton involved in plans to counter the might of Soviet Russia, interest soon centres on the evil Lady Ankaret and the tragedy which occurred at Longshot Hall, South Hampshire, on the night of the 9th September. A victim is struck down, and from that moment onward, the events which follow seem - at first - fantastic and unbelievable...but are later realised to be entirely logical. What does happen after death? And why should Sir Gifford find himself in prison, on trial for his life?

  • Black Magic V. Controversy rages at the Ministry of Defence and Sir Gifford Hillary, outspoken in his views on top-secret measures to counter the threat of Soviet aggression, is partly responsible for tempers fraying.  But danger and betrayal are closer to home.  On a warm autumn night at Longshot Hall, Sir Gifford gets a horrific and inexplicable shock when he witnesses his own murder...
  • The greatest of all mysteries is...What happens after death?  With Sir Gifford Hillary and Wing Commander Johnny Norton involved in plans to counter the might of Soviet Russia, interest soon centres on the evil Lady Ankaret and the tragedy which occurred at Longshot Hall, South Hampshire, on the night of the 9th September. A victim is struck down, and from that moment on, events seem - at first - fantastic and unbelievable...but are later realised to be entirely logical. What does happen after death? And why should Sir Gifford find himself in prison, on trial for his life? Cover art by H. Johns.
  • Who is Joanna Rand? Alex Hunter hasn't come to Japan to fall in love. But Joanna Reed is the most beautiful, exciting woman he's ever met. Yet, Joanna is not who she thinks she is. Ten years earlier and halfway across the world, a brutally bizarre experiment recreated her mind; a violation so hideous that her dreams are filled with terror and her memories are a lie. If they are ever to be free, Alex and Joanna have to re-open the door into the nightmare past - they have to find the key to midnight. This is the fist British Commonwealth publication of this book under the author's real name. It was originally published under the pseudonym Leigh Nichols. Cover art  by Graham Potts.
  • Alex Hunter hasn't come to Japan to fall in love - yet fall in love he did, with Joanna Rand, the most beautiful and exciting woman he'd ever met. But Joanna isn't who she thinks she is. Ten years before, and half way across the world, a brutally bizarre experiment had recreated her mind, a violation so hideous that her dreams are filled with horror and her memories are a lie.  Alex and Joanna must re-open the door into the nightmare past and find the key to midnight.
  • They went missing. One after another. Three children, without trace. Latchkey kids, all three, left alone after school until their parents came home. Only this time the parents got home first...Zuke and Dillon were Latchkey kids too. Maybe they knew where the others were. Zuke knows but he's not telling. Suffer, parents, suffer. The adult is the enemy. That's the Latchkids' motto. Gene wants to join the Latchkids but his dad stays home. Zuke says there's only one thing to do - Gene must get rid of his father...
  • A witty, modern  married couple who live in urban England, while on a weekend holiday in Wales, explore a seemingly deserted village and find an ancient stone cottage, where an old woman with long white hair lies motionless on a pallet.  They at first think she's dead but she slowly awakens...and turns out to be a long-lost relative. She offers no explanation for why she lives alone in a nearly empty, crumbling cottage next to a deserted village. Lacking other family,  David and Joelle embrace Gwendolen, take her back to England with them and before long, the independent old lady has set up housekeeping near them...keeping a watchful eye on the young couple...maybe too watchful. Then their lives, and the lives of everyone who knows them, begin slowly and inexorably to fall apart as a plague of revelations sweeps through the lives of all...
  • In the midst of a wartime evacuation, a British aeroplane, carrying evacuated schoolboys, crashes on an isolated island in a remote region of the Pacific Ocean.  At first the boys are enchanted with their freedom from supervision and authority, but Ralph and a few of his friends recognise the need to learn and implement survival skills, such as fishing, hunting, shelter and maintaining a smoke signal for rescue. But it's not long before even this basic law and order deteriorates as the boys are more concerned with fun, lazing and the formation of a group of hunters and their rituals.  And now the horror really begins....Labelled a parable, an allegory, a myth, a morality tale, a parody, a political treatise, even a vision of the apocalypse, Lord of the Flies is perhaps the most memorable novel about the end of innocence...the darkness of man’s heart.    
  • A dwarf movie director with a passion for prehistoric monsters; a female giant who consults a psychiatrist about her pygmy husband's love of tattooing her; an old lady bargains with Death; a ventriloquist's doll begans to speak in its own voice...all this and more in this Bradbury collection of chillers.  The Machineries Of Joy; The One Who Waits; Tyrannosaurus Rex; The Vacation;  The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh; Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar! Almost The End of the World;  Perhaps We Are Going Away ; And The Sailor, Home From The Sea; El Dia de Muerte; The Illustrated Woman; Some Live Like Lazarus; A Miracle of Rare Device; And So Died Riabouchinska; The Beggar On O'Connell Bridge; Death And The Maiden; A Flight Of Ravens; The Best Of All Possible Worlds; The Lifework Of Juan Diaz; To The Chicago Abyss; The Anthem Sprinters.  Cover art by Steve Crisp.