Spiritual and Self Help

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  • The Kabbalah is a fascinating and ancient tradition which helps to explain ourselves, and our relationship with the world. For all those who enjoyed the author's previous books on the subject, Will Parfitt takes the reader onto the next level of understanding, beyond the elements. In this new, revised edition, he explains the Kabbalistic approach to the tarot; healing and the angels, demons and sexuality; how to achieve stillness and inner peace, among many other stimulating subjects supremely relevant to our everyday lives. He also shows how, with study and practice, the Kabbalah can deepen our connection to the world and help us in our own self-development.
  • Planetary magick lies at the root of all astrological, alchemical, and Qabalistic lore. Although the planetary powers of the cosmos are far beyond our intervention, their correspondences in the depths of the psyche are within our reach through certain special meditative and ritual methods.  The complete system of planetary magick is set forth here, and is designed for both the beginner and the established mage. This book includes 65 classic magical rites in full detail and provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the foundation of Western Magick. Osborne Phillips and the late Melita Denning were internationally recognized authorities on the Western Mysteries and two of the foremost exponents of the Ogdoadic Tradition, the premier hermetic school whose influence and works are historically traceable for the past one thousand years.
  • Within each of us is the potential to manifest greater fulfillment, love, and light into every area of our lives. Through the magic and mysticism of the Qabala, one can gain a greater understanding of  the spiritual nature of the self and unique talents, and use them more positively and creatively in your life. This popular introductory guidebook to the Qabala is straightforward, simple, and encouraging. It explains the fundamentals of the Qabala and the Tree of Life, without the intimidating detail and complexities - instead there are easy-to-follow techniques for utilizing the transformative energies of the Qabala, all at your own pace and comfort level. Included are meditative techniques, the basics of Pathworking, and both Qabalistic Cross and Middle Pillar exercises for strength and protection.
  • Well-known Jungian analyst Bani Shorter examines how women are initiated into becoming themselves. In  former times transitions from one stage of life to another were prepared for and marked by ritual initiation; in modern times this necessity has been overlooked and women's natural development is being made more difficult as a consequence. Through working in close therapeutic relationship with women, Shorter found that women instinctively create rituals when faced with challenges and crises, to mark their journey towards maturation, wholeness and meaning.  In this process they discover who they are and recognise dimensions of themselves previously repressed or unrecognised.
  • Normandi Ellis brings her rich understanding of Egypt's sacred past to the first book to recover from original sources the history, myths, and pageantry of ancient festivals to Isis, Hathor, and other Egyptian goddesses. Full of folk history, vivid recreations of Egyptian goddess mysteries, and contemporary activities we all can use to mark life's seasons and passages, Feasts of Light will delight lovers of ancient Egypt and of the Goddess in her many guises.
  • Up until the time this book was first published in 1932, very little information about true high magic was available to the public. In this book, Regardie reveals the secrets of real magic. He begins with an explanation of what magic is and, just as importantly, what magic is not. He explains that it is a spiritual study and practice which, along with forms of yoga, forms the two branches of the tree that is mysticism. Magic is not being a medium or a psychic. Then he explains the tools of the magician, what they mean, and how to use them. He explains the techniques of evocation and invocation, skrying, and astral travel. He shows how the Qabalah unites everything. He even gives a description of the secrets of sexual magick. All of this is in a clear, lucid writing style.
  • An explanation as to how, from ancient Qabalistic, Greek, and Egyptian roots, the Western Esoteric Systems have an unbroken initiation tradition that has been handed down from adept to neophyte. In this book, Dion Fortune indicates the broad outlines and underlying principles of these systems, illuminating an obscure and greatly misunderstood aspect of the path. Thanks to her teaching, even those who cannot give their lives to the pursuit of esoteric science can still evolve a philosophy of life and discover their individual relationship to the cosmic whole. Revised edition contains a new introduction by Gareth Knight, and an index. Dion Fortune is a celebrated teacher of the Western Mystery Tradition. She founded a study group, The Society of Inner Light, which is still active in London today. She died in 1946.
  • The first authoritative biography of Babaji, the immortal master made famous by Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi. Babaji lives today near Badrinath, in the upper Himalayan mountains. His body has not aged since the age of sixteen, when centuries ago he attained the supreme state of enlightenment and divine transformation. This followed his initiation into scientific art of Kriya Yoga by two deathless masters, the siddhas Agastyar and Boganathar, who belonged to the "18 Siddha Tradition", famous among the Tamil speaking people of southern India. This rare account, by a long time disciple, reveals their little known stories, ancient culture and present mission, as well as how their Kriya Yoga can be used to bring about the integration of the material and spiritual dimensions of life. Clear explanations of the psychophysiological effects of Kriya Yoga and guidelines for its practice are given. It includes verses from the Siddhas' writings with commentary.
  • Bring the sacred rites and rituals of ancient Egypt into your Pagan practice today. This beautifully written guide, by noted scholars Jocelyn Almond and Keith Seddon, presents a compelling overview of ancient Egyptian religious and magical beliefs.  Egyptian Paganism for Beginners is unique in its focus on specific rituals for individual gods and goddesses. For solitary practitioners who want to perform daily devotions, it offers genuine invocations and prayers for each of the main Egyptian deities. There are translations of authentic religious texts, along with insightful commentary on relevant Egyptian history, myth, and lore. Also included in this comprehensive guidebook are practical instructions on how to cast a circle, make a shrine, consecrate statues, and channel oracles. The reader will learn how to safely evoke entities, invoke deities, and "assume the Godform"- a major tenet of ancient Egyptian religion.