Modern Literature

//Modern Literature
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  • With contributions by Wordsworth, Shelley, Byron, Keats, Lamb, Dryden and many more of the great classical poets.  With beautiful engraving-style black and white illustrations.
  • The story of ex-quartermaster, James Hyde. From a modest store he established on the waterfront at Sydney in 1837 he develops his business which assumes overwhelming proportions and drains the lifeblood of his family, whose attempts to escape its grip are fruitless. Through his energy and foresight the years of the gold rush bring increased prosperity-but they also heighten the tension under which the family lives. But all the wealth in the world will not keep tragedy away - and the great house Hyde wanted is built - but to what end? This novel, written in 1929 by two young women graduates of Sydney University - Marjorie Barnard and Flora Eldershaw - was the judges' first choice in the Sydney Bulletin's competition for the best novel submitted by an Australian author and has gone into edition after edition.
  • Young student Axel and Professor Otto Lidenbrock, studying a very old manuscript, discover an ancient pathway into the centre of the Earth. They travel to Iceland, and with the assistance of Hans, a local guide, they find an entrance in Snæfellsjökull, a volcano near Reykjavík. The travel is extensively long, and not without its many perils. Will they be able to make it? And what amazing wonders await hidden within the depths of the Earth? Colour illustrations by T.C. Dugdale.
  • In 1943, with the men off to war and the existence of baseball threatened, the All American Girls' Professional Baseball League was created.  This is a story on this event.  Scouts scoured the countryside to find the best women softball players and brought them to Chicago to create the first and only professional women's baseball league.  These pioneering women triumphed over the hardships of training, the ridicule and initial rejection by baseball fans and went on to assure themselves a place on sports history and the Baseball Hall of Fame. A novelisation of the film starring Tom Hanks, Geena Davis and Madonna.
  • In the spring of 1736 four men and one woman, all traveling under assumed names, are crossing the Devonshire countryside en route to a mysterious rendezvous. A nobleman. His uncle, an actor. His manservant. A maid. A soldier.  Before their journey ends, one of them will be hanged, one will vanish and the others will face a murder trial. A maze of beguiling paths and wrong turnings, disappearances and revelations, unaccountable motives and cryptic deeds
  • Atlanta, Georgia - a racially mixed, late-century boomtown full of fresh wealth and wily politicians. The protagonist is Charles Croker, once a college football star, now a late-middle-aged Atlanta conglomerate king whose outsize ego has at last hit up against reality. Charlie has a 29,000 acre quail-shooting plantation, a young and demanding second wife, and a half-empty office complex with a staggering load of debt. Meanwhile, Conrad Hensley, idealistic young father of two, is laid off from his job at the Croker Global Foods warehouse near Oakland and finds himself spiraling into the lower depths of the American legal system. And back in Atlanta, when star Georgia Tech running back Fareek “the Canon” Fanon, a homegrown product of the city’s slums, is accused of date-raping the daughter of a pillar of the white establishment, upscale black lawyer Roger White II is asked to represent Fanon and help keep the city’s delicate racial balance from blowing sky-high.
  • At the Cauldron we don't generally go in for romance, but a romance written by a man and set in the provincial middle-class at the turn of the century was just too interesting an idea to pass up.  George  Pearson, the traveling draper, thinks his friend school-teacher Freddie Bates  needs to get married - to a nice little widow who 'knows the ropes'.  Freddie gets his nice little widow but the next ten years of his life are not all plain sailing. He gets involved in troubles such as never occurred in his bachelor days but the delicate silk strands that bind him to the unpredictable little woman who has taken him for her second husband are firm. Less of a romance, and more of a satire on 'respectable' life in the early 1900s.

  • In this omnibus volume: Britannia All At Sea: It was love at first sight for Britannia Smith when she met Professor Jake Luitingh van Thien and shamelessly followed him to Holland, hoping to see more of him. She succeeded - and to her joy, he proposed. But just when all seemed perfect, she met Madeleine de Venz. In every way Madeleine was right for Jake, and Britannia became more convinced that to go ahead with the wedding might ruin Jake's life… Three For A Wedding: Phoebe Brook hadn't planned to take a nursing job in Holland. But when her sister Sybil got married instead of going to work for Dr Lucius van Somersen, Sybil persuaded Phoebe to take her place. And just to compound matters further, Phoebe found herself captivated by Lucius. Caroline's Waterloo: Caroline had never imagined that anyone would want to marry her, but the imposing Professor Radinck Thoe van Erckelens did propose to her - and having easily fallen in love with him, she accepted. But Radinck was clear about what he wanted in a wife - a convenient hostess! Caroline had to decide whether to settle for that, or to set about changing Radinck's feelings for her.
  • Scotland, 1766. Sentenced to a life of misery in the brutal coal mines, twenty-one-year-old Mack McAsh hungers for escape. His only ally: the beautiful, highborn Lizzie Hallim, who is trapped in her own kind of hell. Though separated by politics and position, these two restless young people are bound by their passionate search for a place called freedom. From the teeming streets of London to the infernal hold of a slave ship to a sprawling Virginia plantation, a vivid cast of heroes and villains, lovers and rebels, hypocrites and hell-raisers are propelled by destiny toward an epic struggle that will change their lives forever.
  • Book V of The Saga Of Roland Inness.  With King Richard’s return from captivity and Prince John’s exile, a weary peace settles on England after years of civil war. But across the border in Wales, the vicious struggle to decide who shall rule Gwynedd still rages. To tip the balance, the rebel Prince, Llywelyn, calls in an old debt from the Earl of Chester. The Prince saved the Earl’s life and helped him take back his city. Now, he wants Sir Roland Inness and the Invalid Company to help him take back his country.
  • As plans go ahead for an International Peace Conference in Vancouver, a number of shadowy, unrelated characters make their way to the Canadian shore.  A Greek shipping magnate with Russian connections...A British expert on mini-subs...A team of frogmen with exaggerated 'American' accents...The head of the Russian section of British intelligence...And when six Sword nuclear missiles are dislodged from the ocean floor, the scene is set for some desperate international intrigue. Cover art by Vicente Segrelles.
  • In  1568, the defeat of Mary Queen of Scots at the battle of Langside and her subsequent flight to England left Scotland in turmoil.  Her infant son was crowned James VI with her illegitimate half brother the Earl of Moray as Regent.  The population was bitterly divided as Moray and the Protestant Lords began to wreak terrible vengeance on supporters of the losing side.  Having fought for the Queen, the Carmichaels of Lanarkshire were in a precarious position. Poor nineteen year-old John Carmichael, Younger of that Ilk, whose sole ambitions were land-improving, organising fishing expeditions and raising a family was to become deeply entangled in the murky world of Scots Regency government and finding himself in great danger.
  • The post-Revolution years saw a state of flux with the balance of power shifting back to the bourgeoisie. Napoleon's rise to power was meteoric and he is a successful young general when this book opens.  Hortense Beauharnais finds life very different when he mother becomes Bonaparte's wife and she lives her life on the chessboard of the French court amid jealousy and greed.  She is married off the Napoleon's brother but is in love with Charles de Flahaut, a gallant young officer.  History, brought to life.
  • American socialite Sarah Talbot had everything going for her: a multi-million dollar business, a large circle of well-placed friends and a marriage to an English aristocrat and army colonel Edward Talbot. Talbot is killed in the Falklands campaign, leaving her with her adored stepson Eric, a Cambridge. student.  When Eric dies from a drug overdose, Sarah tries to uncover the mysterious circumstances of his death and finds all roads blocked by officialdom.  When she meets former SAS  sergeant Sean Egan, she knows  she had found the man who can help her. Together they embark on a quest to the depths of the underworld - truly, a season in hell.
  • American socialite Sarah Talbot had everything going for her: a multi-million dollar business, a large circle of well-placed friends and a marriage to an English aristocrat and army colonel Edward Talbot. Talbot is killed in the Falklands campaign, leaving her with her adored stepson Eric, a Cambridge. student.  When Eric dies from a drug overdose, Sarah tries to uncover the mysterious circumstances of his death and finds all roads blocked by officialdom.  When she meets former SAS  sergeant Sean Egan, she knows  she had found the man who can help her. Together they embark on a quest to the depths of the underworld - truly, a season in hell.

  • Two brothers and their friend stumble upon the wreckage of a plane - the pilot is dead and his duffle bag contains four million dollars in cash. The men agree to hide, keep and share the fortune. It all seems simple enough.  But what started off as a simple plan slowly devolves into a gruesome nightmare none of them can control...
  • Bonn: a small provincial town elevated by the Cold War to the artificial status of a capital city of British diplomats, their wives and aspiring German politicians. While the Foreign Office is locked in a  last desperate battle to enter the Common Market, while the new Germany is being carried away on a rising tide of student-bourgeois nationalism, an aging Second Secretary vanishes from the British Embassy. Leo Harting: and he has taken with him, apparently official files which if disclosed could ruin Britain's chances at the negotiating table. Alan Turner, a tough investigator from London is sent to find him and pursue Harting's past: the institutions which employed or rejected him; the women and men who loved, trusted or despised him; and there's a refugee background to check out as well. It is vital that the Germans do not learn that Harting is missing nor that there's been a leak. With radical students and neo-Nazis rioting and critical negotiations under way in Brussels, the timing could not be worse and that's probably not an accident...
  • The French Revolution - a time of great change and great danger; a time when injustice was met by a blood-lust for vengeance - and rarely was a distinction made between the innocent and the guilty. This tumultuous historical event is the setting for Dickens' story of unsurpassed adventure and courage. Unjustly imprisoned for 18 years in the Bastille, Dr. Alexandre Manette is reunited with his daughter, Lucie, and safely transported from France to England. It would seem that they could take up the threads of their lives in peace. As fate would have it, the pair are summoned to the Old Bailey to testify against a young Frenchman - Charles Darnay - falsely accused of treason. Yet - strangely enough - Darnay bears an uncanny resemblance to the dissolute lawyer's clerk, Sydney Carton. Can this resemblance save Darnay? Brilliantly plotted, a story rich in drama, romance and bravery.