
  • Book II of The Void. The Intersolar Commonwealth is in turmoil as the Living Dream's deadline for launching its Pilgrimage into the Void draws closer. Not only is the Ocisen Empire fleet fast approaching on a mission of genocide, but also an internecine war has broken out between the post-human factions over the destiny of humanity. Countering the various and increasingly desperate agents and factions is Paula Myo, a ruthlessly single-minded investigator, beset by foes from her distant past and colleagues of dubious allegiance...but she is fast losing a race against time. At the heart of all this is Edeard the Waterwalker, who once lived a long time ago deep inside the Void. He is the messiah of Living Dream, and visions of his life are shared by, and inspire billions of humans. It is his glorious, captivating story that is the driving force behind Living Dream's Pilgrimage, a force that is too strong to be thwarted. As Edeard nears his final victory the true nature of the Void is finally revealed. Cover art by David Marchal and Paul Youll.
  • A graphic work from the author of Chariots Of The Gods? that he feels gives credence to his belief of an 'Era of the Gods' on earth - extra terrestrial visitors and astronauts who imparted information to man that enabled him to develop from a primitive into a civilised being. Through wide-ranging travels and indefatigable research, von Daniken speculates on the quality of this ancient life and attempts to unravel the age-old mystery of man's origins and presents open-ended and bizarrely imaginative theories that never fail to fascinate.  Lavishly illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • Is the movie Close Encounters fact - or science fiction? Is there really life in outer space? Are aliens trying to bring us messages from other galaxies? What about those abduction stories? What do the experts say about psychics and UFOs?  It's all here...and by Clifford Wilson, author of Crash Go The Chariots and John Weldon, author of UFOs: What On Earth Is Happening?
  • Past Doctor Adventures No. VII. The Doctor and Jo have gone off in the TARDIS, leaving the Brigadier and UNIT facing a deadly mystery and a moral dilemma. Robbery and murder are on the increases in Britain as disputes between underworld gangs escalate into open warfare on the streets. The Master seems inextricably linked to the chaos - despite the fact he is safely under lock and key. Meanwhile UNIT is called in when a plane missing in strange circumstances is rediscovered, contaminated with radiation and particle damage that cannot possibly have occurred on Earth. As the mystery deepens, what little light they can shed on the matter leads the Brigadier to believe that with the Doctor away, Earth's only hope may lie with its greatest enemy. This adventure takes place between the TV stories The Day Of The Daleks and The Sea Devils, and is concurrent with The Curse Of Peladon.

  • Twenty-six science fiction stories, complete in one volume, originally published before 1939 (when the Golden Age of SF began), with autobiographical remarks by Asimov before each story. Contents: Introduction; Part 1: 1920 to 1930 by Isaac Asimov. Part II - 1931: The Man Who Evolved, Edmond Hamilton: As man evolves what changes will he undergo in a thousand years? A million or more? The Jameson Satellite, Neil R. Jones: When a scientist knows he must die, he conceives a brilliant idea for the preservation of his body... the result of which even exceeded his expectations. Submicroscopic: A ray is invented that causes both miniturisation and enlargement; Awlo Of Ulm, Captain S. P. Meek: Could an atom be a miniature solar system - and if so, what of our own?  Tetrahedra Of Space, P. Schuyler Miller: Three different civilisations meet in a struggle to the death.  The World Of The Red Sun, Clifford D. Simak: A pair of adventurers  leave Denver in their flying time machine, intending to travel five millennia... but they land five million years later in a desolate world ruled by the evil and cruel brain, Golan-Kirt. Part III - 1932: Tumithak of the Corridors, Charles R. Tanner: In the fifty-third century, two millennia after Earth has been invaded by the shelks from Venus, mankind has been driven underground into a maze of deep tunnels. Tumithak, a young man, determines to venture to the surface and kill a shelk and on his way, discovers other societies that have evolved.  The Moon Era, Jack Williamson:  An insufficiently tested space ship delivers its lone passenger to the Moon of the distant past, where he will play a role in the final episode of a ruthless, genocidal war. Part IV - 1933: The Man Who Awoke, Laurence Manning: Elderly banker Norman Winters puts himself into suspended animation for 5,000 years at a time - and has adventures through Time.  Tumithak In Shawm, Charles R. Tanner: Tumithak leads a party of warriors back to the surface to defeat the shelks.   Part V - 1934: Colossus, Donald Wandrei: As an apocalyptic atomic world war breaks out, a man leaves Earth in a experimental spaceship, hoping to reach the ends of the known universe. Born of the Sun, Jack Williamson: The Sun is a sentient being, and planets and moons are its eggs - and now the eggs are beginning to hatch, including the egg shell known as 'Earth...'.  Sidewise in Time, Murray Leinster: As 'time-quakes' reveal parallel universes, a professor and a team of students attempt to establish themselves as masters of a time-fractured world.  Old Faithful, Raymond Z. Gallun: Martian civilisation is slowly dying and Martian 774 is informed - as is the custom - that he has forty days left to live and his work of establishing communication with Earth is not relevant to saving the Martian race. So...Martian 774 hitches a ride on a passing comet...Part VI - 1935: Parasite Planet, Stanley G. Weinbaum: Tidal locking keeps one side of Venus perpetually facing the Sun, creating a barren desert. Towards the planet's twilight zone the temperature drops below the boiling point of water and the Hotlands begin: a place inhabited by parasitic native life forms.  Proxima Centauri, Murray Leinster: The starship Adastra is in sight of its goal, Proxima Centauri with a crew that is half loyal officers and half mutineers. And when a young mutineer is promoted for picking up signals from  Proxima, a loyal officer is enraged...and he doesn't seem to realise the communications are less than friendly. The Accursed Galaxy, Edmond Hamilton: The force field prison of an immortal Energy Being lands on Earth and the secret of why other galaxies flee the Milky Way is revealed.  Part VII - 1936: He Who Shrank, Henry Hasse: The greatest scientist ever has invented a new means of exploring the world of the infinitely small - and sends his devoted assistant on a mind-boggling series of adventures exploring the infinite series of concentric universes.  The Human Pets of Mars, Leslie F. Stone: The  Martians land on a golf course and capture a small group of humans, transporting them back to Mars, where they are kept as pets.  The Brain Stealers of Mars,  John W. Campbell, Jr.: Two rogue inventors break the law to create an atomic powered space ship. On Mars, they find two life forms - one of which can become anything it likes...Devolution, Edmond Hamilton: A variant on the creation myth, where perfect beings devolve into lesser beings in all ways - including morally.  Big Game, Isaac Asimov: A drunk man in a bar  tries to convince his audience that ten years ago, he built a time machine and travelled back to before the extinction of the dinosaurs, where he met an intelligent race of humanoid dinosaurs with the ability to communicate telepathically. Part VIII - 1937: Other Eyes Watching, John W. Campbell, Jr: A non-fiction piece on the solar system, focusing on Jupiter.  Minus Planet, John D. Clark, Ph.D.: Humanity is endangered by the approach of a world composed of pure antimatter.   Past, Present and Future,  Nat Schachner: Kleon, not content to be worshipped as a god by the Mayans, will sleep the centuries away...until a careless explorer succumbs to the sleeping gas. Together, explorer and Kleon awake to the even more distant future: the Age of the Olgarchs. Part IX - 1938: The Men and the Mirror, Ross Rocklynne: A cop and a crook become trapped in a frictionless, mirrored bowl. Escape depends on co-operation - and ingeniously applied physics.  Cover art by Christian Vankeer.
  • Book I of The Passage.  It seemed like a good idea at the time...infecting twelve death-row prisoners with an ancient virus in order to create human weapons.  Instead the virus turned them into ravening unstoppable monsters - and when the Twelve broke out of the underground facility where they had been born, all hell broke loose. In a world now ravaged by a viral plague, humanity is reduced to stubborn pockets of resistance. But if the human race is to have a future, survival is not enough. Against terrifying odds, they must hunt down and destroy the Twelve in their lairs. But the virals' behaviour is inexplicably changing - and all the clues point towards the Homeland, a sinister dictatorship where an unlikely trio are re-imagining humanity's destiny : Horace Guilder, a veteran of the original experiment with a blood-curdling vision of immortality; a mysterious woman whose tragic past has driven her into a world of fantasy; and Lawrence Grey, a man whose hunger for intimacy has been fulfilled in the most gruesome ways imaginable.  And then there is Amy - the Girl from Nowhere. Once the thirteenth test subject and now the only human who can fathom  the Homeland's secret and truly enter the hive-mind of the Twelve.  But what she finds there may spell the end of everything...
  • Patera Silk is a dedicated young auger whose parish buildings  are about to be sold for taxes. He has made a pact with the wealthy, sinister Blood to get the money to save them. And so Silk has embarked on a quest which reveals to him the hidden secrets of his world, a huge starship illuminated and warmed by the artificial Long  Sun, a spaceship so vast that remote cities can be seen in its sky. Silk travels to Lake Limna and visits a shrine which conceals an entrance to the sub surface passages of the ship, to rooms that contain strange machinery and stranger beings - and to rooms with windows...

  • In this volume from  1956: Imagine: A Proem: Fredric Brown; You're Another, Damon Knight; This Earth Of Majesty, Arthur C. Clarke; Birds Can't Count,  Mildred Clingerman; The Golem,  Avram Davidson; Pottage, Zenna Henderson; The Vanishing American, Charles Beaumont; Created He Them, Alice Eleanor Jones; Too Far, Fredric Brown; A Matter of Energy, James Blish; Nellthu, Anthony Boucher; Dreamworld, Isaac Asimov; One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts, Shirley Jackson; The Short Ones, Raymond E. Banks; The Last Prophet, Mildred Clingerman; Botany Bay, P. M. Hubbard; A Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter M. Miller, Jr.; Lament by a Maker, L. Sprague de Camp; The Doctrine of Original Design, Winona McClintic; Pattern For Survival, Richard Matheson; The Singing Bell, Isaac Asimov; The Last Word, Chad Oliver and Charles Beaumont; Survival, Carlyn Coffin.
  • A volume of short stories.  In this volume: The Moment Of Eclipse; The Day We Embarked For Cythera...; Orgy Of The Living And The Dying; Super-Toys Last All Summer Long;  The Village Swindler; Down The Up Escalation; That Uncomfortable Pause Between Life And Art...;Confluence; Heresies Of The Huge God; The Circulation Of The Blood...;...And The Stagnation Of The Heart; The Worm That Flies; Working In The Spaceship Yards; Swastika! Cover art by Jerome Gask.