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  • This volume contains: The King of the Beggars: A behind the scenes criminal mastermind is extracting protection money from beggars in New York City. The Saint and actress Monica Varing team up, in disguise, to infiltrate the organization and unmask the King. The Masked Angel :  A professional fight sees the Masked Angel knock out Torpedo Smith, for good. The Saint is suspicious that a certain Dr. Spangler is somehow giving the Masked Angel an unfair advantage. When another professional fighter falls, it's up to the Saint to put on his gloves and step into the ring. 
  • The rambling Priory of Framley with its ruined Gothic chapel and lack of electricity and telephone enchanted the Malcolm family. But why had the previous tenants left so suddenly? Surely they weren't frightening by a few noises, or the cowled monk who prowled the garden after dark? Ignorant superstition, said the Vicar. But the innkeeper thought otherwise...

  • A killer was at large, upstairs in the dead man's room - feverishly searching in all the cupboards and drawers for Penhllow's secret.  But perhaps the corpse had outwitted the desperate man - and he would carry his secret to the grave...Cover art by David Juniper.
  • Skink 4. When Palmer Stoat notices the black pickup truck following him on the highway, he fears his precious Range Rover is about to be carjacked. But Twilly Spree, the man tailing Stoat, has vengeance, not sport-utility vehicles, on his mind. Idealistic, independently wealthy and pathologically short-tempered, Twilly has dedicated himself to saving Florida's wilderness from runaway destruction. He favors unambiguous political statements - such as torching Jet-Skis or blowing up banks - that leave his human targets shaken but re-educated. After watching Stoat blithely dump a trail of fast-food litter out the window, Twilly decides to teach him a lesson. Thus, Stoat's prized Range Rover becomes home to a horde of hungry dung beetles. Which could have been the end to it had Twilly not discovered that Stoat is one of Florida's cockiest and most powerful political fixers, whose latest project is the "malling" of a pristine Gulf Coast island. Now the real fun begins...
  • Jemima Shore 1. Nun Found Dead - a small item in a newspaper. Sister Miriam of Blessed Eleanor’s Convent has apparently starved herself to death in a ruined tower adjoining the convent grounds. Jemima Shore, highly successful television reporter, remembers her girlhood friendship at convent school with Sister Miriam, then Rosabelle Powerstock, heiress to one of the largest fortunes in Britain. And out of the past also comes an appeal from Reverend Mother Ancilla...’Jemima, something is going on here…’
  • Blackwater Bay IV. Laura Brandon didn't want to work for her uncle, so she recommended her friend Julie for the job of physiotherapist at the exclusive Mountview Clinic. A few months later Julie is brutally murdered in the woods that surround the clinic. Laura, tinged with guilt, wants to find out why - so she offers herself as Julie's replacement. As Laura and Sheriff Matt Gabriel struggle to find leads, ex-cop Tom Gilliam, a patient embittered, skilled, and rude enough to put his nose where it shouldn't be, agrees to help. Then there's another murder, eerily similar to the first...
  • The city is in uproar. Like a savage cat, the unknown strangler pounces on his victims. Victims chosen seemingly at random. One murder after another. The police are completely baffled. The mayor orders Ellery Queen on the case. There are the facts, laid out as neatly as the corpses. But where do they connect? Ellery believes that these seemingly mad murders are all committed by the same person. But he can't prove it. He believes that there's a pattern in the killings that will provide a solution. But he can't find it. Ellery is as baffled as the police. They are working desperately, but the murders continue - the cat is still at large.
  • Marcus Corvinus VII. When Pegasus, racing mega-star and lead driver of the Whites faction, is found stabbed to death in the alleyway beside Renatius' wineshop, Marcus Corvinus is already on site. The local district watch - crooked to a man - claim that the killer's motive was simple theft. Corvinus knows differently. Tracking the murderer down - with the often unwilling help of his wife, Perilla - takes Marcus deep into the murky world of Roman chariot-racing with all its secrets, skulduggeries, and scams; and his task is not made any easier by the fact that in the process he has a lovesick major-domo, an invisible dagger, and Mount Etna to contend with. Cover art by Sally Taylor.
  • The young women of Nightingale House are there to learn to nurse and comfort the suffering. But when one of the students plays patient in a demonstration of nursing skills, she is horribly, brutally killed. Another student dies equally mysteriously, and it is up to Adam Dalgliesh of Scotland Yard to unmask a killer who has decided to prescribe murder as the cure for all ills.