True Crime

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  • The author, the chief crime reporter for the Yorkshire Post worked on the sensational 'Yorkshire Ripper' case from the very beginning and was afforded the full co-operation and confidence of the Yorkshire Police. He delved deeply into every aspect of the case, interviewing, questioning and researching both Peter Sutcliffe's background, the strategies used and the problems encountered by the the police force assigned to catch him. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • Until the release of this book, no-one had ever revealed the truth about the Krays. Gossip and rumour have been rife, fact has blended into fiction. Only one man knew everything about the  fearsome twins, but the law of the streets dictated that he kept it all a secret. Before his death. Charlie Kray revealed everything to his co-writer Colin Fry. He wanted to set the record straight once and for all. He made his deathbed confessions, revealing the in credible truth about the Kray Firm. Mixing their peculiar blend of glamour and terrifying violence, this is the final great story of the Krays - told by the man who knew them best. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • A cast of drug smugglers, serial killers, forensic boffins, ruthless gang leaders, dedicated detectives and ordinary citizens. Sixteen gripping accounts: in this volume: Tracking the Fox: Penetrating the world's  leading marijuana smuggling ring. Zero Hour For The Zodiac: A strange twist of fate gave police a crucial lead. Terror At The Door: The ruthless gang had spread terror throughout southern England...they had to be caught before someone was killed. In The Footsteps Of Sherlock Holmes: Alphonse Lutringer had accidentally killed his wife and in a panic, burned her body parts in the basement.  But how accidental had her death really been? Solved - The Mystery of Piltdown Man: It was the greatest scientific hoax of modern times - but who was behind it? Free To Kill: Two lives converged on a collision course...leading to a vicious crime and the death of a young girl. A Trap For Mr Untouchable: He was Europe's top drug trafficker and for five years he laughed in the faces of the police and Customs. The Murder Of Justice: The Florida cop and the 19 year-old street kid should never have met - but one night their paths crossed briefly with disastrous results. The Case Of The Missing Keys: With just one piece of vital evidence, the Manchester police could catch the killer - but the clue had vanished... Manhunt On The Heroin Road: The nickel-and-dime drug bust and routine investigation that led an investigator into the shadowy world of a sinister Chinese cartel. The Boy Who Never Came Home: The abduction of  Jacob Wetterling took place over 30 years ago. Despite a massive search and investigation, no trace of him has ever been found.  Hunted Like An Animal: The young American pushed his way though the dense Peruvian jungle,  hunted by the men who had just killed his friend. A Cop's Life: Frankie McDonald was the black sheep of the family. No-one expected he would follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather to become a New York City cop. If I Can't Have You, Nobody Will: Brian Anderson had stalked Laura Kucera for months - and now she was at his mercy. Who Wanted Aaron Dead? When Detective Jim Muchaud investigated the slaying of a teenager in his bedroom, clues led him to a shocking discovery. Terrorised By A Stalker: It could be your daughter, friend or workmate subjected to unwanted attention. Caution - she may be in danger...Illustrated with colour and black and white photographs.
  • This book promises the truth behind the century's most celebrated murder mystery. On a wintry night in November 1974, Sandra Rivett, nanny to the children of Lord and Lady Lucan, was brutally bludgeoned to death in the basement of their Belgravia home. Lady Lucan was also attacked and identified the attacker as her estranged husband, the 7th Earl of Lucan. That night, Lord Lucan vanished and has never been found, despite numerous sightings all over the world. The author has interviewed many of those involved, including, for the first time, Lord Lucan's wife Veronica. He gained access to the missing Earl's private papers, which yield remarkable new information. He also re-examines the forensic evidence and questions the key witnesses to produce the most likely explanation to date of what really happened on November 7, 1974.  Illustrated with black and white photographs.

  • The third book in Kidd's chilling Never To Be Released series. Each year in Australia crimes are committed that are so evil their perpetrators are sentenced to the maximum punishment that the law allows. And seeing as there is no death penalty in any state of Australia, these worst-of-the-worst are sent to prison for life without the possibility of parole. It is termed 'never to be released'. To date, no criminal who has ever been handed down this sentence has been set free; they will die in jail as the law demands. But the fear of going to prison forever obviously does little to deter people from committing crimes of the most heinous nature.  Kidd, a recognised authority on Australia's serial killers and criminals, looks at such cases as: the housewife who skinned her de-facto husband, cooked his head in a pot and served him up to his kids for dinner; a mild-mannered serial rapist and murderer who was so ordinary-looking that his victims trusted him immediately - time and time again; and a serial killer whose 'victim' turned up alive and well in the middle of his trial for her murder. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • Book XII of Brother Cadfael.  Christmas, A.D. 1141: Abbot Radulfus returns from London, bringing with him a priest for the vacant living of Holy Cross, also known as the Foregate. The new priest is a man of presence, learning and discipline, but he lacks humility and the common touch. When he is found drowned in the millpond, suspicion is cast upon a young man who arrived with the priest's train and was sent to work in Brother Cadfael's garden. Indeed, he is soon discovered to be an impostor. To Brother Cadfael now falls the familiar task of sorting out the complicated strands of innocence and guilt.
  • The case of Dr. Crippen has passed into folklore as one of the most infamous in criminal history. The year: 1910. The details: a hideously mutilated body in the cola cellar, a dockside arrest in Canada - by the means of the new wireless telegraph - of Crippen and his mistress, disguised as a boy, the trial with legal luminaries and society notables. There was enough sensation to place Crippen in the top ranks of master criminals. Yet Crippen was a quiet, meek little man, a hen-pecked husband who was always gentle with his shrewish wife, a business failure passionately in love with his competent young secretary, a bungler whose one venture into murder went wrong at every step of the way. This study examines the character of the man many believed incapable of murder and reveals the story of a mismatched marriage and a love affair that - out of its context - would have been an inspiration. Illustrated with black and white photographs. Appendix reproduces Crippen's letters to Ethel LeNeve, written from Pentonville Prison.
  • Chapters include: Gangs And Gangsters: Al Capone, Frank Costello, Jo Adonis, the Messinas, the Krays and the Mafia; City Cases: Whitaker Wright, Lord Kylsant, Clarence Hatry, Horatio Bottomley, The Lynskey Tribunal, Ferdinand Lesseps, the Teapot Dome; Political Murders: Spencer Percival, the attempt on Lloyd George, John F. Kennedy, William McKinley, James A. Garfield, Abraham Lincoln, Rasputin, Mussoline and Mateotti; Kidnapping: Elizabeth Canning, the Lindbergh baby, James Cross, Pierre Laporte, Samuel Bronfman, Muriel McKay; Pleas Of Insanity: Lieutenant Holt, Colonel  Rutherford, Ronald True, Dale Nelson, Leopold and Loeb, Harry Thaw; Sex Crimes: Alfred Whiteway, Edward Paisnel, Peter Griffiths, Patrick Byrne, Albert DeSalvo, Fritz Haarmann, Gaston Domincini; Cases Unsolved: Jack the Ripper, Mrs Caroline Luard.
  • The criminals who ended their days in Strangeways Prison - and the crimes that sent them there.  A collection of murder cases from around Manchester each of which ends in the accused being executed at Strangeways Prison.  Some of the accounts, at the end, feature an author's note in which suggests that perhaps the accused was innocent and should not have been hanged...Many a lot of these crimes are particularly shocking, evil and unmotivated. There is also a first-hand account written by Charles Parton, who was sentenced to death for murder and served 11 years before being found not guilty.
  • In some murder cases, the truth behind the most tragic of crimes crystallizes with relative ease. Not so with these fascinating accounts drawn from the personal files of Ann Rule, America's bestselling true-crime writer. What happens when the case itself becomes an intractable puzzle, when clues are shrouded in smoke and mirrors, and when criminals skillfully evade law enforcement in a maddening cat-and-mouse chase? An ideal family is targeted for death by the least likely enemy, who plotted their demise from behind bars.... A sexual predator hides behind multiple fake identities, eluding police for years while his past victims live in fear that he will hunt them down.... A modest preacher's wife confesses to shooting her husband after an argument -- but there's more to her shattering story than meets the eye - and more. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • They were a notorious gypsy family that seeped into their victims' lives like a deadly cancer. And they couldn't be stopped-- until one courageous woman took on the cases no one else would touch...The victims were elderly, well-to-do men and women who, due to their failing health, strength, and faculties, could be conned out of their fortunes by heinous neglect, abuse, and possibly even murder. The accused are several members of a ruthless family of Gypsies known for their cunning con-games and remarkable ability to extract large sums of money from their unwitting pawns. Investigator Fay Faron was determined to bring the culprits to justice - even when the authorities turned a blind eye to the Gypsies' crimes time and time again. Author Jack Olsen follows Fay Faron as she retraces every step of the Gypsy family and the crimes they stand accused of: moving in on their helpless prey, extorting money, signing the fortunes of elderly millionaires into their own names - and speeding up the death process with sadistic neglect, slow poison, and unspeakable cruelty. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • On a remote cattle station in Far North Queensland, four gold prospectors push their luck and pay the price. Venturing too close to the homestead they attract the attention of the landholders, who arrive armed and dangerous. Only three of the prospectors make it out alive. This is the story of Bruce Schuler’s murder at Palmerville Station on the 9th of July, 2012. His murderers, Stephen Struber and his wife Dianne Wilson, had for decades been a law unto themselves, terrorising all who dared cross ‘their’ land. Or as Struber saw it, playing ‘Cowboys and Indians’ and chasing them off the property. Using real bullets. Struberville is also a look at the darker side of isolation, and what happens to the civilising influence of society when nobody’s watching out there. Illustrated with colour photographs.
  • More than 35 accounts of notorious cases and lurid curiosities from the history of crime, described by criminology's most distinguished authors. In this volume: The murder of John  Lennon; The rise and fall of Al Capone; The pathologist's account in the Nilsen case; Damon Runyan at a gangster's trial; Edgar Wallace at the scene of a crime; Abraham Lincoln's assassination; A hanging judge's diary; the death of Jesse James; The guillotining of Henri Landru; Jack the Ripper's real identity; W.M. Thackery: On Going To A Hanging; James Turber on a Broadway Gambler's demise; Edmund Pearson's Notes For Murderesses; the first electrocution at Sing Sing - and more.
  • The courtrooms of the world have provided a stage for some of the most riveting human dramas ever told. Tension and conflict are the essence of a trial - sometimes with the threat of execution waiting at the end. Some of thee trials in this volume have changed the course of history, created new laws and have even introduced new words into the English Language: The Yorkshire Ripper; Charles I; Guy Fawkes; the Nuremberg trials and many more are featured, including the ever-popular and scandalous Profumo Affair. With black and white photographs.
  • In Houston, Texas, on the morning of May 23, 1982,  Carl 'Coral' Eugene Watts, 28, trapped two young women in their apartment. Only hours before, he'd killed another woman by drowning her in her bathtub. As Watts attempted to do the same to 20-year-old Lori Lister, her roommate Melinda Aguilar, 18, made a daring escape. Her courage led to Watts's arrest. Watts was a sadistic slayer with a lust for killing in a variety of ways: strangulation, suffocation, drowning and stabbing. He confessed to thirteen murders, but with no direct evidence to link him to the crimes, he managed to plea bargain his sentence down to 60 years for burglary. Due to a flaw in the Texas criminal justice system, Watts was supposed to be released from prison in 2006. Through the ceaseless efforts of investigators and the mother of one of his victims, Watts was finally tried and convicted to life in prison for a murder he had committed in Michigan in 1979. He died in 2007, still the prime suspect in approximately 90 other slayings. Experts theorise that Watts may have slain more than Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and John Wayne Gacy...combined. Here is the chilling story of how he almost got away with murder. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
  • On January 24, 1941, the body of Josslyn Hay, Earl of Erroll was found lying on the floor of his Buick outside Nairobi - with a bullet in his head. Erroll, at 39, was influential in the Kenyan Happy Valley community, charming, good at bridge and polo and devoted to the seduction of other men's wives - preferably rich ones.  Incredibly ruthless in his hedonistic pursuit of pleasure, he had wrecked many marriages.  Sir Henry 'Jock' Delves Broughton, whose wife Diana was Erroll's current conquest, had the most obvious motive.  He stood trial with implacable calm, was acquitted and emerged unscathed.  No-one has ever been convicted for the murder and the case has become a classic mystery together with the scandalous exposé of the extravagant, sybaritic way of life of the enchanted feudal paradise known since the 1920s as Happy Valley, the community of English aristocrats who subscribed to the three As: altitude, alcohol and adultery.
  • A young, get-ahead lawyer is approached by a  group of families who believe themselves poisoned by toxic waste dumped near their water supply.  Many of their children have died of leukemia.  Two of America's largest companies defend the action.  Nine years of tooth and nail litigation follow, with millions of dollars at stake as the lawyer fights a David and Goliath battle against the resources of big business.  A true story.
  • When Stefanie Rabinowitz was found dead of an apparent drowning in her bathtub at home, it was at first believed to be 'one of those things that just happen'. Because she was only 29, an autopsy was ordered which revealed that Stefanie was in fact strangled before being dumped in the tub to stage a fake drowning.  There was no evidence of a break-in, no history of marital trouble - and suspicion fell on her husband Craig: devoted family man, loyal husband and 'everybody's best friend'. As the investigation proceeded, the bizarre double life of Craig Rabinowitz unravelled... With exclusive interviews and black and white photographs.