Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • Coddington, a leading expert on the paranormal and his wife, psychic Marianne, know first hand that ghosts are among us. It was during a ghost hunt in Richmond, Virginia , that Marianne’s body became the medium for the lost spirit of a teenager. The earthbound Angelica taught them how to listen, and forever changed their beliefs about life and death. In this fascinating trip to the other side, you cn meet the Coddingtons’ subjects in their own words – documented conversations of people who lived in distant centuries, taken from this world by war and murder, accident and sudden illness. And share in what may be the most incredible experience of all: how earthbound spirits, unaware of their mortal deathsand still trapped on this place of existence, can be guided to their home in the afterlife.
  • A fabulous start-up book by a respected Pagan practitioner. It covers: What is Paganism? Pagan Beliefs; Is Paganism Appropriate to Me? The Pagan Gods; Celebrating the Seasonal Cycle; Spiritual Practice. A must for anyone considering this Path in life. Illustrated.
  • Elbert Green Hubbard -  American writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher.He is known as the founder of the Roycroft artisan community in East Aurora, New York, an influential exponent of the Arts and Crafts Movement. He believed in social, economic, domestic, political, mental and spiritual freedom - and believed in sharing it. This is his collection of wisdom that he found in literature of ages past, from Confucius to John D. Rockefeller. And wisdom never goes out of style.
  • Here is the revolutionary idea of Positive Psychology - which focuses on  strengths rather than weaknesses and asserts that happiness is not the result of good genes or random luck. Happiness can be cultivated by identifying and using the strengths and traits the individual already has: including kindness, generosity, originality, humour and optimism. These signature strengths can not only develop a natural buffer against misfortune and the experience of negative emotions, but can move lives up to a new and more positive plane.

  • Was there once a race of beings which were only partly human? If so, what became of them and where are they now? Here is a compelling scenario - if we are willing to consider the possibility of their existence. Here is an unusual dramatisation of the fierce battle between God's intention for Man and Satan's scheme to destroy it.
  • The tale of the spiritual, erotic and psychic evolution of Tu Ming, a Taoist monk in Old China. Tu is apprenticed in sequence to five female adepts in the discipline known as the dual cultivation, a type of tantric yoga in which sexual techniques replicate states of spiritual progress. This practice culminates in the creation of a spiritual embryo at the moment of enlightenment. The five masters who instruct Tu are characters akin to those in Chinese folklore: the gentle pillow girl, Mei Cha, the doughty herb gatherer, Su Ba, and Lekshe Tsogyel, an acrobatic aristocrat from Tibet. Tu advances not only in his practice, but also in his understanding of life and love as he falls under the spell of five unforgettable women and experiences an epiphany that redefines what it means to attain the highest knowledge.
  • First published in 1991, Parkers' Astrology is universally acknowledged as one of the best practical introductions to astrology for interested amateurs and budding professionals. It has now been expanded and updated for a new generation and includes the latest developments in astrology, from the effect of the comet/asteroid Chiron to Astro'Carto'Graphy - the new technique of location astrology. There is also a fresh look at the ancient art of horary astrology and explores advanced birth chart techniques using midpoints, harmonics and the moon's nodes. Beautifully illustrated.
  • Here the Taoist way is set forth and illustrated. The meditation technique of the Inner Smile teaches you how to get in touch with your inner organs, feel love for them and smile to them, so that stress and negative emotions are transformed into creativity, learning, healing and peak performance energy. Here is also the Taoist way of the Six Healing Sounds, which help to cool down the system, eliminate trapped energy, clean toxins out of the organs, and make it possible for organs to be in peak condition. Along with these ways, you are taught how to freely circulate your Chi energy throughout your Microcosmic Orbit. These are the Taoist foundations of true success, power and health.
  • Michael Balfour investigates strange stories from the country’s moors, forests, rivers, holy wells and lochs - as well as the old legends and dark secrets of palaces, castles and cathedrals. Roaming a land where the past is mirrored in the present, he explores standing stones, mermaid beaches and magic springs; seeks out new theories about Celtic and Pictish stones, carvings and tombs; and finds monsters, ghouls and ancient cures. Not forgotten are the great historical figures who throng the pages, each making a unique contribution to Mysterious Scotland. Lavishly illustrated with colour and black and white photographs.