Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • A classic explanation of the Goddess through time and throughout the world draws on many religious, cultural and archaeological sources to recreate the Goddess religion that is humanity's heritage and proves that the Goddess religion - ties to the cycles of women's bodies, the seasons, the phases of the moon and the fertility of the earth - was the original religion of humanity.  Illustrated.
  • An engaging study of Sufi teachings that presents the Sufi way as a universal means of gaining a greater understanding of ourselves, others, and the world. In Sufi teaching the human heart is not a fanciful metaphor but an objective organ of intuition and perception. It perceives all that is beautiful, lovely, and meaningful in life - and reflects these spiritual qualities in the world, for the benefit of others. Every human heart has the capacity and the destiny to bring that world of divine reality into this world of appearances. The Sufis, mystics of Islam, have been educators of the heart for some fourteen centuries. Their teachings and methods are designed to help us awaken and purify the heart, to learn to listen to our deepest knowing. In The Knowing Heart , Kabir Helminski presents the Sufi way as a practical spirituality suitable for all cultures and times—and offers insights that are especially valuable for our life in today’s world. In cultivating a knowing heart, we learn to experience a new sense of self, transform our relationships, and enhance our creative capacities. Most important, we learn how to meet the spiritual challenge of our time: to realize our sacred humanness.
  • The prophetic theme of a returning cultural hero is  one of the most enduring myths of mankind. Its impact and importance is due to the message of hope and renewal that the hero brings to a gloomy world locked in the shadows and ruled by fear. In a time of dire need, the hero appears. To the MesoAmericans, their hero was Quetzalcoatl - the Feathered Serpent. For over 25 years, the author has travelled the world seeking the 'First Knowledge' of indigenous peoples - from elders, medicine men and women, shamans - to discover the knowledge that can guide survival and renewal at the end of times.
  • Here the Taoist way is set forth and illustrated. The meditation technique of the Inner Smile teaches you how to get in touch with your inner organs, feel love for them and smile to them, so that stress and negative emotions are transformed into creativity, learning, healing and peak performance energy. Here is also the Taoist way of the Six Healing Sounds, which help to cool down the system, eliminate trapped energy, clean toxins out of the organs, and make it possible for organs to be in peak condition. Along with these ways, you are taught how to freely circulate your Chi energy throughout your Microcosmic Orbit. These are the Taoist foundations of true success, power and health.
  • The Egyptian Book of the Dead is one of the oldest and greatest classics of Western spirituality. Until now, the available translations have treated these writings as historical curiosities with little relevance to our contemporary situation. This new version, made from the hieroglyphs, approaches the Book of the Dead as a profound spiritual text capable of speaking to us today.   Awakening Osiris is a beautiful and engaging rendering of the Egyptian Book of the Dead as a series of meditations that reveals the soul of Egypt like no book before. These writings suggest that the divine realm and the human realm are not altogether separate  - they remind us that the natural world, and the substance of our lives, is fashioned from the stuff of the gods. Devoted like an Egyptian scribe to the principle of  effective utterance, Normandi Ellis has produced a prose translation that reads like pure, diaphanous verse.
  • Technology touches every part of our lives. Computers put men out of work; pushing a single button can start a nuclear war. Yet gradually, the world is beginning to remember that it is Man for whom the machines must work, not the other way around. Science, for all its achievements, has not really helped us understand ourselves or realise our potential. Each of us needs to take it upon ourselves to understand our true nature and strength, remembering the infinite power given to us by the Universe and that the power of Buddha, a saint or even a great business man is available to all. The author regards his Four Principles to Unify Mind and Body as having been given to him by the universe to spread the word of the way of the universe and asks that each reader of this book pass the teachings within to others.
  • A master storyteller takes us further on his passionate and moving journey towards Truth, from a dramatic encounter with the shamans of Mexico to the peace of the Welsh countryside. His book is also a love story - about our need to know we are loved, and about love that faces death. In this enlightening exploration of the Sufi tradition Reshad Field brings us profound insights into the mystery of he unfolding matrix of life, the womb of the moment, and the many aspects of the archetypal feminine. To truly know that this body dies and that this is the only time we have, is the most powerful weapon we can ever have. With this understanding we can begin to live passionately, not wasting a moment of the precious time that is allotted to us, plunging gracefully into the immediacy of living, We work now, for the future of humanity, and as we know we are loved, time will be on our side.
  • Dr. Keeney has been at the forefront of significant changes in the psychotherapy field over the past twenty years. His writings have been published throughout the world by academic presses, and he has worked at some of the most prestigious psychotherapy institutions in the United States. Seeking to offer people a viable alternative, Everyday Soul is the first truly ecumenical book that shows how to awaken our minds, bodies, and souls to the fire that burns within us. The son of a minister, Dr. Keeney realized from an early age that the only way to achieve peace with himself was to discover his own spiritual path. He has spent years experiencing the teachings of holy men and women on the meaning of spiritual awareness, and has been initiated into the mystical practices of indigenous peoples of North and South America, as well as the Bushmen of the Kalahari. Dr Keeney is one of a handful of people who have been taught the all but extinct Japanese art of vital energy exchange by Osumi, Sen-sei. Offering experiences from his own life, Keeney skillfully incorporates these healing traditions into stories and practical exercises for creatively turning all the activities of your life - from sleep to relationships, from work to your movement through the world - toward cultivating a connection to the Divine, the Sacred, the Light.
  • A presentation of the teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham that might help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you’re living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve. As you read, you’ll come to understand how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and more are influenced by the Universal laws that govern your time/space reality - and you’ll discover powerful processes that will help you go with the positive flow of life.