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  • At the end of John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids, the hero, Bill Masen, his wife, and four-year-old son leave the British mainland to join a new colony on the Isle of Wight. The Night of the Triffids  takes up the story 25 years later.  The survivors are safe, for the time being at least, on their island, where they have continued efforts to combat the triffids, while also striving in various ways to build a new civilisation.  Elsewhere in the world, similar colonies cling to survival, while the triffids persist in their attempts to destroy humanity. One morning Bill Masen’s now-adult son, David, wakes to a world plunged into darkness. Now, the triffids have an advantage over even sighted humanity...Cover art by Chris Moore.
  • The book which started a legend. Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, heir to a noble family tasked with ruling an inhospitable world where the only thing of value is the “spice” melange, a drug capable of extending life and enhancing consciousness. Coveted across the known universe, melange is a prize worth killing for...When House Atreides is betrayed, the destruction of Paul’s family will set the boy on a journey toward a destiny greater than he could ever have imagined. And as he evolves into the mysterious man known as Muad’Dib, he will bring to fruition humankind’s most ancient and unattainable dream. DVD: (1984) Kyle MacLachlan; José Ferrer; Linda Hunt; Sting; Patrick Stewart; Max Von Sydow: preloved; ex-rental; very good condition; region 4
  • Book I of The Spin Trilogy. It is the aftermath of civil war in the vast pageant of planets and stars known as The Spin. Three years since he crushed the rebellion, Viklun Haas, industrialist and leader of the Hegemony, is eliminating all remnants of the opposition. Starting with his own daughter. But Fleare Haas, fighter for Society Otherwise has had a long time to plan her next move. Sprung from her remote monastery prison and reuniting with a team of loyal friends, Fleare’s journey will take her across The Spin to the cluster of fallen planets known as the The Catastrophe Curve - and from exile, to the very frontiers of war. Meanwhile, in the brutal and despotic empire of The Fortunate, word is reaching viceroy Alameche of a most unusual piece of plunder from their latest invasion. For hundreds of millions of years, the bizarre planets and stars of The Spin itself have been the only testament to the god-like engineers that created it. Now, buried in the earth of a ruined planet, one of their machines has been found...
  • Book I of The Force Unleashed. The overthrow of the Republic is complete. Absolute power now rests in the iron fist of Darth Sidious–the cunning Sith Lord better known as Emperor Palpatine. But more remains to be done. Pockets of resistance in the galaxy must still be defeated and missing Jedi accounted for . . . and dealt with. These crucial tasks fall to the Emperor’s ruthless enforcer, Darth Vader, who in turn has groomed a lethal, nameless Sith apprentice to secretly dispatch the last of his masters’ enemies. This acolyte’s journey will take him across the far reaches of the galaxy and test him with shattering revelations that strike at the very heart of all he believes, stirring within him long-forgotten hopes of reclaiming his name . . . and changing his destiny. Based on a story by Haden Blackman.
  • Book I of Fractalverse.  Kira Navárez dreamed of life on new worlds. Now she's awakened a nightmare. During a routine survey mission on an uncolonized planet, Kira finds an alien relic. At first she's delighted, but elation turns to terror when the ancient dust around her begins to move. As war erupts among the stars, Kira is launched into a galaxy-spanning odyssey of discovery and transformation. First contact isn't at all what she imagined, and events push her to the very limits of what it means to be human. While Kira faces her own horrors, Earth and its colonies stand upon the brink of annihilation. Now, Kira might be humanity's greatest and final hope...
  • Book II of Gideon. An accident with an antigravity machine catapulted Peter Schock and Kate Dyer back to 1763. A bungled rescue attempt leaves Peter stranded in the eighteenth century while a terrifying villain, the Tar Man, takes his place and explodes onto twenty-first-century London. Concerned about the potentially catastrophic effects of time travel, the NASA scientists responsible for the situation question whether it is right to rescue Peter. Kate decides to take matters into her own hands, but things don't go as planned. Soon the physical effects of time travel begin to have a disturbing effect on her. Meanwhile, in our century, the Tar Man wreaks havoc in a city whose police force is powerless to stop him...
  • Arthur Marshak, a brilliant and driven scientist, dreams of the ultimate biomedical breakthrough - regenerating human organs within the patient's own body. If he succeeds he will be able to cure the incurable, restore sight to the blind, make the paralysed walk again. But before he can test his theories on human beings, he must convince others. Not just his fellow-scientists, both admirers and enemies; there is the corporation who sees Arthur Marshak as both an asset and an expensive luxury.  And his brother Jesse, who once shared his dreams, And above all, Jesse's wife Julia - the one woman to whom Arthur ever gave his heart. The woman whose child is about to need Arthur's life-saving discovery. Cover art by Gerry Grace.
  • Humanity, facing extermination from all-but-omnipotent aliens, the Grand Galactics, must overcome differences of politics and religion and come together...or perish. In 1637, the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat scrawled a note in the margin of a book about an enigmatic “I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.” He also neglected to record his proof elsewhere. Thus began a search for the Holy Grail of mathematics–a search that didn’t end until 1994, when Andrew Wiles published a 150-page proof. But the proof was burdensome, overlong, and utilized mathematical techniques undreamed of in Fermat’s time, and so it left many critics unsatisfied – including young Ranjit Subramanian, a Sri Lankan with a special gift for mathematics and a passion for the famous “Last Theorem.” When Ranjit writes a three-page proof of the theorem that relies exclusively on knowledge available to Fermat, his achievement is hailed as a work of genius, bringing him fame and fortune. But it also brings him to the attention of the National Security Agency and a shadowy United Nations outfit   Pax Per Fidem, or Peace Through Transparency, whose secretive workings belie its name. Suddenly Ranjit – together with his wife, Myra, an expert in artificial intelligence, and their burgeoning family – finds himself swept up in world-shaking events, his genius for abstract mathematical thought put to uses that are both concrete and potentially deadly. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to anyone on Earth, an alien fleet is approaching the planet at a significant percentage of the speed of light...Cover art by David Stevenson.
  • Book II of Pandora. Despite malevolent lifeforms and the implacable hostility of Ship, the self-styled god demanding WorShip, Mankind's struggle to colonise the bleak ocean planet of Pandora has been at least partially successful. But at what cost?! Genetic mutation has evolved two separate societies, human subspecies: The technologically advanced Mermen, who live in sophisticated undersea habitats and dream of plundering Ship itslef; and the Islanders, who inhabit huge organic raft cities and whose way of life depends on biological engineering. Their uneasy co-existence is always imperilled but the results of one Merman project threatens to precipitate open conflict and human extinction. Cover art by Fred Gambino.
  • Book I of The Passage.  It seemed like a good idea at the time...infecting twelve death-row prisoners with an ancient virus in order to create human weapons.  Instead the virus turned them into ravening unstoppable monsters - and when the Twelve broke out of the underground facility where they had been born, all hell broke loose. In a world now ravaged by a viral plague, humanity is reduced to stubborn pockets of resistance. But if the human race is to have a future, survival is not enough. Against terrifying odds, they must hunt down and destroy the Twelve in their lairs. But the virals' behaviour is inexplicably changing - and all the clues point towards the Homeland, a sinister dictatorship where an unlikely trio are re-imagining humanity's destiny : Horace Guilder, a veteran of the original experiment with a blood-curdling vision of immortality; a mysterious woman whose tragic past has driven her into a world of fantasy; and Lawrence Grey, a man whose hunger for intimacy has been fulfilled in the most gruesome ways imaginable.  And then there is Amy - the Girl from Nowhere. Once the thirteenth test subject and now the only human who can fathom  the Homeland's secret and truly enter the hive-mind of the Twelve.  But what she finds there may spell the end of everything...
  • Space and time form the very fabric of the cosmos. Yet they remain among the most mysterious of concepts. Is space an entity? Why does time have a direction? Could the universe exist without space and time? Can we travel to the past? Greene has set himself a daunting task: to explain non-intuitive, mathematical concepts like String Theory, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and Inflationary Cosmology with analogies drawn from common experience. From Newton’s unchanging realm in which space and time are absolute, to Einstein’s fluid conception of spacetime, to quantum mechanics’ entangled arena where vastly distant objects can instantaneously coordinate their behavior, Greene takes us all, regardless of our scientific backgrounds, on an irresistible and revelatory journey to the new layers of reality that modern physics has discovered lying just beneath the surface of our everyday world.
  • Book I of Quantum Logic. It’s the second decade of the twenty-first century, and terrorism has escalated almost beyond control. New weapons are being spawned in remote basement labs, and no one feels safe. In North America, the FBI uses cutting-edge technology to thwart domestic terrorists. The War on Terror has reached a deadly stalemate. The FBI has been dispatched to deal with a new menace. Like the Anthrax threat of 2001, a plague targeted to ethnic groups has the potential to wipe out entire populations. But the FBI itself is under political assault. There’s a good chance that agents William Griffin, Fouad Al-Husam, and Jane Rowland will be part of the last class at Quantico. As the young agents hunt a brilliant homegrown terrorist, they join forces with veteran bio-terror expert Rebecca Rose. But the plot they uncover - and the man they chase - prove far more complex than anyone expects.
  • The Chase for the Ghost Particle and the Secrets of the Universe. Before the Higgs boson, there was a maddening search for another particle – the ghostly neutrino. First detected in 1956, its fleeting appearances have teased answers to many mysteries: How did the Big Bang happen? Why is antimatter so rare? What might dark matter be made of? And could faster-than-light travel be possible, overturning Einstein’s theory of special relativity? But the quest for the neutrino also encompasses adventure, from Cold War defections and extra dimensions to mile-deep holes in the Antarctic ice and a troubled genius who disappeared without a trace...Detective thriller meets astrophysics in this adventure into neutrinos and the scientists who pursue them.

  • First collection of Banks' short fiction. In this volume: Road Of SkullsTwo men in a carriage travel over the eponymous Road of Skulls, to reach a distant City that seems to be constantly retreating and producing the infinite road. A Gift From The Culture: A man in self-imposed exile from the Culture is pressured into committing an act of terrorism with the help of Culture technology.  Odd Attachment: A lovesick alien encounters a humanoid explorer.  Descendant: A Culture soldier and his sapient spacesuit struggle to survive after being shot down and crash-landing on a barren planet. Cleaning Up: An alien race discovers that a faulty teleporter has been sending junk onto the surface of Earth instead of the Sun, where scientists from across the world have been studying these "Gifts." Piece: A commentary on religion and fundamentalism in the form of a recovered letter from the Lockerbie disaster. The State Of The Art: A chronicle of a Culture mission to Earth in the late 1970s (prequel to Use of Weapons). Diziet Sma argues for contact with Earth, to try to fix the mess the human species has made of it; another Culture citizen, Linter, goes native, choosing to renounce his Culture body enhancements so as to be more like the locals; and Li, a Star Trek fan, argues that the whole "incontestably neurotic and clinically insane species" should be eradicated with a micro black hole.  Scratch: A stream-of-consciousness narrative that samples random sections of the future, eventually ending in an abrupt nuclear apocalypse.  Illustrated by Nick Day.
  • Book IV of The Long Earth. It is the middle of the twenty-first century. After the cataclysmic upheavals of Step Day and the Yellowstone eruption, humanity is spreading farther into the Long Earth. Society, on a battered Datum Earth and beyond, continues to evolve. And new challenges emerge. Now an elderly and cantankerous AI, Lobsang is living with Agnes in an exotic, far-distant world. He's determined to lead a normal life in New Springfield - they even adopt a child. But there are rumors, strange sightings in the sky. On this world, something isn't right...Millions of steps away - learning about a hidden family history and the father he never knew - Joshua receives an urgent summons from New Springfield. Lobsang has come to understand that what has blighted his Earth is also a threat to all the worlds of the Long Earth. Countering this threat will require the combined efforts of humankind, machine, and the super-intelligent Next. And some must make the ultimate sacrifice...
  • Book III of The Ancient Future. An enormous vortex spiralled above the earth, out beyond the orbit of the moon. Its centre was expanding to form a huge glowing corridor through the fabric of space. This brilliant mass shot forth thousands of glowing balls of light that proceeded to descend toward our planet. As Tory awaits Maelgwn's return, she endeavours to find out the truth behind her ancestry and is shocked to discover that her clan is not the only tribe of immortals the Gods have nurtured. One by one, allies from Tory's past re-emerge to help her through a time of tribulation when her clan is made outcast from mainstream society ... an old enemy, incarnate, is seeking revenge on the Dragon's kin. And now, aided by a divine power, an interstellar army is set to destroy 'the Chosen' at the foretold Gathering of Kings. Cover art by David Harding.
  • Book II of The Well Of Echoes. Santhenar is on its knees. The war with the alien lyrinx drags on, and humanity is losing it but there is worse to come. The Aachim have invaded with an irresistible force - a fleet of battle constructs. Cursing humanity for the loss of Aachan and his own clan, the embittered Aachim leader, Vithis, demands half the world in reparation. The council is in no position to resist. But even if they agree to his demands, can anything satisfy his thirst for vengeance? Tiaan is in despair. Her life lies in ruins, and now she is being hunted through the abandoned city of Tirthrax by an implacable Nish, who blames her for the attack. The future of the world rests in the hands of three flawed people: Tiaan, whose geomancy holds the key to the power that can save or destroy them; Nish, who has sworn to bring her to justice; and Irisis, whose great talents are hidden even from herself.  Cover art by Nick Stathopoulos.
  • Rebuilding the American West after it was destroyed in a series of biological disasters isn’t easy, especially for a “control natural” - a cowboy who doesn’t have any mechanical implants. In a world where even the cattle are mechanical hybrids, most folks look down on a man who doesn’t have at least one bionic hand. But Louie Hong is determined to make his way in the new Wild West. All he has to do is explain to the bounty hunters who are after him for robbing a bank, and the outlaw gang that’s after him for stealing their loot, that he didn’t do any of it. With a little bit of luck, and the help of Chuck, his mechanical steed, Hong hopes to find a home on the range that nobody can take away - not outlaws, not bounty hunters, not cyborgs, not even talking, singing  mechanical horses! Cover art by Paul Damon.
  • In direct challenge to those who claim that the alien abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent, The Threat offers evidence to the contrary - it reveals why aliens have come and exposes their frightening plans for planet Earth. It is a disturbing picture of aliens integrating themselves into our society and relegating humans to an inferior status.The result of three decades of research, this book answers some of the most important questions researchers have been asking since the beginning of the UFO controversy. Professor Jacobs provides, for the first time, new details about the aliens' "breeding program" - a bold plan to create a breed of alien-human "hybrids" who will eventually colonise, and ultimately control the Earth.  The Threat adds complexity and depth to common knowledge of this fascinating subject. The secret alien agenda revealed in this book is ominous and Professor Jacobs warns that it must be confronted.
  • What if...the Cuban Missile Crisis had become a full-blown atomic war...? Boston, 1972. Ten years have passed since bombs fell on major U.S. cities and the Soviet Union. Russia is decimated;  California is virtually destroyed. Washington D.C. lies beneath a giant crater lake. President Kennedy, Vice President Johnson and their families have disappeared, believed dead. The best and brightest of their administration are disgraced or in hiding. America is a shell of her former glory, a second-rate power dependent on the kindness of Britain. Martial law rules. Carl Landry, a young reporter with The Boston Globe arrives at the scene of a murder. A friendless man, a veteran of the '62 war, has been shot, but Landry doubts that he's the victim of a robbery gone wrong. and suspects the man has taken secrets to his grave. What was this man doing int he War Room  of the White House in October 1962? Who pushed the  button that started the war? What is the legend and what is the lie? Who was the betrayer and who was the betrayed...and could John F. Kennedy, by some miracle, still be alive?
  • An epic adventure that spans time and space. Captain Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 are faced with their most challenging mission yet—rescuing renowned scientist Zefram Cochrane from captors who want to use his skills to conquer the galaxy.  Meanwhile, ninety-nine years in the future on the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Picard must rescue an important and mysterious person whose safety is vital to the survival of the Federation. As the two crews struggle to fulfill their missions, destiny draws them closer together until past and future merge—and the fate of each of the two legendary starships rests in the hands of the other vessel...Cover art by Keith Birdsong.
  • When physicist Michael Shelborne mysteriously vanishes, his son Shel discovers that he had constructed a time travel device. Fearing his father may be stranded in time—or worse—Shel enlists the aid of Dave Dryden, a linguist, to accompany him on the rescue mission. Their journey through history takes them from the enlightenment of Renaissance Italy through the American Wild West to the civil-rights upheavals of the 20th century. Along the way, they encounter a diverse cast of historical greats, sometimes in unexpected situations. Yet the elder Shelborne remains elusive. And then Shel violates his agreement with Dave not to visit the future. There he makes a devastating discovery that sends him fleeing back through the ages - a discovery that changes his life forever. Cover art by Tony Mauro.
  • A dark mystery has been buried beneath the sands of the Sahara desert since the beginning of time. In a basement in New Mexico, four amateur adventurers find reason to believe that a startling secret is out there...and they are about to uncover the key that could unlock the vast reaches of the universe.  A radar has detected huge assembled stones hidden beneath the desert. There, the friends stumble on an ancient artifact that will change their lives and the world forever...a gateway between planets, linking Earth to distant worlds, where they will encounter wonders and terror beyond imagining...Cover art by John Harris.
  • The balance of galactic power in the 31st century revolves around illyrion, the most precious energy source in the universe. The varied and exotic crew who sign up with Captain Lorq van Ray know their mission is dangerous, and they soon learn that they are involved in a deadly race with the charismatic but vicious leader of an opposing space federation. But they have no idea of Lorq's secret obsession: to gather illyrion at the source by flying through the very heart of an imploding star. Cover art by Bob Haberfield.
  • Book III of Brainships. Tia, a bright and precocious seven year old, becomes afflicted by a paralysing alien virus while accompanying her archeologist parents on a dig. Too broud to let them know, she hides the progressing symptoms until it is too late - until she can be given no life at all outside a mechanical support system. But Tia refuses to glide through life like a ghost in a glorified wheelchair - she'd rather strap on a spaceship. her mission -  to seek out whatever it was that laid her low, to understand it and then eliminate it.  Cover art by Mark Harrison.
  • The true story of alien abduction in rural England...Jason Andrews was twelve years old when his parents first realised that he was being abducted. Suddenly, the strange happenings that had dogged their bright son all his life were explained: the weird marks on his body, the secret language he babbled, the terrible nights when they had found his bed empty. The family's farm, too, has been affected: animals mutilated, cattle dead in mysterious circumstances, pregnant cows suddenly becoming barren; strange lights appearing in the sky...and always, there have been the watchers in the wood - silent figures who keep the farm under observation. At the time of publication, this compelling story of a normal family caught up in terrifying abnormal events is the most detailed exploration of an alien abduction ever, bravely told by the Andrews family to independent investigator Jean Ritchie. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • Sky Chasers I. A ship headed for New Earth is halfway through its incredible journey across the galaxy. On board, 16 year olds Waverly and Kieran are part of the first generation born in space. They are in love. They believe their future is written in the stars.  They have never before seen a stranger...until the day they are wrenched apart and find themselves fighting for their lives...