Modern Literature

//Modern Literature
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  • You're a loser; you were born a loser. Was that the whole truth about Charlie MacFell? Was he just the kind of nice chap who always takes the dirty end of the stick, lacking the inner strength to take a firm stand in life or love alike? Charlie is a man in search of himself and his spiritual journey carries the reader from the rural Northumberland of Edwardian times into the holocaust of the Western Front in the First World War. And at the root of the matter is the cinder path of Charlie's boyhood home; a place of harsh associations that would come to symbolise the struggle with destiny itself.
  • Margaret Mitchell died in 1949 and her dying wish was that her personal papers, letters and other writings be destroyed. Yet half a century later, the impossible happened:  a book she had written when she was sixteen came to light in the deceased estate of her lifelong friend and one-time youthful suitor,  Henry Angel. The manuscript, in two lined notebooks, was found hidden in a cache of his papers.  His family had not been aware that he had known the Margaret Mitchell of Gone With The Wind fame, never mind that he had been in possession of a manuscript. The story is of  one of honour, adventure and unrequited love, set in the South Pacific and in many ways, set the stage for her characters of Rhett, Ashley and Scarlett; two central male characters, one a gentleman and the other more rough-hewn, vie for the attention of a feisty, independent-minded woman, and who will go to any lengths to defend her honor. The ending is terrible, cataclysmic and unforgettable. This edition includes letters and photos of Henry and Margaret.
  • From under the shadow of the Mountains of the Moon and the deep, brooding Forests of the Tall Trees, to the hidden opulence of Taiwan and the panelled boardrooms of power in the heart of London, a tough, determined man and a dedicated woman begin their fight against the forces of greed, evil and corruption...In Zimbabwe, Dr Daniel Armstrong, world-famous TV naturalist, films the slaughter of a herd of elephant: closing in as their blood stains the soil and their death song echoes around the stillness of the valley, his professionalism is tinged with a deep sadness. In London, anthropologist Kelly Kinnear is forced into violent confrontation with the shareholders of the most powerful conglomerate in the City of London, warning them of the destruction of an African country and of a people – the Bambuti – she has come to love as her own.
  • The tale of Helen and Paris, the immortal lovers who doomed two great nations to war.  It is told through the eyes of the main characters: the sensuous and self-indulgent Helen; the equally self-indulgent Prince Paris; the subtle, brilliant Odysseus; the noble Hektor; the sad, elderly King Priam; the tormented warrior-prince Achilles and King Agamemnon, who consents to the unspeakable in order to launch his thousand ships incurring the fury of his wife Klytemnestra. Cover art by Sarah Perkins.
  • Book I of the Masters Of Rome series. On New year's Day in 110 B.C. two very different men watch the latest Roman mediocrities assume the coveted mantle of consul.  One is Sulla, handsome and debauched son of an impeccably aristocratic house prevented by penury from claiming his birthright and the other is Marius, a wealthy rustic barred by his low birth from grasping his prophesised destiny - to become the First Man in Rome. But the Goddess Fortune favours them both.  They are brought together by war in distant lands to battle the enemies of Rome - and the enemies within Rome - in the quest to become the First Man. A meticulously researched and accurate historical novel. Cover art by Tom Hall.
  • "I am George Fox," said the fair-haired stranger. "May the Lord bless thee and awaken thee, Margaret Fell." It was at this moment Margaret Fell's life took a strange and dramatic turn. For her encounter with George Fox, a virile, lust-provoking, itinerant preacher, made her feel as though a whole new life were ahead. For the first time her passion was aroused. George awakened in her a capacity for love she had never known. But was this love directed at George the man of God...or George the man? This novel is the story of the passionate, flesh-and-blood men and women who began the Quaker movement in England in the 17th century and of those who settled in Philadelphia 100 years later.
  • Provence: the annual pilgrimage to Saintes-Maries of gypsies from all over Europe. The Duc de Croytor, distinguished folklorist, is there and so is Englishman Neil Bowman, for no apparent reason. But there is something different about this year's pilgrimage. A small group of gypsies have something they are determined to hide, and Bowman soon learns that curiosity is highly dangerous.Before long, he is on the run for his life.
  • Now listen, mate! These essays, or whatever they may be, represent my thoughts and conclusions on various things and people. My eldest son wanted me to write my autobiography - "The story of your life, Pop" he said. "And tell the truth." He can go and jump in Lake Burley Griffin. I offer instead some comment on what life has taught me. After sixty years of knocking around and being knocked about, a man acquires a sort of philosophy. Basically, mine is that nothing in life is worth getting steamed up about, and most things are good only for a laugh. Illustrated by Benier.
  • Mrs. Gunn's timeless classic was first published in 1908.  Newly married, Jeannie Gunn accompanies her husband to 'The Elsey' the huge cattle station in the Northern Territory, several hundred miles from the nearest town.  She is one of the very few white women n the area and at first her presence is resented by the stockmen until her warmth and spirit win their affection and respect.  A rare chronicle of pioneer life in the outback, written with moving simplicity to convey the beauty and cruelty of the land, the isolation and loneliness, and the comradeship and kindness of the early settlers. With colour stills from the film.
  • Battler O'Brien had been a battler all his life: riding the rodeo circuit, droving sheep with Mum through the drought ravaged stock routes ... but with four rugrats and another bun in the oven, Battler saw that there might be a chance in the Bundaroo Land Ballot and he was prepared to do anything to win!
  • When wealthy orphan Patrick is left to the care of his Auntie Mam during a cocktail party in the 1920s, he doesn't know what to expect.  Mame is not the average aunt - she's progressive in all things and loves to do battle against a stuffy education system, racial prejudice in the suburbs, phony intellectuals and snobbishness in general!  Meanwhile Patrick learns very rapidly about eugenics, Freud, speakeasies and how the word 'bastard' applies to Mr Babcock, the family lawyer.  As he grows up, Auntie Mame lovingly interferes in his romances to his embarrassment, discomfort and an eventual learning curve.  This novel has been made into a film twice, once with Rosalind Russell and then with Lucille Ball in the title role.
  • When at the Pollard's Harvest Supper of 1817, Araminta Glover , a servant girl, is seduced by Jan Honeywood the outcome seems inevitable. Like many servant girls,  she will marry her poor suitor and raise a large family on 9 shillings a week.  But she's determined to rebel against an impoverished rural life.  Putting marriage and Jan firmly behind her, she accepts a post as dairy maid in the home of the strange Mrs Stancy - a thrifty, terrifying and vicious woman who is not what she appears to be.
  • Myles Falworth is a cheeky young squire of medieval England, an England torn and smouldering with intrigue.  Richard II has been dethroned, Henry IV is now the King and still the land seethes with dark plans.   Myles, in the service of the powerful Earl of Mackworth, is unaware that he's the centre of frenzied plotting as he grows from the pranks of boyhood into the chivalry of a Knight of the Bath.  He will be pitted against his family's persecutor the vicious Earl of Alban and it will be a duel to the death. Filmed as The Black Shield Of Falworth in 1954, starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. Cover art by Howard Pyle.
  • At the height of the London Blitz, a naked child steps out of an all-consuming fire. Miraculously saved yet hideously scarred, tormented at school and at work, Matty becomes a wanderer, a seeker after some unknown redemption. Two more lost children await him: twins as exquisite as they are loveless. Toni dabbles in political violence, Sophy in sexual tyranny. As their destinies are woven together and they are drawn toward a final conflagration,  the inner and outer darknesses of humanity are illuminated. Cover art by Russell Drysdale.
  • Adrian Mole 7. Adrian Mole - now 33 ' the same age as Jesus was when he died' and father to the grammatically challenged Glenn and William - who takes a 'Big Boy Arouser' condom to nursery school as his innocent contribution to a hot-air balloon project - and is a single parent having an off/on relationship with his housing officer, Pamela Pigg. But will she help him move from the notorious Gaitskell estate before William joins the Mad Frankie Fraser fan club? Of course, he continues to be scandalised by his irresponsible parents, who are conducting a matrimonial square dance with the Braithwaites - the parents of the beautiful bu unobtainable Pandora, who is ruthlessly pursuing her ambition to be New Labour's first woman PM - and of course, confides in his diary. His current worries include: indestructible head lice; his raging jealousy when his accomplished half brother Brett arrives on his doorstep; moral decline in The Archers; his desperate attachment to two therapists; his mild addiction to Starburst (formerly Opal Fruits); a small earthquake in Leicester and perhaps most significantly, the dawn of a new millennium.
  • Riding his father's horse in the Cheltenham Gopld Cup should have been the highlight of Nick Storr's career as a jockey. Instead he was relegated to the sidelines on the morning of the race and the hotly fancied favorite failed to win by a nose. What went wrong? When the racing authorities fail to take action, Nick decides to do some investigating of his own, beginning with the father he worshipped. Now it seems the respectable trainer is up to his neck in a dangerous game and - too late - Nick discovers the truth....
  • Book IV of The Australians. When seventeen year old Jessica India Maclaine flees from her sadistic stepfather and hides aboard the Hindostan at Portsmouth as it's prepared for a voyage to New South Wales, she has no idea what fate has in store for her. The infant colony is in turmoil. The deposed Governor Bligh is preparing to leave for England, determined to bring his enemies to justice. His successor, Lachlan Macquarie - in whose house Jessica finds employment - is faced with making New South Wales a self-supporting and prosperous settlement after the havoc wreaked by the Rum Corps. He's also in line for plenty of hostility as he attempts to ensure that emancipated convicts have the same rights as free settlers.  And now many share a dream of crossing the Blue Mountains in search of the new pastureland essential to the colony's survival.

  • It was said that the Roman soldiers who waited at the foot of the Cross for Jesus' death gambled over his clothes. Marcellus wins Christ's robe. But possession of it causes him to search his soul and he sets forth on a quest to find the truth about the Nazarene's robe - a quest that takes him to the very heart Christianity, through the decadence of Imperial Rome and the stolid practicality of its military.  This is a story of adventure, faith, and romance, spiritual longing and ultimate redemption.
  • Julian Day adventure No. II In the battle-worn days of 1940, Julian Day finds himself in Alexandria - in a whirlpool of intrigue and spy-rings. He falls under suspicion from both from his fellow countrymen and the Germans and, driven by conflicting loyalties, he sets sail for Greece and the ill-starred campaign of 1941. Determined to sheath the Sword of Fate, he journeys into the heart of enemy-held territory. The danger is desperate; the price of failure - death. Illustrated by Peter Whiteman.
  • In 1952, political tension in Europe nears breaking point as the Superpowers double and redouble the nuclear stakes - each one pushing the other as far as it will go.  Nicholas Novak is an idealist, a left wing professor who views the international situation as remote and vaguely exciting.  Then Nicholas' cousin, a top nuclear scientist, announces his intention to defect. Within hours, a quiet weekend dissolves into a nightmare adventure behind the Iron Curtain. Illustrated by Janet Archer.
  • John Morel, a leading figure in the Australian Communist Party, disappears and dies in a remote country hotel in suspicious circumstances. It looks like suicide, but why? Deeply puzzled, his friend Jack sets out to trace that last fateful journey, consulting John's family and friends and uncovering unexpected facets of John's character - his divisive upbringing, his time in a Roman Catholic seminary, his visits to Moscow and conversion to Communism, his ambivalent marriage and uneasy friendships with other members of the Party. This is not only an exploration of Communist ideology; it is also an exploration of social and psychological problems; the impulses behind acts of suicide; relationships between the individual and the group; between childhood fantasy and adult behaviour and between death and transcendence.
  • For the first time ever, David Bell is in love with a woman instead of a ship. He has been at sea since boyhood and is now captain of the old and leaking brigantine Cannibal. Out of his oddly assorted group of passengers, he feels drawn to Charlotte King, a beautiful young widow with a mysterious past. But he's puzzled by her determination to cross the Pacific in his ship and by her insistence that he should not call at Hawaii. Ramsey, the Cannibal's mate recalls seeing her face in a Hawaiian newspaper with screaming headlines...And then the Cannibal's leak worsens, and they must make their way - to Hawaii!

  • To be 'in the doghouse' is Australian for being in trouble with the wife. Stan, Ray, Dave and Lurky find themselves out of favour with their respective missus and so they take refuge down in Dave's old boat-shed.  The wives expect them to crawl home half starved and full of apologies after a few hours, but the four mates decide to fend for themselves - cook, clean and shop - with the occasional drop of Red Ned in between.  They're going to prove they can survive without the fairer sex - well - that's the theory...and their wives are intrigued by the situation.  John O'Grady knows a fair bit about surviving, cooking, cleaning - and Red Ned. Illustrated by Frank Benier.
  • Hopkins Family Saga Book  VI. It's December 1963 when Billy Hopkins and his wife Laura arrive home in Manchester after five years in Africa. The world they left behind has changed beyond recognition: now, it's the swinging sixties, with headlines full of the Beatles and the pill, LSD and mini skirts. Billy's youngest son still believes in Santa Claus and while his daughter's reading Jackie Magazine and she's not even a teenager yet, so Billy's not too worried about the impact of modern society on his family. He's more concerned about the welfare of his increasingly forgetful father and about the daily (and sometimes exquisitely humorous) challenges he faces as a college lecturer. When the four junior Hopkins start to choose their own, unexpected paths in life, though, Billy finds it harder than usual to see the funny side of things…
  • You need to put on something warm,’ Robert said. His eyes looked urgent. ‘You’d not want to take your time, Margaret,’ he said in a very quiet voice... Written as the ‘diary’ of teenager Margaret Anne Brady. Margaret Anne can hardly believe her luck when she’s chosen to accompany Mrs Carstairs on board the great ship Titanic. But when she’s woken on a freezing night in April 1912, she finds herself trapped in an unimaginable nightmare. Will she be able to get to a lifeboat in time? Will Robert?
  • Book III of Hannibal. 213 BC. Syracuse. Under the merciless Sicilian sun, a city is at war. Outside the walls, a vast Roman army waits. Yet the city's incredible defences, designed by Archimedes, mean that Syracuse will not be taken easily. A veteran of the bitter war since its beginning, Quintus is ready to give his life in the service of the Republic. But dangers face him from within his own ranks as well as from the enemy - who include his former friend, the Carthaginian, Hanno. Hanno has been sent by his general Hannibal to aid Syracuse in its fight against Rome. Pledged to bring death to all Romans, he is diverted from his mission by the discovery of Quintus' sister Aurelia, a captive within the city. Two friends on opposing sides. A woman caught between them. They are about to meet in one of the most brutal sieges of all time.
  • Courtney Family publication order IV; chronological XIV. Centaine de Thiry grew up with privilege, wealth, and freedom on a sprawling French estate. Then war came crashing down around her, and a daring young South African aviator named Michael Courtney stole her heart amidst the destruction. But the tides of fate and battle sent the young woman on a journey across a dangerous sea to the coast of Africa. When Centaine's ship is torpedoed and sunk, she is plunged into a shark-filled sea miles from the unseen shore. And when she reaches land, Centaine finds not in the lush world that Michael Courtney described to her, but the edge of a burning desert - alone and fighting for her life.

    In a strange world, under a great rushing sky, Centaine sets forth in the company of wandering Bushmen--and then into the arms of a renegade white soldier who may be her savior or destruction. As Michael Courtney's family searches for Centaine, she comes near her promised land--and the untold tragedy and riches that it holds...