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  • Legend Of The Galactic Heroes 1. Reinhard von Lohengramm, a.k.a. The Golden Brat, a military prodigy and admiral of the Galactic Empire, has ambitions beyond protecting the borders or even defeating the Empire’s enemies. He seeks to overthrow the old order and become a truly absolute - yet benevolent - dictator. His rival, the humble Yang Wen-li of the Free Planets Alliance, wishes to preserve democracy even if he must sacrifice his political ideals to defeat the Empire. Their political and military battles play out over a galactic chessboard in an epic saga fifteen centuries in the making. Cover art by Fawn Lau
  • Seafort Saga IV. Naval Commandant Nick Seafort has returned to his home planet, Earth—and soon he will have to defend it. Luck has always run in both directions for Naval Commandant Nicholas Seafort. While he has managed to save the Hope Nation colony from alien attack, he and his friends have paid a heavy price. Most recently, his exploits have earned him a dignified position as an instructor at the United Nations Naval Academy. But, as Seafort suspects, trouble isn’t far behind. A return to Earth means a return to his roots, some of which he wishes would remain buried. He’s uncomfortable with fame and can’t always restrain his temper as the political machine shifts around him. But when the fishlike aliens mount an attack, Seafort is the only man Earth can count on. Now he must decide whether he has the courage and fortitude to make a terrible choice...Cover art by Stephen Youll.
  • Seafort Saga I. In the year 2194, seventeen-year-old Nicholas Seafort is assigned to the Hibernia as a lowly midshipman. Destination: the thriving colony of Hope Nation. But when a rescue attempt goes devastatingly wrong, Seafort is thrust into a leadership role he never anticipated. The other officers resent him, but Seafort must handle more dangerous problems, from a corrupted navigation computer to a deadly epidemic. Even Hope Nation has a nasty surprise in store. Seafort might be the crew’s only hope... Cover art by Stephen Youll.
  • Book II The Seafort Saga. After his heroics aboard the Hibernia, Nicholas Seafort wins command of his first ship, the Challenger, and joins Admiral Tremaine’s task force. Their first meeting is a rude awakening, however, as Tremaine demotes him to a smaller, overcrowded ship and blatantly ignores Seafort’s report of alien life on Hope Nation. Above all, Seafort is anxious for his pregnant wife, who’s due to have their baby on the journey. After an alien attack and an admiral’s betrayal, a wounded Seafort is left stranded aboard a ship short of weapons and fuel. Hundreds of lives hang in the balance as Seafort must find a way to survive. Cover art  by Stephen Youll.
  • Book V of The Seafort Saga. A guilt-ridden politician, an earnest young boy, a sick old man eking out a living in the broken streets -- can they alone stop humanity from destroying itself in urban Armageddon? In a divided world, wealthy citizens look down from skytop eyries to crumbling streets where the urban poor grow ever more desperate. As war brews, brilliant young Philip Seafort -- only son of the tormented hero Nicholas Seafort -- plunges into the bowels of the city to find his lost friend. Humanity is about to destroy itself. Children are in the line of fire. And a father with an iron will is at Ground Zero... Cover art by Stephen Youll.
  • Omnibus. Mega-City One, 2080. Judge Joe Dredd’s first year on the streets as a full-eagle Judge. Bred for justice, trained in law, Dredd’s no helpless rookie, but he’s not the seasoned veteran we know either. Three tales follow the first adventures of the future city’s greatest lawman. With an introduction by the Mighty Tharg! City Fathers: The brutal murder of a Justice Department-sanctioned spy uncovers something new and dangerous in the sector’s murky black market. Unless Dredd can stop it, chaos will be unleashed. Cold Light Of Day: A savage killing spree results in the deaths of two highly-regarded Judges, and many consider Dredd to be responsible: a decision he made five years earlier – while he was still a cadet – has come back to haunt him. Wear Iron: “Wear iron, that’s the rule.” Paul Strader is a stick-up man, and a stone cold professional. But when he gets in over his head, he has to risk everything on the word of a corrupt lawman and break every rule he has. Every rule but one...
  • In this volume: Glory, Greg Egan:  An Account of an Experiment, Adam Browne;  Toother, Terry Dowling; Cracks, Trent Jamieson; Mist and Murder, Lucy Sussex;  Special Perceptions, Richard Harland;  A Lady Of Adestan, Cat Sparks; John Wayne, Ben Peek; The Dark And What It Said, Rick Kennett;  The Jeweller Of Second-Hand Roe, Anna Tambour;  Domine, Rjurik Davidson;  Sir Hereward And Mister Fitz Go to War Again, Garth Nix.
  • Singing My Sister Down: Margo Lanagan; Dreaming Dragons: Lynette Aspey; No 3 Raw Place: Deborah Biancotti; Flashmen: Terry Dowling; Tripping Over The Light Fantastic: Kim Westwood; Bones: Rjurik Davidson; Occam’s Razing: Brendan D. Carson; Birds Of The Bushes And The Scrubs: Geoffrey Maloney; Home By The Sea: Cat Sparks; The Meek: Damien Broderick; The Tale Of Enis Cash, Smallgoods Smokehand: Brendan Duffy; The Dreaming City: Ben Peek

  • In this volume: Dead Sea Fruit: Kaaron Warren; The Cup Of Nestor: Simon Brown; Hero Vale: Margo Lanagan; When The World Was Flat: Geoffrey Maloney; La Frofonde: Terry Dowling; The Dying Light: Deborah Biancotti; Father Muerte And The Flesh: Lee Battersby; The Souls Of Dead Soldiers Are For Blackbirds, Not Little Boys: Ben Peek; Heironymus Boche: Chris Lawson; Terning Tha Weel: Kim Westwood; The Legend Of Grandmother June: Alistair Ong. Cover art by Tomislav Tikulin.
  • A little more than a century from now, our world has been utterly transformed. After years of slowly overtaking the continent, rising floodwaters have obliterated America’s great coastal cities and then its heartland, leaving nothing but an archipelago of mountaintop colonies surrounded by a deep expanse of open water. Stubbornly independent Myra and her precocious seven-year-old daughter, Pearl, fish from their small boat, the Bird, visiting dry land only to trade for supplies and information in the few remaining outposts of civilization. For seven years, Myra has grieved the loss of her oldest daughter, Row, who was stolen by her father after a monstrous deluge overtook their home in Nebraska. Then, in a violent confrontation with a stranger, Myra suddenly discovers that Row was last seen in a far-off encampment near the Arctic Circle. Throwing aside her usual caution, Myra and Pearl embark on a perilous voyage into the icy northern seas, hoping against hope that Row will still be there. On their journey, Myra and Pearl join forces with a larger ship and Myra finds herself bonding with her fellow seekers who hope to build a safe haven together in this dangerous new world. But secrets, lust, and betrayals threaten their dream, and after their fortunes take a shocking—and bloody—turn, Myra can no longer ignore the question of whether saving Row is worth endangering Pearl and her fellow travelers.
  • A millennium into the future two advancements have altered the course of human history: the colonisation of the galaxy and the creation of the positronic brain. Like most people left behind on an over-populated Earth, New York City Detective Elijah Baley had little love for either the arrogant Spacers or their robotic companions. But when a prominent Spacer is murdered under mysterious circumstances, Baley is ordered to the Outer Worlds to help track down the killer. The relationship between Baley and his Spacer superiors, who distrusted all Earthmen, was strained from the start. Then he learned that they had assigned him a partner: R. Daneel Olivaw. Worst of all was that the "R" stood for robot - and his positronic partner was made in the image and likeness of the murder victim. Cover art by Dennis Rolfe.
  • Book IV of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. Arthur Dent finds love in the last place he would have expected to find it - but which 3,976,000,000 people find very familiar...and we discover God's Final Message to Mankind. Cover art by Gary Day-Ellison.
  • What do a dead cat, a computer whiz-kid, an Electric Monk who believes the world is pink, quantum mechanics, a 200-year-old Chronologist, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (poet) and pizza have in common? Apparently not much - until Dirk Gently, self-styled private investigator, sets out to prove the fundamental interconnectedness of all things by solving a mysterious murder, assisting a mysterious professor, unravelling a mysterious mystery and eating a lot of pizza - not to mention saving the human race from extinction along the way - at no extra charge. Cover art by Lionel Jeans.
  • Book III of  the Helliconia trilogy. Helliconia is a world at the end of a reign that has lasted nearly 2000 years. The glorious civilisation that blossomed during spring and summer has faded, and the dismal wasteland of winter is rapidly destroying the human race.  It is the chill at the end of the Great Year, the 2,500 year cycle in which each season gives way to a new oppressor. As winter approaches and the numbers of mankind dwindle, the barbaric phagors prepare to seize their chance and rule again. They will succeed - unless mankind can unite and stop them. Cover art by Tim Gill.

  • Divergent: In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue - Candour (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful) and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is - she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself. During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles alongside her fellow initiates to live out the choice they have made. Together they must undergo extreme physical tests of endurance and intense psychological simulations, some with devastating consequences. As initiation transforms them all, Tris must determine who her friends really are -and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes exasperating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers unrest and growing conflict that threaten to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves….or it might destroy her. Insurgent: One choice can transform you - or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves - and herself - while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love. Tris's initiation day should have been marked by celebration and victory with her chosen faction; instead, the day ended with unspeakable horrors. War now looms as conflict between the factions and their ideologies grows. And in times of war, sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge, and choices will become even more irrevocable—and even more powerful. Transformed by her own decisions but also by haunting grief and guilt, radical new discoveries, and shifting relationships, Tris must fully embrace her Divergence, even if she does not know what she may lose by doing so. Allegiant: The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered - fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she's known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories. But Tris's new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend to complexities of human nature - and of herself - while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love. Four: Two years before Beatrice Prior made her choice, the sixteen-year-old son of Abnegation's faction leader did the same. Tobias's transfer to Dauntless is a chance to begin again. Here, he will not be called the name his parents gave him. Here, he will not let fear turn him into a cowering child. Newly christened "Four," he discovers during initiation that he will succeed in Dauntless. Initiation is only the beginning, though; Four must claim his place in the Dauntless hierarchy. His decisions will affect future initiates as well as uncover secrets that could threaten his own future - and the future of the entire faction system. Two years later, Four is poised to take action, but the course is still unclear. The first new initiate who jumps into the net might change all that. With her, the way to righting their world might become clear. With her, it might become possible to be Tobias once again.
  • Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he’s sure he’ll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he’s alive - and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won’t have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plain-old human error are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn’t ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skills - and a relentless, dogged refusal to quit - he steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him? This is not a novelisation of the film of the same name; this is the basis for the 2015 film. Cover shows Matt Damon as Mark Watney.
  • As a young parish priest, Aelwyn Roberts tried to satisfy his curiosity about ghosts and before he knew it, found himself enjoying the company of these people from the world of yesterday, even acting as a counsellor/social worker to many – and he can’t understand anyone being afraid of ghosts! Here he recounts some of his most interesting encounters and the assistance he obtained from mediums.
  • In the middle of the South Pacific, a thousand feet below the surface, a huge vessel is unearthed. Rushed to the scene is a team of American scientists who descend together into the depths to investigate the astonishing discovery. What they find defies their imaginations and mocks their attempts at logical explanation. It is a spaceship, but apparently it is undamaged by its fall from the sky. And, most startling, it appears to be at least three hundred years old...Has the ship come from an alien culture? From a different universe? From the future?  Why, initially, are there no creatures on the sea floor, and then suddenly, swarms of impossible animals of whole new species?  Who - or what - is transmitting messages onto the scientists' computer screen...messages that grow increasingly hostile? What is the giant, perfect, metallic sphere, clearly not made by man and seemingly impenetrable by him - that they find in the spaceship? And what - most crucially - is the erxtraordinary, terrifying power that threatens their undersea habitat, and then their very lives...
  • Liaden Universe 12. Plan B: Val Con yos'Phelium is a fugitive. The heir of Clan Korval is wanted by the covert Liaden agency known as the Department of the Interior, whose rulers have declared unofficial war against the entire clan. With only his love, Miri Robertson, by his side, Val Con plans a desperate gamble by forming an alliance with Clan Erob on the planet where Miri was born. But Val Con's cousin, Shan yos'Galan, can't wait for help that may never arrive. With enemy agents closing in, he invokes Plan B--setting in motion a series of events that will have dire consequences, not only for him and his life-mate, Priscilla Mendoza, but all of Liad... Liaden Universe 13. I Dare: On the run from the agents of the Department of the Interior, Val Con has been separated from Miri. Shan, Val Con's cousin, and Shan's life-mate Priscilla, continue to search for him, believing that he's the Clan's last hope for survival. But the DOI is attacking Clan Korval in a more subtle fashion. Pat Rin yos'Phelium--Val's ne'er-do-well, nearly identical cousin, gambler and shooter--is offered control of the clan. The DOI believes they can manipulate him into serving their agenda. They're so wrong...Cover art by Allan Pollack.  
  • Liaden Universe No 19. Star-trading Clan Korval - known to Terrans as the Tree-and-Dragon Family and to the locals simply as "the Dragon" - has been convicted of crimes against the homeworld. No matter that one of the "crimes" consisted of saving the elitist planet of Liad from very real internal threats, the Council of Clans wanted Korval heads to roll. Unfortunately for the Council, the Dragon's allies conspired to impose a milder punishment for saving the world: banishment, rather than execution. Now relocated to the free-for-all world of Surebleak, the Dragon is under contract to keep the Port Road open to all traffic, and to back the New Bosses in imposing law and order on a society originally based on larceny and assassination. This modest rustication is going surprisingly well, until Korval discovers that the enemy they'd sought to destroy...wasn't quite destroyed, and is more determined than ever to eradicate Korval. While the banishment killed no one initially, many of Korval’s trading allies are spooked, and some are reneging on ancient agreements, leaving the Dragon to make its own way. The clan’s efforts to stealthily recruit new allies is going haywire, and a secret death toll is rising even as the clan’s adherents endure increasing exposure to danger and deceit off-world. To make matters worse, an active portion of Surebleak's native population liked the Old Ways just fine, and are conspiring to take the New Bosses - and the Dragon - down, and are sure they have the firepower and people to do it. The exiled Dragon has to make an urgent choice - accept an alliance with criminals or face down each and every enemy in person, one by one.
  • Liaden Universe Publication Order 19. Beset by the angry remnants of the Department of the Interior, challenged at every turn by opportunists on their new homeworld of Surebleak, and somewhat low on funds, Clan Korval desperately needs to reestablish its position as one of the top trading clans in known space. To this end, Master Trader Shan yos'Galan, aboard Korval's premier trade ship, Dutiful Passage, is on a mission to establish new business associations and to build a strong primary route that links well with existing Loops and secondary routes. But re-establishing trade and preserving the lives of the few remaining members of the clan aren't all of Korval's problems. Matters come to a head as Dutiful Passage, accustomed to being welcomed and feted at those ports on its call-list, finds itself denied docking, and blacklisted, while agents of the DOI mount armed attacks on others of Korval's traders, under the very eyes of port security systems. Traveling with Dutiful Passage on this unsettling journey is Padi yos'Galan, the master trader's heir and his apprentice. Padi is eager to make up for time lost due to Korval's unpleasantness with the Department of the Interior. She is also keeping a secret so intense that her coming of age, and perhaps her very life, is threatened by it. Cover art by David Mattingly.
  • Liaden Universe 16. A stand-alone Liaden Universe tale. The kompani sees none as an enemy, and yet few as friend. The kompani exists in many places, living quietly in the shadows, thriving off the bounty that others have no wit to secure, nor skill to defend. Their private history is unwritten; their recall rooted in dance and dream. The humans of Clan Korval is in many ways the opposite of the kompani. The interstellar trading clan is wealthy in enemies, fortunate in friends. Korval protects itself with vigor, and teaches even its youngest children the art of war. And when representatives of Clan Korval arrive on the planet Surebleak where the kompani has lived secret and aloof, it seems to the kompani that they are borne by the very winds of change. Change can be a boon for in change lies opportunity. But the arrival of Clan Korval, establishing itself upon Surebleak with its friends, its enemies, and, most of all, its plans may bring catastrophe, changing the culture and the kompani, forever.  In this time of change, the lives of three people intersect - Kezzi, apprentice to the kompani's grandmother; Syl Vor, Clan Korval's youngest warrior; and Rys, a man without a world, or a past. Cover art by David B. Mattingly.
  • Omnibus volume: Santiago and The Return Of Santiago. Bandit, outlaw, known to all, seen by none, has he killed a thousand men? Murderer, madman, myth...Hiis legend as as great as the Galactic Rim itself, his trail as elusive as starlight in the great empty realms of space.  Rewards have been posted on half a million worlds.  His name is...Santiago. They hunt for him on the Galactic Rim, at the very edge of the Outer Frontier, where traders, miners, outlaws and misfits touch down on outpost worlds. They chase him at the Inner  Frontier, towards the core of the galaxy where the stars press so close together that night is as bright as day. They are bounty hunters, like Giles Sans Pitié, of the hard heart and steel fist; Sebastian Nightingale Cain, a disillusioned revolutionary turned professional killer; and the deadliest of the them all, the Angel. They are journalists, like Virtie MacKenzie, who will stoop to any means, including blackmail and murder, to get her story. They are connoisseurs of fine art, like the Jolly Swagman, who wants a few pieces said to be held by Santiago. They are poets and preachers, bandits and pundits, magnates and madmen, aliens and cyborgs - and they all want a piece of Santiago. And a merry chase it is. But just wait till they catch him! For Santiago is much more - and less - than they think. And a hundred years on, when a cunning burglar named Danny Briggs finds a long lost manuscript, Santiago will ride again... Cover art by Allan Pollack
  • The year is 2312. Scientific and technological advances have opened gateways to an extraordinary future. Earth is no longer humanity's only home; new habitats have been created throughout the solar system on moons, planets, and in between. But in this year, 2312, a sequence of events will force humanity to confront its past, its present, and its future. The first event takes place on Mercury, on the city of Terminator, itself a miracle of engineering on an unprecedented scale. It is an unexpected death, but one that might have been foreseen. For Swan Er Hong, it is an event that will change her life. Swan was once a woman who designed worlds. Now she will be led into a plot to destroy them.
  • Strange Vanishings: A long roll-call of ships found adrift from 1840 to 2003, their captains, crews and passengers lost without trace - and with no signs of struggle...and a doomed plane's final mystifying message.  Mystifying Murders: The Melbourne strangler who stole his victim's names...the blood-soaked peer....a killer identified by ESP...Sydney's shark arm mystery... Uncanny Occurences: Portraits of a long-dead couple grow in mould on an Oxford eerie glow from nowhere lights an Australian cemetery for 60 years. Hidden History: was Stalin poisoned to prevent nuclear war? Did Hitler kill his lover? Scientific Enigmas: What created the gigantic shadow on Mars? How did ancient mapmakers accurately depict a solar system invisible from Earth? And much, much more. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • A whisperjewel has summoned Dirk t’Larien to Worlorn, and a love he thinks he lost. But Worlorn isn’t the world Dirk imagined, and Gwen Delvano is no longer the woman he once knew. She is bound to another man, and to a dying planet that is trapped in twilight. Gwen needs Dirk’s protection, and he will do anything to keep her safe, even if it means challenging the barbaric man who has claimed her. But an impenetrable veil of secrecy surrounds them all, and it’s becoming impossible for Dirk to distinguish between his allies and his enemies. In this dangerous triangle, one is hurtling toward escape, another toward revenge, and the last toward a brutal, untimely demise. Cover art by Jim Burns.
  • Book II of World Of Tiers. Imagine a whole series of separate universes, made to suit the whims of a race of super-beings. Imagine these universes with their own laws, cultures, creatures, and ecologies - all existing solely to please the fancies of their individual master. Then imagine one such universe constructed as a diabolical trap to destroy a single person - the man called Robert Wolff, one of the race of universe-makers, and once of Earth. When the satanic Master-Lord, Urizen, kidnap's Wolff's wife, he forces Wolff to enter the deadly universe of ambushes, filled with every kind of tortuous snare that the evil mind of the Master-Lord can devise. Wolff has only his courage and his wits with which to combat this cosmic maze - unless he can perform a miracle, he and Chryseis are doomed.