Spiritual and Self Help

//Spiritual and Self Help
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  • An extensive look at the anatomy of man and in particular the ray energies which give rise to the physical and psychological make-up of the individual. There are insights into behaviour patterns, the application of radionic analysis techniques to the field of spiritual psychology and a full outline of the transpersonal self and personality, enabling an understanding of the ways they interact.

  • The Red Book contains the nucleus of C. G. Jung’s later works. It was here that he developed his principal theories of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation that would transform psychotherapy from treatment of the sick into a means for the higher development of the personality. As Sara Corbett wrote in the New York Times, The creation of one of modern history’s true visionaries, The Red Book is a singular work, outside of categorization. As an inquiry into what it means to be human, it transcends the history of psychoanalysis and underscores Jung’s place among revolutionary thinkers like Marx, Orwell and, of course, Freud.
  • Can our past can hold clues to present issues?  David, a police rescue worker suffers from severe neck pain until he relives his past life as a young boy unjustly executed. Jade, a bulimia sufferer who is also bad at relationships, finds the answer in a life lived in Nazi Germany. Unless resolved, our traumas remain with us through time, replaying over and over - patterns of abuse, an inability to trust, persistent physical ailments and fears and phobias.  Here are many inspiring true stories.
  • Anger is a signal and one worth listening to. Anger deserves our attention and respect, yet women are still taught to silence their anger, to deny it entirely or to vent it in a way that leaves them feeling helpless and powerless. Here, women can learn to identify the real source of their anger and to use it as a powerful vehicle for creating meaningful and lasting change.

  • A classic explanation of the Goddess through time and throughout the world draws on many religious, cultural and archaeological sources to recreate the Goddess religion that is humanity's heritage and proves that the Goddess religion - ties to the cycles of women's bodies, the seasons, the phases of the moon and the fertility of the earth - was the original religion of humanity.  Illustrated.
  • Salt is incorruptible; and it is this quality which has given it a magickal significance for centuries. It has always been used in magick ritual as a repellent of evil forces; people would not enter a new home without first sprinkling salt outside its door, nor allow a new baby to leave home without carrying salt. Salt was often present at the swearing of oaths and sprinkled across gateways and doorsills or added to cleaning water to keep evil away.  This book contains 14 salt magick rites that can allegedly materialise a guardian angel, bring money to you, attract lovers, finding the ideal job and whole range of other blessings. Always remember: do as you will, if you harm none.
  • Have you killed any strangers lately? Try it - it can be fun! All you have to do is make a friend; because every time you make a friend you kill a stranger. Each person whose story is in this book has learnt this exciting, valuable lesson.  Many people, able-bodied and disabled, find it hard to make friends.  The book issues the challenge to the claim that normal (?) people are responsible for the non-acceptance of disabled folk in the full life of the community.  The disabled can equally be at fault. "It's a bit like the generation gap - both sides must be willing to walk some of the way across the bridge of communication." Here are REAL people willing to share their hidden scars and their joyous victories.
  • Total life artistry is about being the total artist of your life. Ragel found that there are certain myths, beliefs and conditions that prevent us from developing our full potential as human beings. Life is a journey and an opportunity for something to do from a limitless choice. Despite being what is usually termed to be a ‘success’ – a lovely home, a beautiful wife and son, regular overseas holidays, a good businesses career, Ragel experienced restlessness and later realised he was acting out someone else’s script and had not connected to his life’s purpose. It took some time but he found the key to his full and effective life, one of balance and harmony. Here, he shares the secrets of becoming your own Total Artist.

  • The Kabbalah is a fascinating and ancient tradition which helps to explain ourselves, and our relationship with the world. For all those who enjoyed the author's previous books on the subject, Will Parfitt takes the reader onto the next level of understanding, beyond the elements. In this new, revised edition, he explains the Kabbalistic approach to the tarot; healing and the angels, demons and sexuality; how to achieve stillness and inner peace, among many other stimulating subjects supremely relevant to our everyday lives. He also shows how, with study and practice, the Kabbalah can deepen our connection to the world and help us in our own self-development.
  • Planetary magick lies at the root of all astrological, alchemical, and Qabalistic lore. Although the planetary powers of the cosmos are far beyond our intervention, their correspondences in the depths of the psyche are within our reach through certain special meditative and ritual methods.  The complete system of planetary magick is set forth here, and is designed for both the beginner and the established mage. This book includes 65 classic magical rites in full detail and provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the foundation of Western Magick. Osborne Phillips and the late Melita Denning were internationally recognized authorities on the Western Mysteries and two of the foremost exponents of the Ogdoadic Tradition, the premier hermetic school whose influence and works are historically traceable for the past one thousand years.
  • The once-isolated pagan community is finding new ways to make connections via the Internet and here is an unconventional look at Pagan-relevant topics, such as: weaving a new web for the ancient/future religion of Witchcraft; manipulating energy via electronic communication; accessing intuition in cyberspace; finding and creating  a sacred space online.
  • The landscape of Wiltshire is an ancient one. The burial mounds of kings and chieftains overlook the land; trackways that are millennia old wind through lonely places; the defensive ditches  of forts can be seen on the brows of many hills.  Overshadowing all are the ancient monuments of Avebury and Stonehenge and the awe-inspiring man-made  mound of Silbury Hill.  It's no wonder that those who succeeded the vanished races who built this landscape came to regard these works with a superstitious reverence. Surely, such structures could only have been built by giants or wizards; the magnificent burial mounds must cover the earthly bodies of legendary beings - or do they hide the entrance to the underworld? And only the Devil could have been capable of carrying such large, heavy stones. This volume covers the folklore of round barrows, long barrows, barrow hills, earthworks, standing stones and henges.   Illustrated with maps and black and white photographs.
  • Whether lost, a little astray or just firming your viewpoint, everyone is welcome to journey into their potential. By recognising all aspects of the self - physical, emotional, spiritual and psychic - we can create our own wisdom, our own guidance, our own peace and our own joy. This is about how you are and how you'd like to be; it's an encouragement of your experience of your chosen path and helps to bring about true awakening within that leads to the realisation  of your core essence.
  • The Complete Witches' Handbook. Covers: The Sabbats; Casting And Banishing The Magic Circle; The Complete Book Of Shadows; The Great Rite; Initiation Rites; Consecration Rites; Spells; Witches' Tools; Witchcraft And Sex; Running A Coven; Clairvoyance; Astral Projection. This edition is two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way. The most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft.
  • The mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. He meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king - and an alchemist. His quest will lead him to riches far different - and far more satisfying - than he ever imagined. Santiago's journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, recognizing opportunity and learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, most importantly, following our dreams. Illustrated by James Noel Smith.
  • James Allen (1864-1912) retired from the business world to pursue a life of writing and contemplation. He saw the darkness of the world and believed he had an answer - and millions of readers agreed with him. One of the most popular writers in the fields of inspiration and spirituality at the turn of the 20th century, Allen diffuses the darker side of human nature with his calming thoughts on transcending the temptations that lead to grief and suffering, pain and sorrow.His words continue to motivate readers today to take the reins of their own happiness and be the guide of their own lives. From Passion To Peace was first published in 1910.
  • The secrets of the occult world...revealed. A book that has been published by several publishing houses, the chapters include: Drumming Up The Spirits; Rites and Wrongs; Sex, Sin and Sacrament; Eliphas Levi - Magician; Ritual Magic; Symbols, Signs and Ceremonies; The Power of Witchcraft; Sex, Sorcery and Seances; The Elixir of Life; Alchemy's Hidden Truth; The Witchunts of Salem; The Bell Witch Strikes. With black and white photographs and illustrations.
  • Edited by Hugh Lynn Cayce. Out of 14,000 of Cayce's recorded readings, more than 9,000 dealt with health.  Cayce's ability to diagnose, while in trance, the physical disorders of a person he had never met, who might be hundreds of miles away and then suggest effective treatment remains one of the most astonishing psychic feats of modern times. Here, a dozen cases are scrutinised by professional writer Carter and modern M.D. McGarey. What sort of person consulted Cayce? What did the readings mean to those who received them? What light does advances in modern medicine shed on his then-unorthodox recommendations for treatment? A fascinating and often surprising book.