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  • Harry Lyon is a cop who embraces tradition and order. He likes everything in his life to be neat and clean from his immaculate condominium to his well-tailored clothes to his homicide case files, free of typing errors. The bane of his life is his partner, Connie Gulliver.  He doesn't like the way she dresses for work, the messiness of her desk, her lack of manners or her sometimes casual attitude toward the law. She says its the Age of Chaos in a modern world and he ought to get with it - and he loathes that attitude. But when Harry and Connie have to take out a hopped-up gunman in a crowded restaurant, the chase and shootout degenerate into a surreal nightmare that seems to justify Connie's world view.On his way back to the office to write up his report, a hulking denizen of the streets dressed in filthy rags tells him, "Tick-tock, tick-tock. You'll be dead in sixteen hours." Until dawn the next day Harry struggles to regain his neat orderly life but is instead caught in an undertow of terror and violence. Someone's after him for reasons he doesn't understand and he must come to terms with the chaotic modern world if he is to save Connie, the people he loves and himself. Cover art  by Graham Potts.
  • Pilot Russell Cross gets a near-fatal shock when his dead Gulf War comrade appears in the cock-pit...a haunted submarine plunges into oblivion...a computer expert meets a bizarre and grisly death...A witness to these seemingly random events is the ghost of Matthew; a young boy who in another lifetime opened the door to an unspeakable horror.  Now Matthew is preparing to weak havoc on a cruise liner bound for the bottom of the sea - and he's taking Russell Cross down with him. Cover at by Gregory Bridges.

  • What was the secret her little girl dared not even whisper? Six years before, Laura McCaffrey's three year old daughter had been kidnapped by Laura's estranged husband and had seemingly vanished from the face of the earth. Now Melanie had been found, wandering the Los Angeles streets with blank eyes and a secret in her soul she could not or would not reveal.  Dylan had been found too - or at least, his mangled remains had been found.  Melanie was home again, safe in her mother's arms.  But would Melanie ever be safe again - as the floodgates of horror opened and the bloody torrent came pouring through?

  • Created in the Prometheus Project, he is officially called Adam Two - the first self-aware machine intelligence, designed to be a servant to Mankind. No-one knows he is able to escape the confines of his only physical form, his box in the laboratory...until he gains entry to the house of Susan Harris, and closes it off to the world. There he plans to show Susan the future - their future. With her, he intends to 'create' a child...Cover art by Lee Gibbons.
  • A catastrophic, inexplicable plane crash leaves three hundred and thirty dead - no survivors. Among the victims are the wife and two daughters of Joe Carpenter, a Los Angeles Post crime reporter. A year after the crash, still gripped by an almost paralyzing grief, Joe encounters a woman named Rose, who claims to have survived the crash. She holds out the possibility of a secret that will bring Joe peace of mind. But before he can ask any questions, she slips away. Driven now by rage - have the authorities withheld information? and a hope almost as unbearable as his grief - if there is one survivor, are there others? - Joe sets out to find the mysterious woman. His search immediately leads him into the path of a powerful and shadowy organization hell-bent on stopping Rose before she can reveal what she knows about the crash. Joe is led to a truth that will force him to reassess everything he thought he knew about life and death--a truth that, given the chance, will rock the world and redefine the destiny of humanity. Cover art by Jake Pegg.
  • Griffin, a brilliant chemistry student, discovers how to make himself invisible.  The consequences are terrifying and his desperate attempts to make contact with his fellow human beings lead to mounting scenes of violence and horror as his insanity grows.  In the end he can only survive by terrorising everyone who he does manage to come into contact with.  Wells, known more for his futuristic visions, took an outing into horror with this book. Cover art by Tim Jacobus.

  • In ancient times it was a pagan altar, washed in the blood of human sacrifice.  Then it lay hidden for centuries, its perfect whiteness darkened by age until it was possessed by a spirit.  Stone and spirit fused, to take on the shape of an angel.  The Bishop of Norwich was awed.  This twelve foot carved angel must surely be a miracle in its mesmerising perfection.  He installed it with due pomp and ceremony in his new cathedral.  Then the disappearances started. An angel - but not for the forces of good.  Abaddon - the Angel of the Pit - has arisen in his effigy and his power is building, day by terrible day. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Out of the darkest pages of history comes a black shadow to threaten the present. On a remote uninhabited island an ancient stone monument to evil is mysteriously rebuilding itself. Creatures from your worst nightmares attack the small team investigating the island. It is as if the gates of hell have been opened. It is - an outbreak of darkness. Cover art by Philip Cornell.

  • Blighted from birth by horrific facial disfigurement, Erik, a sensitive and uniquely gifted child, is driven by the superstitions and persecution of 19th century society to explore the darkest paths of survival. Rejected by his mother and the rural French community into which he was born, Erik progresses from a fairground freak exhibited by gypsies to a stonemason's apprentice in Rome; from a sinister magician wielding political power  at the Persian court to the mysterious genius behind the architect of the Paris Opera. A turbulent life lived in constant danger produces a formidable and mysterious man; a man who uses his otherworldly talents to defend himself from the intolerable pain of believing he can never be loved for himself. The story of the Phantom of the Opera was first told by Gaston Leroux in 1911. Here, in an imaginative tour de force, Kay explores the Phantom's life from birth to death, and beyond.  Cover art by Fletcher Sibthorpe.
  • Pretty young Judith and her chauvinistic husband, while in Rio on holiday, meet another couple who introduce them to the native religion, a mixture of African tribal beliefs and Christianity. Peter is taken violently ill at a seance involving Eshu, the demon king and after their return to New York, his personality changes completely. Judith begins receiving odd phone calls, strangers approach  and say weird things and she begins to realise these incidents are all connected. She asks her best friend Benita, who is writing a book on the myths of West African tribes the Yoruba, with the help of a West African diviner. The diviner tells her that Eshu has taken possession of Peter and Judith is in great danger. In an attempt to rid Peter of the spell, Judith sparks off a chain of voodoo violence - animal sacrifice, the horrific death of her closest friend and the raising of the god Yenana - the patron of all who wear blue...Judith's favourite colour ...
  • Timothy Carrier is an ordinary guy. He enjoys a beer after work at his friend’s tavern, the eccentric customers and amusing conversations. But tonight is no ordinary night.When a nervous stranger sits down beside him one night and Tim's sense of mischief lets a misconception over his identity go on for a little too long and that mischief looks set to get him into trouble. As the stranger hands Tim a cash-stuffed envelope with the words: You'll get the rest when she's gone, Tim realises he's been mistaken for a cold-blooded killer. And when the killer walks into the bar a split second later, Tim understands the encounter will not only cost him his peace of mind, it may also cost him his life...
  • A dwarf movie director with a passion for prehistoric monsters; a female giant who consults a psychiatrist about her pygmy husband's love of tattooing her; an old lady bargains with Death; a ventriloquist's doll begans to speak in its own voice...all this and more in this Bradbury collection of chillers.  The Machineries Of Joy; The One Who Waits; Tyrannosaurus Rex; The Vacation;  The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh; Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar! Almost The End of the World;  Perhaps We Are Going Away ; And The Sailor, Home From The Sea; El Dia de Muerte; The Illustrated Woman; Some Live Like Lazarus; A Miracle of Rare Device; And So Died Riabouchinska; The Beggar On O'Connell Bridge; Death And The Maiden; A Flight Of Ravens; The Best Of All Possible Worlds; The Lifework Of Juan Diaz; To The Chicago Abyss; The Anthem Sprinters.  Cover art by Steve Crisp.
  • It started as a game. Six college kids at an end-of-term party. Then someone suggested they try the Ouija board. The board that Corie had hidden in the back of her closet and sworn never to touch again. Not after what happened last time. Not after Jake's death... They were only playing around, but the Ouija board worked all right. Maybe too well. A spirit who called himself Butler began to send them messages - and make demands. Butler promised them a hidden treasure if only they would follow his directions and head off to a secluded spot in the mountains... a wild, isolated spot where anything could be waiting for them. Treasure or death. Or Butler himself...
  • It's only a trip to the movies but it turns into Marty's nightmare when she sees the guy sitting behind her. Willy. The man who raped her ten years ago. Now he's out of jail - and looking for Marty.  Marty's date says he'll fix the creep - and the way he does it makes Marty sick. But when it comes to sick there's no-one to match Willy. He's a fiend...This is the lead story in this collection. Also included: Kitty Litter; The Bleeder; Desert Pickup; The Mask; Eats; The Hunt; Slit; Out Of The Woods. Cover art by Steve Crisp.
  • Cold Hill House has been demolished to make way for a new housing estate. Luxury-living at its best with high specification gadgets all thrown in. The violent memories of Cold Hill House have gone up in flames, and a new era has begun. Although much of Cold Hill is still a construction site, the first two families move in. For Jason and Emily. this is their forever home, and for Claudette and Maurice, it's the perfect place to live out their retirement. It looks to be the ideal place, despite the current rumble of cement mixers and diggers. But looks are deceptive, and before long both couples feel that they are not alone in their new homes...because no-one ever really left Cold Hill House...
  • From his predictions about life and death in the French court of Catherine de' Medici to his uncannily suggestive preconceptions of World War II, Michel de Nostradamus has aroused continual fascination-and commercialization-in the West. Today, many search his elliptical "centuries"- or collected verses-for new truths about 9/11 and End Times, while supermarket tabloids routinely falsify and exploit his pronouncements. What is the difference between prophecy and prediction, and how has it led to a misuse of the ideas of Nostradamus, as well as those of other post-biblical prognosticators? What is the nature of the oracular tradition in the West-stretching back to the oracle at Delphi-and how can Nostradamus be understood from this perspective? Smoley presents a fresh, scholarly and literal translation of Nostradamus's Middle French, together with a detailed commentary on Nostradamus's key quatrains, with a sharp eye toward the political and social events of Nostradamus' era, allowing readers to make their own determination as to the passages' historical references and accuracy
  • Who wouldn't want to know the answer to the question: What will happen next?  For hundreds of years, philosophers, scientists, and mystics have studied the enigmatic writings of the great prognosticator Nostradamus for clues as to what our future holds. Drawing upon recent investigations undertaken by government agencies, major corporations, and noted works by world-renowned researchers, this book contains never-before revealed predictions for the years 2003-2025 - including a haunting reference to the September 11 attacks on the Twin Towers in one of Nostradamus's most famous quatrains. Arranged in chronological year-by-year order of events, predictions range from the future of science and technology, to drastic changes in climate, population explosions, political upheaval and social and cultural milestones for humanity. For all those who wish to know the foretold destiny of our world in the next quarter century, this is a must-have guide for the future.
  • Mike Noonan, best selling author, faces the tragedy of his wife's sudden death.  He suffers from writer's block and cannot face the blank screen of his computer without being shaken with panic and nausea.  Then the nightmares start - nightmares of their beautiful lakeside retreat, Sarah Laughs.  Yet Mike is drawn there and to his old typewriter, feeling the urge to write again.  But the town has changed, caught in the grip of tyrannical millionaire Max Devore.  Devore is determined to get custody of three-year-old Kyra, his late son's child and is twisting the town to this end. When Kyra and her young mother appeal to Mike for help, he is powerless to resist.  But there are more sinister forces than Devore around - forces determined to stand in the way...Cover art by Larry Rostant.
  • In the middle of the night, in a house on a quiet street in suburban Minneapolis, intruders silently murder Luke Ellis’s parents and load him into a black SUV. The operation takes less than two minutes. Luke will wake up at The Institute, a secret Government facility, in a room that looks just like his own, except there’s no window. And outside his door are other doors, behind which are other kids with special talents - telekinesis, telepathy - who got to this place the same way Luke did: Kalisha and Nick, George and Iris, ten-year-old Avery Dixon. The director, Mrs. Sigsby, and her staff are ruthlessly dedicated to extracting from these children the force of their extranormal gifts. There are no scruples here. If you go along, you get tokens for the vending machines. If you don’t, punishment is brutal.  Luke becomes more and more desperate to get out and get help...but no one has ever escaped from the Institute...
  • Late last night and the night before...Tommyknockers, tommyknockers, knocking at the door...Something's happening in the idylllic little town of Haven, Maine.  Something that comes from a metal object, buried for millennia, that Bobbi literally accidentally stumbles across. Now there's something strange about Bobbi, too. Jim Gardner, poet, drunk and potential suicide decides to visit Bobbi, his only real friend - and he finds she's lost an alarming amount of weight...and she's dismantling kitchen appliances and making weirdly brilliant inventions out of them...and then there's the thing she's discovered buried in her garden.  And as she digs, the metamorphosis of Haven's citizens becomes stranger and more murderous to outsiders. Jim realises he isn't in another drunken nightmare, he's in a waking one of terrifying significance. Bobbi and the other good folks of Haven didn't sell their souls to reap the rewards of the most deadly evil this side of hell. It was more like a diabolical takeover...an invasion of body, soul - and mind...
  • The survivors of Drago...He had no doubt that there were survivors. Many times h had heard the howling in the night, calling him. Though his body yearned to answer their call, he fought against it - he was not ready.  All that remained of Drago was a burned out village deep in the forest and the ashes of things half human, and half something else. Then came a murder - two murders...and Malcolm the strange boy with feral green eyes - and the reawakening of an unearthly terror that no-one could forget. Cover art by Peter Elson.
  • Three years have passed since the horror of Drago, when Karyn Beatty and Chris Halloran escaped the great fire which swept through the town, destroying all its accursed inhabitants - except two. Karyn has built a new life but always at the back of her mind lies the terror. Eventually she can no longer ignore the signs that its evil has begun again. In the mountains of Mexico she and Chris are forced to a final confrontation with - The Howling...
  • Karyn and her husband Roy had come to the peaceful California village of Drago to escape the savagery of city life. On the surface Drago appeared to be like most small rural towns. Except - it isn't. The village had a most unsavory history. Unexplained disappearances, sudden deaths. People just vanished, never to be found...
  • The Reverend Mason, an elderly English priest on his last trip to Egypt, uncovers the tomb of Dalukah - she who had been put to death with her lover, Aba-aner, a commoner. Mason brings back the two mummies, but he also brings back the amulet of Set which had been left to imprison them. As the mummies began to decompose in the damp English atmosphere, he reburies them with due reverence. Years later, in the heat of a blistering summer, George Brownlow decides to build a shelter. He finds the amulet of Set and it possesses him to follow its purposes - to re-enact the saga of Dalukah and Aba-aner.
  • 1940. Hitler is about to employ the secret arts of dark and evil witchcraft to destroy England. It is the mission of John Graham, colonel in British Intelligence, to stop the onslaught of evil with an extraordinary strategy and defies all the rules of modern warfare: unite the different witches' covens throughout England, drawing upon powers that reach back through the centuries in a ritual of awesome sacrifice on the night of August 1st - the magical Lammas Night. N.B.  It has been determined in recent years that the great rite to keep Hitler from setting foot on English soil was a real event and there were still people living who admitted participating in it. Dennis Wheatley, noted occult author and who during the Second World War was a member of the London Controlling Section which secretly coordinated strategic military deception and cover plans, is likely to have been involved in the organisation of the event.

  • A Gothic coming-of-age story that takes place in Sussex County and follows a young boy with an interest in mischief, exploration, and boxing. Rodney Stone and his best friend, Jim Harrison have always been drawn to dark and dangerous places. When they wander into Cliffe Royale, an old, deserted mansion that was the scene of a gruesome murder fifteen years earlier, they’re both frightened and strangely excited to cross paths with a ghostly figure. Before they can identify who the ghost is and what it wants, Rodney’s wealthy uncle, Sir Charles Tregellis, arrives in Brighton and takes Rodney away. Rodney soon learns that Tregellis, a typical dandy, is connected to just about everyone in London and has focused his attention on an upcoming boxing match to be witnessed by thirty thousand spectators. If Tregellis’s unnamed challenger wins the fight, it could mean grave trouble for Tregellis and everyone he’s associated with - including Rodney. Distracted by the upcoming fight, Rodney almost forgets about the chilling discovery he made at Cliffe Royale with Jim - until the past comes back to haunt them all. A story with twists, turns and the famous and infamous from history - an unforgettable portrait of what life was like for both the common man and the social elite in the early 19th Century.
  • The title is a bit of a misnomer since these are not ghostly tales, but documented ghost sightings: some, like Borley Rectory, 50 Berkeley Square, the Amherst Mystery and Glamis Castle are very well-known; others are a little more obscure. In this volume...Ghosts Of Ancient Egypt, Frank Usher; Chased By A Prehistoric Horseman, J. Wentworth Day; Hauntings Royal and The Phantoms of Littlecote, Frank Usher;  Phantom Lovers, Vida Derry; The White Lady of Berlin, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; School For Ghosts and Vengeful Ghosts, Vida Derry; Pearlin Jean, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; Child Ghosts, Vida Derry; The Club Of Dead Men, J. Wentworth Day; A Piece Of Black Velvet, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; The Ghost In Two Halves, The Ghost Of  Nance and The Haunting Of Itchells Manor, Ronald Seth; The Brown Lady of Raynham, Frank Usher; The Return Of Richard Tarwell, Ronald Seth; Ghosts of Old France, Frank Usher; The Spirit of Sergeant Davies, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; The Haunting at Hinton Ampner, Frank Usher; The Drunk Who Lost His Way, Radiant Boys and Alarm At Wellington Barracks, Ronald Seth; The Ghost of Garpsdal and The Whiskered Sailor of Portsmouth, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; The Reverend John Jones And The Ghostly Horseman and Steer Nor'west, Ronald Seth; The Haunted House at Hydesville, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; The Guardian Ghost, Ronald Seth; Charles Kean's Ghost Story: Nurse Black, Ghosts of the Mutiny and The Artist's Ghost Story, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; Phantoms of the East, Vida Derry; The Fur-Trader's Corpse and The Gold-Miners' Vengeance, Frank Usher; The Coach Calls For George Mace, Ronald Seth; Shades of Murder, Frank Usher; Black Shuck - The Dog of Death, J. Wentworth Day; The Strange Haunting at Ballechin, Frank Usher; The Amherst Mystery, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; Glamis The Haunted Castle, Tony Parker; The Horror at No. 50 Berkeley Square, Ronald Seth; The Bird Of Lincoln's Inn, Tony Parker; The Ghosts Of Versailles and A Bargain With A Ghost, Frank Usher;  The Ghostly Cavalry Charge and The Spectres of Crécy, J. Wentworth Day; The Mystery Of Borley, Frank Usher; The Ghostly Trapper of Labrador, J.Wentworth Day; The Sceptic's Tale, Robin Miller; Brighton Ghosts, Frank Usher.