Spiritual and Self Help

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  • Buffalo Dancers, the Sky Bundle and Other Tales. Each passing year brings the certain awareness that when white man invaded America, he made off with all the wrong things. They seized the land and the water but ignored the wealth of Native American spiritual and psychological wisdom. Here is a story collection about an imaginary mid western tribe, the Turtle Creek Nehawkas, they way they were and they way they are.  Full of traditional Native American wisdom.

  • If you want to have a life rather than existence, then learn to be bold - learn how to give and receive praise.  Giving praise can change your life and the lives of those around you, but most of us have no idea how to give or receive it! Praise costs nothing, takes practically no time and is available to all. It would be considered a crime to allow someone to go six days without food, yet we let people go sixty days, sixty weeks, sixty years without praise or recognition. The power of praise will encourage you to embrace change, take risks, fail and try again, act on your dreams and believe in yourself.
  • For centuries, changes in science, historical thinking and philosophy have eroded traditional religious dogma and there was the chance that man could find himself quite alone and without resources except that which he can muster from within.  But there has also been  a new flow of thought as religion breaks free of the outworn, supernatural beliefs that presently stifle it. Based  on a BBC television series.
  • The author just doesn't talk about freedom - the deep, natural joy and peace in the core of all beings - she gives a direct, living experience of it.  The reader is guided to the stillness and joy within to liberate emotional blocks, lift away negative self concepts, release old limitations and open to the magnificence of the Self.
  • Journalist James Highgate and linguist Flavia Timmins journey to Xocomil in the Mayan Highlands to meet the custodian of a secret ancient text that holds the key between the Mayan God Kukulcan and the disciple St. Thomas and the destiny connection between these two.  Forget The Da Vinci Code - here's the real thing.
  • The sleepy, eastern Washington wheat town of Antioch has become a gateway for the supernatural—from sightings of angels and a weeping crucifix to a self-proclaimed prophet with an astounding message. The national media and the curious all flock to the little town - a great boon for local business but not for Travis Jordan. The burned-out former pastor has been trying to hide his past in Antioch. Now the whole world is headed to his backyard to find the Messiah, and in the process, every spiritual assumption he has ever held will be challenged. The startling secret behind this visitation ultimately pushes one man into a supernatural confrontation that has eternal consequences. Cover art by Kamil Vojnar.
  • Clear your mind and explode into a dimension of unlimited power and wealth. The author offers answers to the great secrets of the Universe: money, success and happiness. Using a step-by-step method you can discover your purpose in life and align to your inner power; learn to materialise your dreams without struggle and sacrifice and enjoy your wealth without guilt or fear.  Find what has been holding you back and how to transform yourself into the person you want to be and how to dump the 9 - 5 routine to embrace a life of easy money, success and happiness. Release your limiting beliefs to enjoy a crystal clear mind and unlimited power, wealth freedom and happiness.
  • Book III of Paradise. Some say roll with the punches. Drift with the tide. Nothing can stop the inevitability of change. There was a time when 300 Spartans disagreed with such mindless thinking and stood in the gap. Now it's time for 3,000 to stand in the gap. Marsuvees Black is a force of raw evil who speaks with wicked persuasion that is far more destructive than swords or guns. Beware all who stand in his way. Billy Rediger and Darcy Lange are two unsuspecting survivors of a research project gone bad, who discover that they are perhaps the two most powerful souls in the land. Johnny Drake comes out of the desert and leads the 3,000. This is the story of a free land where people who worship as they please and say what they believe are suddenly silenced in the name of tolerance. Most will roll with the punches.  Most will drift with the tide. But not all. Not the 3,000....
  • Book VII of Left Behind. Eternity seem suspended. The destiny of mankind hangs in the balance. It's the midpoint of the seven-year Tribulation. A renowned man is dead, and the world mourns. In heaven, the battle of the ages continues to rage until it spills to earth and hell breaks loose. The members of the Tribulation Force - just three in the safe house and the rest scattered about the globe -- face their most dangerous challenges. Is the safe house safe anymore? Is a Trib Force member guilty of murder? Who is the next comrade to die? Has help come from too unlikely a source?
  • We talk about aging gracefully but then we dread the inevitable decline in our health, our looks, our sexuality and even just our pleasure in Life itself.  But Dr. Christiane has proven that growing older can be an entirely different experience. "Taking all the right pills...having all the right procedures...isn't the prescription for anti-aging...It's about vitality, the creative force that gives birth to new life."
  • A  lovely little pocket-sized book to open at random any day of the week and enjoy the inspirational wisdom therein. Look at the big picture - love is always there....Rather than criticise someone, praise them - you'll be astonished at the rewards...Give yourself a break from making judgements. Occasionally, try accepting things just as they are.
  • Book VII of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. A re-assertion the power of human thought in our lives, in the destiny of planet Earth and in the Universe, and presents ways to consciously control and build up the power of our creative thought. The book sheds further light on humanity s forgotten history, religion, the roots of inter-racial and inter-religious conflict, ideal nutrition, and how a new way of thinking and a lifestyle in true harmony with Nature can lead to happiness and solve our personal and societal problems. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book V of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. A description of the author's search for real-life 'proofs' of Anastasia's vision presented in the previous volumes. Finding these proofs and taking stock of ongoing global environmental destruction, Vladimir Megre describes further practical steps for putting Anastasia's vision into practice. Full of beautiful realistic images of a new way of living in co-operation with the Earth and each other, this book also highlights the role of children in making us aware of the precariousness of the present situation and in leading the global transition toward a happy, violence-free society. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book VI of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. A description of a visit by the author to Anastasia's glade in the Siberian taiga and his conversations with his growing son, which cause him to take a new look at education, science, history, family and Nature. Through parables and revelatory dialogues and stories Anastasia then leads Vladimir Megre and the reader on a shocking re-discovery of the pages of humanity's real history that have been distorted or kept secret for thousands of years. This knowledge sheds light on the causes of war, oppression and violence in the modern world and guides us in preserving the wisdom of our ancestors and passing it over to future generations. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book III of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. With new revelations on natural child-rearing and alternative education, on the spiritual significance of breast-feeding and the meaning of ancient megaliths, it shows how each person's thoughts can influence the destiny of the entire Earth and describes practical ways of putting Anastasia's vision of happiness into practice. Megre shares his new outlook on education and children's real creative potential after a visit to a school where pupils build their own campus and cover the ten-year Russian school program in just two years. Complete with an account of an armed intrusion into Anastasia's habitat, the book highlights the limitless power of Love and non-violence. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book IV of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. A dramatic living image of the creation of the Universe and humanity's place in this creation, making this primordial mystery relevant to our everyday living today. Deeply metaphysical yet at the same time down-to-Earth practical, this heart-felt volume helps us uncover answers to the most significant questions about the essence and meaning of the Universe and the nature and purpose of our existence. It also shows how and why the knowledge of these answers, innate in every human being, has become obscured and forgotten and points the way toward reclaiming this wisdom and in partnership with Nature manifesting the energy of Love through our lives. Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov.
  • Book II of The Ringing Cedars Of Russia. Go on an adventure through the vast expanses of space, time and spirit from the Paradise-like glade in the Siberian taiga to the rough urban depths of Russia's capital city, from the ancient mysteries of our forebears to a vision of humanity's radiant future. For those who feel a deep connection to nature, or would like to deepen it for themselves; and those who have faith in the power of love and the human spirit. It is a presentation of a totally new way of being.   Cover art by Alexander Razboinikov
  • Edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce. Cayce demonstrates techniques for dream interpretation - predicting the future; discovering hidden personal talents; relieving nervous tension; making money; rearing children; discovering past lives; developing ESP; and gaining insight into this life and beyond.