Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
  • A compelling vision of the new spiritual understanding that is emerging in human culture... as contained in an an ancient manuscript that contains the Nine Insights. The First Insight is recognisable: in each of our lives occur mysterious coincidences - sudden, synchronistic events that once interpreted,  serve to guide and direct our actions. A modern parable that will lead the reader on a Journey to lighten the soul and connect with visions and experiences that are changing the world.https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/experiential-guide-james-redfield-carol-adrienne/
  • Are you sensitive to atmospheres? Do you meet people who leave you feeling drained and upset? Do you worry about leaving your home unattended? Are you easily intimidated? We all have a natural sensitivity to energies and atmospheres in people and places, and this is the 'how-to' protect yourself from difficult situations and unpleasant atmospheres - and what you can do to change them. There are simple ways to maintain your own psychic space in intimidating situations; protect yourself from powerful personalities; cleanse your home and workplace; create loving vibrations around people, places and objects; settle an atmosphere after a row or unwelcome encounter; and generate a postive energy which can make you happier, more confident and more successful in all that you do.
  • Have you ever suffered a loss - a relationship, a family member or friend, a job, a possession? If you are still attached to this past loss, it is holding up your life.  How about letting it go, in order to bring love, happiness and fulfilment into your life? To let go is one of the most valuable of healing principles because all problems involve some form of holding on or attachment. Psychologist and seminar leader Chuck Spezzano can lead the way through a step-by-step guide to letting go of these attachments and the beginning of healing. If you want to create change in your life and have a better future, then this is the book for you.
  • A companion to The Celestine Prophecy that helps readers expand knowledge from the Nine Insights; offers explanations and exercises for further revelations; and fosters personal growth by putting readers in touch with evidence from their own experience.
  • Whether lost, a little astray or just firming your viewpoint, everyone is welcome to journey into their potential. By recognising all aspects of the self - physical, emotional, spiritual and psychic - we can create our own wisdom, our own guidance, our own peace and our own joy. This is about how you are and how you'd like to be; it's an encouragement of your experience of your chosen path and helps to bring about true awakening within that leads to the realisation  of your core essence.
  • The author presents eight  archetypes that Wiccans can model their lives and goals upon and which are suitable for anyone following a spiritual system.  He also shows the five cornerstones to the magick of being a Wiccan Warrior. This author knows whereof he speaks:  he is a former policeman who applied his faith, his beliefs and the Cornerstones to his working life.
  • A fascinating study of the native Christian faith of the British Isles which captures the essence of Celtic Christianity, its origins and its development, its continuing legacy and recent revival. Practiced by the people of the British Isles between the departure of the Romans and the arrival of the Normans, Celtic Christianity was unique in its spirituality, theology and structures - it was a gentle, mystical, affirmative and holistic faith, firmly biblical and practised by the Desert Fathers  while assimilating many pagan beliefs and practices. The Celtic knot, with its endlessly interweaving and intertwining patterns is believed to be the key to understanding Celtic Christianity. The Celtic Way is recognised as the most authoritative, accessible and well-balanced introduction to the native Christian faith of the British Isles.
  • Edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce. Composed mainly of Cayce's own words from the thousands of files at the Cayce Foundation, this is the definitive work on Cayce's achievements in parapsychological phenomena. ESP topics covered include: out of body travel; unusual incidences of clairvoyance; auras; telepathy; missing persons; precognition and prophecy; dreams; and psychic development in individuals.

  • Edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce. Out of 14,000 of Cayce's recorded readings, more than 9,000 dealt with health.  Cayce's ability to diagnose, while in trance, the physical disorders of a person he had never met, who might be hundreds of miles away and then suggest effective treatment remains one of the most astonishing psychic feats of modern times. Here, a dozen cases are scrutinised by professional writer Carter and modern M.D. McGarey. What sort of person consulted Cayce? What did the readings mean to those who received them? What light does advances in modern medicine shed on his then-unorthodox recommendations for treatment? A fascinating and often surprising book.