Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • Angels, usually seen as winged messengers between Heaven and Earth, are purely spiritual beings who will show themselves in any form. Many cultures have lore which tells of angels from a Divine Source, sent to relay messages to people on Earth and to assist in all areas of life. But which angel helps you with what?  Here is a guide to the history and powers of the angels, their special attributes, their roles and manifestation as mediators, guardians and companions, as well as rituals you can perform.  Beautifully illustrated.
  • The definitive guide to the Zodiac. Many of the millions who read their daily horoscopes want a better understanding of astrology - and here is the perfect, comprehensive, and great looking guide to teach them. Written by one of the worlds most popular contemporary astrologers, and filled with magnificent illustrations, it covers both traditional and modern forms in a way that beginners can easily understand. The zodiac, elements, qualities, polarities, planets, house, and aspects all receive detailed attention, along with advice on putting it all together and creating a chart. There's plenty of practical guidance for every aspect of on how to live in harmony with a particular zodiac partner, identify the career that fits an astrological personality, and use astrology to recognise health problems and find appropriate remedies.
  • Since ancient times, it has been believed that essential oils benefit the body, mind and spirit. Different oils and combinations of oils can be used to prevent and treat all manner of health problems and to enhance well-being. This is a fascinating guide through the most popular essential oils, together with practical advice. historical detail and beautiful illustrations.
  • Book only, despite the title.  Does not include essential oils.  Essential oils offer amazing benefits for your health, beauty and well-being. This work helps you learn how to use them as part of massages, facials, toners and compresses, how to combine them to widen their use, and how to use them to treat common ailments.
  • Cornelius Agrippa was  German polymath, physician, legal scholar, soldier, theologian and occult writer. His Three Books of Occult Philosophy published in 1533 drew heavily upon Kabbalah, Hermeticism and neo-Platonism. His book was widely influential among occultists of the early modern period, and was condemned as heretical by the inquisitor of Cologne. He was had somewhat of a reputation as a prophet. It is believed that he was involved in a secret occult group as a young man, but in later life he recanted his belief in magical and occult practices.  Given the seriousness of his beliefs it is unlikely that he would have penned the Oracle; and it is more likely that during the Victorian age period of interest in seances and able turning, an entrepreneur has based this Oracle on a form of divination descended from Agrippa. The method involves choosing a question from a list of 100, then randomly selecting a symbol and matching the symbol to a table which gives on which page the answer may be found.
  • The mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. He meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king - and an alchemist. His quest will lead him to riches far different - and far more satisfying - than he ever imagined. Santiago's journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, recognizing opportunity and learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, most importantly, following our dreams. Illustrated by James Noel Smith.
  • Written  by two highly-experienced Tarot readers, this introduction book covers what the Tarot is; the cards; the Major and Minor Arcana;how to use the cards, different spreads and layouts and further instruction. Illustrated.
  • A good, sound commonsense book for the beginner to the ancient art of Tarot.  Apart from the chapters on the Major and Minor Arcana and the Suits, the cards and their meanings there is also all possible interpretations as well as excellent advice on what deck to buy and where to buy it; care of your Tarot cards; sample readings and card layouts. Fully illustrated in colour, the emphasis is on the positive aspects of the Tarot and how to use the cards as a tool for gaining self-knowledge while exploring present and future possibilities.
  • Here the Taoist way is set forth and illustrated. The meditation technique of the Inner Smile teaches you how to get in touch with your inner organs, feel love for them and smile to them, so that stress and negative emotions are transformed into creativity, learning, healing and peak performance energy. Here is also the Taoist way of the Six Healing Sounds, which help to cool down the system, eliminate trapped energy, clean toxins out of the organs, and make it possible for organs to be in peak condition. Along with these ways, you are taught how to freely circulate your Chi energy throughout your Microcosmic Orbit. These are the Taoist foundations of true success, power and health.