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  • A novel based on three previously published stories: Name Your Pleasure, The Naked Sky and  The Unhappy Man. The advertisement read: Why Be Miserable? Let Us Solve Your Problems.  A Modern Service for the Modern Age. Happiness Guaranteed. Dial P-L-E-A-S-U-R - Hedonics, Inc.  This was the advertisement which caught the eye of unhappy mankind, offering the ultimate consumer product - bliss, here and now. But where do you go from Paradise?
  • Book II of The Guardians. They are the enemies of promise and man's only hope. They are outsiders, a world wide secret cabal, walking in the shadows and dedicated to the cause of stability, dedicated to preserving science from the world, and the world from science.  In a rotting decommissioned nuclear power station on the English south coast, a sinister experiment is taking place.  In Japan, a hacker genius called the Emperor Dragon is threatening to tear down the cyber empire of Kawai Kim, the Guardians' intelligence co-ordinator. The Guardians little suspect the danger that is building withing their number.
  • A salute to the late Terry Carr with contributory tales: At The Double Solstice,Gregory Benford; Le Hot Sport, R.A. Lafferty; Kore 87, Ursula K. LeGuin; Slack Lankhmar Afternoon Featuring Hisvet, Fritz Leiber; The Lunatics, Kim Stanley Robinson; Transients, Carter Scholz; House of Bones, Robert Silverberg; The Dragon Line, Michael Swanwick;  Isosceles, Kate Wilhelm; Lukora, Gene Wolfe; Deadboy Donner and the Filstone Cup, Roger Zelazny. Last, but by no means least, two from Terry Carr: The Dance Of The Changer and The Three. Cover art by M. Presley.
  • The Muskies - spawned in Earth's long childhood of fire and stone, they flourish in the stinking hell Man calls 'civilisation'. They ride the wind: gaseous beings, perceptible to Man only now that a monstrous experiment has heightened his sense of smell and destroyed civilisation in the process.  And so a slow, destructive war erupts between the Muskies and the scattered settlements of human survivors, a war which will threaten humanity's existence.  Only the Telempath can stop it, but he's missing an arm - and is wanted for the murder of his father. Cover art by Peter Jones.
  • Book V of TekWar. Investigator Jake Cardigan is on the trail of a powerful industrialist's daughter - a woman prone to reckless excursions with handsome playboys. But this routine missing-person case leads Cardigan into a chilling American Heartland of the future. A world of super-industry growing more corrupt - and more lethal - each day that Cardigan manages to stay alive...Cover art by Boris Vallejo.
  • Book VI of TekWar. Androids are becoming more realistic every day and humans aren't noticing. Replacing humans with surrogates has been possible for a long time in a crude way - android simulations have become an assassination tool of choice, as investigator Jake Cardigan well knows. But now there's a really deadly and sinister plot afoot. The President of the United States returns unusually rested and healthy - and with a whole new set of policies. It'll be up to Cardigan to unravel the TekLord's audacious plan.
  • Book III of  TekWar. Investigator Jake Cardigan enters the blasted ruins of 21st century London to search for his missing son, invading the underground turf of the TekLords and facing the Unknown Soldier, the ultimate serial killer of the future.  Cover art by Boris Vallejo.
  • Duwan had been foremost of the Drinker warriors in training, destined in time to become leader of all the valley's warriors. Then an accident had claimed his arm, leaving him unfit to lead. With no other choice, Duwan turned to Drinker legends for hope, legends of a lost homeland to the south, where the sun was so strong, the soil so rich, that a Sundrinker could regenerate a lost limb. And so Duwan left the valley, seeking this fabled paradise. But what he found was the Enemy, the dominant, less evolved form of his species called Devourers, who lived by preying upon other life forms. The Devourers, who, ages ago, had driven the Drinkers from their homeland, intent on their total destruction. Yet to Duwan's horror, he found Drinkers too, Drinkers enslaved by cruel Devourer overlords - and  Duwan understands why his destiny had brought him here - to lead his people to freedom. Cover art by Jill Bauman Versandi.
  • Book V of Bio Of A Space Tyrant. Child of flame and terror, born and bred to violence, Hope Hubris had ruled the solar system's most powerful empire with a fierce, uncompromising passion.  His was a white hot flame of justice that scarred friend and foe alike.  Yet now he left Jupiter as an exile, his autocratic rule overthrown by the one person he could not oppose.  Deposed, disgraced but unbroken, the tyrant's greatest hour was yet to come.  Only he could shoulder the burden of mankind's greatest dream: to leave behind the confines of the solar system and journey out to the stars. Cover art by Jim Burns.
  • Star Wars Legends. Xizor, Underlord of a galaxy wide criminal organisation, plans to displace Darth Vader by an evil plan to discredit him in the Emporeror's eyes. But first he will join Vader in making a trap for Luke Skywalker. Han Solo is held captive in a carbonite slab and Princess Leia mounts a rescue mission. Luke organises a crack fighting force including Wedge Antilles and the famous X-wing squadron, Lando Calrissian and the mercenary, Dash Rendar.  The fierce battle does not go according to plan. Against the advice of Chewbacca, Leia walks willingly into Xizor's lair in a dangerous passion play in order to get the information she needs to defeat him.  Luke is pursued by the beautiful and lethal human replicant Guri, Xizor's lieutenant, and is the potential prize of the two most evil entities in the galaxy. Cover art by Drew  Struzan.
  • "We have come to your planet to remember it." So say the insectoid aliens who arrived one day in their pyramid-ship. Although they speak both English and Russian and the human team sent to  communicate with them includes an expert on body-language, the meaning of their words remains tantalisingly obscure. And then things start to disappear. The Dome of St. Peter's is the first to go. Whole cities begin to follow. It's not long before a desperate band of pilgrims are forced to embark on a bizarre journey to Mars - in search of the city of Munich. Cover art by Mick Posen.

  • Star Trek Adventures No. 11. Due to violent ion storms, the Neutral Zone is shifting and the planet Arachnae will move from Federation territory to Romulan space.  The Enterprise is ordered to seek out intelligent life there and, if it exists, offer full Federation protection. Dr.  Katalya Tremain, the Federation's foremost expert on the exobiology of this region is assigned to the Enterprise and Kirk finds that she has a fanatical hatred of any and all things Vulcan...  including Spock. Why was a woman guaranteed to be a problem sent for such a delicate situation? Is the mission being sabotaged?  Cover art by Alister Pearson.
  • Star Trek Original Series No. 77. Unlike most planets, Rimillia does not spin upon its axis, so the day and night sides are subjected to perpetual extremes of heat and col. Habitation has only been possible on a narrow strip of the planet's surface. Until now...Using gigantic impulse engines of unimaginable power, the alien Dumada intend to start Rimillia rotating, making the entire world fit for colonisation. Yet there are those who fear the enormous stresses involved may instead tear the planet apart. Assigned to assist the Dumada, Captain Kirk must rescue a kidnapped scientist vital to the rotation project. But once the giant engines are activated, can Scotty save Rimillia and the Enterprise from total destruction?
  • Star Trek No. 13. The Sackers may be the most hated race in the galaxy, so repugnant that their mere appearance makes most Federation citizens ill. That hatred runs both ways, and now the Sackers have stolen a powerful new device that they use to imperil the rest of the universe. They've torn a hole in the fabric of spacetime, an expanding tear so that one universe is leaking into another, and unless the Enterprise crew can stop it, it will consume everything in its path.
  • Star Trek Original Series No. 63. While on a routine mission to retrieve a research drone for recycling, the U.S.S. Enterprise encounters a Romulan space station adrift within Federation borders. Exploring the lifeless station, the crew finds ghostly apparitions flitting at the edges of sight. Soon the Enterprise is also inexplicably without power. Captain Kirk and his crew must now solve the mystery of the strange apparitions before the Starship suffers the station's fate. The situation becomes desperate when a Romulan warship arrives looking for the station, and the Romulan Commander accuses the Federation of treachery. Before Captain Kirk can save the  Enterprise from complete destruction, he must avoid becoming drawn into a deadly shell game, a game that will leave no winners and no survivors. Cover art by Keith Birdsong.
  • Star Trek III: Movie novelisation. No-one on the Enterprise can believe that Mr. Spock is gone. As the crew grieves for Mr. Spock, the awesome Genesis Device, now controlled by the Federation, has transformed an inert nebula into a new planet teeming with life. But Genesis can also destroy existing worlds. The creators of the device want it given freely to the Galaxy. But Starfleet Command fears that it will become a force for evil. And the enemies of the Federation will not rest until they seize it - as their most powerful weapon in the battle to conquer the Galaxy. Cover art by Boris Vallejo.  
  • Star Trek Original Series No. 78.  An entire solar system begins to disintegrate into cosmic rubble, and Captain Kirk suspects that rumors of a new Klingon superweapon are all too true. The Tautee system houses a flourishing pre-Warp civilization not quite ready to join the Federation, so the Prime Directive limits Kirk's ability to prevent the disaster - and to make matters worse his rescue efforts provoke an attack from four Klingon warships. But soon Kirk recognizes that he must get to the bottom of the forces at work in the Tautee system before they spill over into the rest of the galaxy.
  • Star Trek Next Generation No. 40. Eighty years ago, bodiless entities brought a plague of violence and bloodshed to the planet Vulcan. The nightmare ended only when the entities were trapped inside special containers. Now on the eve of a galaxy-scale exposition, the containers have been opened, freeing the malevolent entities to possess the minds and bodies of all they encounter, including the crew of the Enterprise. Friends become foes and no-one can be trusted, as Captain Picard faces a deadly threat. Unless the entities can be stopped once more, they will spread their madness through the entire Federation.
  • Star Trek Next Generation No. 19. On a routine mission to survey Domarus IV - a class M world with no intelligent life - an  Enterprise shuttle crewed by Data, Troi and Wesley Crusher is captured by a race called the Tenirans who claim the world for themselves. As Captain Picard tries to negotiate with the captain of the Teniran ship, the shuttle suddenly disappears in a blaze of color and light. Picard demands to know what's happened to the shuttle and its crew, but the Tenarins deny any part in their disappearance. Suddenly, Captain Picard vanishes from the bridge and finds himself alone on the planet's surface with the Tenarin captain. As the two captains begin to work together, they realize that they are not alone on Domarus IV as they confront an incredible alien force with the power to transform a world - or to destroy it.
  • Star Trek Next Generation No. 24. After two hundred years of civil war the planet Oriana is dying. Most of the surface vegetation is gone, the air is nearly unbreatheable, and the people themselves are dying. Now, the two warring factions have finally sat down to talk peace, and Captian Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise are sent to help them negotiate a settlement. Picard, Lt. Worf, and Counsellor Troi beam down to Oriana, just as the Starship Enterprise is called away on another urgent mission. Alone on the planet, the U.S.S. Enterprise team learns that there are people that would rather finish the devastating conflict than talk peace. Suddenly, Picard is accused of murder and the delicate negotiations have fallen into the hands of Lt. Worf. Now, Worf and Troi must unravel the truth and prevent planet-wide disaster, before time runs out for the people of Oriana and the crew of the Starship Enterprise. Cover art by Keith Birdsong.  
  • Star Trek, Next Generation. Book 0. The U.S.S. Enterprise is en route to Cygnus IV, home of the technologically illiterate Bandi and their mysteriously advanced Farpoint Station. After adding to its crew complement from Deneb IV they are harassed and prosecuted by an omnipotent being named Q, who claims that humanity has not progressed beyond barbarism. Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise must defend themselves by solving the mystery of Farpoint Station in a manner satisfactory to their newest judge and nemesis.
  • Star Trek Next Generation; Book III of The Dominion War. From the Gamma Quadrant they came, hordes of merciless Jem'Hadar soldiers commanded by the shape-changing Founders, who seek to conquer both the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Now that the Dominion has joined forces with the Cardassians, and claimed Deep Space Nine  as their prize, Starfleet is running out of time. As a secret military project nears completion, the destiny of the entire Alpha Quadrant depends on the courage of a few. In the Federation's time of greatest peril, as the Starship Enterprise readies itself for battle, Captain Jean-Luc Picard leads a desperate mission of espionage deep into the heart of the hostile Cardassian Empire. Unless they can prevent the Dominion from creating an artificial wormhole, hordes of fresh Jem'Hadar warriors and Changelings will pour into the Alpha Quadrant, dooming the Federation to unconditional surrender. But there may be a traitor along on the mission and Picard finds he cannot trust even his closest allies. 
  • Star Trek Adventures No. 5. Harcourt Fenton Mudd is the biggest rogue in the galaxy: thief, swindler, con-artist and liar. The strangely likeable Mudd features in in three short stories, testing the patience and skill of the Enterprise crew as they tackle his multifarious plans for self-aggrandisement and making a fast buck - whether he's selling beautiful android ladies to lonely frontiersmen or declaring himself the Emperor of an alien race. This book consists of adaptations of two Star Trek episodes -  Mudd's Women and I, Mudd;  and an original novella featuring Mudd and the Enterprise crew: The Business, as Usual, During Altercations. Cover art by Alister Pearson.
  • Star Trek No. 82. Teska, a Vulcan child raised on Earth, is destined to play a crucial role in the reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan peoples. While Spock escorts his young niece back to Vulcan for her betrothal ceremony, he strives to help her understand both her Vulcan heritage and her growing telepathic abilities. But when an unplanned mind meld reveals the true identity of a deadly assassin to Teska, she and Spock find themselves the target of a Rigelian criminal network. With the Enterprise light-years away, Spock and his niece must go on the run, pursued by a conspiracy determined to end Teska's future before it has even begun. Cover art by Dru Blair.
  • Star Trek Original Series No. 16.  Memory Prime - the central core of an immense computer library, an elite network of research planetoids. Here, the Pathfinders - the only artificial intelligences legally permitted to serve the Federation -- control and sift the overwhelming dataflow from thousands of research vessels across the galaxy... Now the greatest scientists in the Federation have gathered here for the prestigious Nobel and Z-Magnees prize ceremonies - unaware that a deadly assassin is stalking one of them. And as Captain Kirk struggles to save his ship from sabotage and his first officer from accusations of murder, he discovers the hidden assassin is far from the deadliest secret lurking on Memory Prime...  
  • Star Trek No. 56.  A routine survey of the planet Alpha Octavius Four turns disastrous as Spock is attacked and poisoned by a huge creature and Kirk's landing party is trapped underground by a violent earthquake. As Spock fights for his life in sickbay, Scotty organizes a search for Kirk and his men. However, rescue efforts must cease when the U.S.S. Enterprise is called away to the Beta Cabrini system where a mining colony is under heavy attack. At Beta Cabrini, the U.S.S. Enterprise faces off against a Marauder named Dreen - a man that Spock had watched his former captain Christopher Pike defeat years before. Fighting the effects of the poison, Spock struggles to his feet and takes command of the ship. Spock and Dreen are locked into a deadly cat-and-mouse game,  driven by revenge. There can be only one survivor...  
  • Star Trek No. 47.  A freak shuttlecraft accident - and suddenly Captain Kirk and most of his senior officers find themselves adrift in space, with no hope of rescue, no hope of repairing their craft, or restoring communications - with nothing, in short but time on their hands.  Time enough for each to tell the story of the Kobayashi Maru -- the Starfleet Academy test given to command cadets. Nominally a tactical exercise, the Kobayashi Maru is in fact a test of character revealed in the choices each man makes - and does not make. As Starfleet Cadets, Kirk, Chekov, Scotty, and Sulu each faced the Kobayashi Maru...and became, in turn, Starfleet officers.