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  • An ancient Egyptian tomb - sealed from the outside world for centuries, deep inside solid rock...the sarcophagus is opened...and inside is a freshly murdered corpse! Legendary detective G.K. Chesterton investigates the mystery  and reveals the amazing solution - but not before there are more deaths and deadly dangers. Take this trip down the Nile, past the ancient temple of Karnak, the Valley Of The Kings and the city of Luxor, to an archeological  dig in the valley of Deir el-Bahri in the year 1919...and into a surprise world of suspence and romance.
  • The world of Ben Bartholomew...a world of standover gangs and armed terrorists, a world in which a P.I. For hire must carry a gun if he wants to live beyond lunchtime. It is a world of religious fanatics, petty tyrants, spies and nightmares, which explodes with intrigue and danger when a corpse disappears from a sealed tomb.  The ultimate locked-room mystery.
  • Harley Quin is an enigma. Even his friend Mr. Satterthwaite is unable to understand how the man seems to appear and disappear almost like a trick of the light - and when he does appear it's usually in the sparkle of sunshine, or surrounded by a spectrum of coloured light pouring through a stained glass window. Indeed, he is Harlequin. The only consistent thing about the mysterious Mr. Quin is that his presence is always a harbinger of love... or death. Quin and satterthwaite appear in this series of short stories: The Coming Of Mr. Quin; The Shadow On The Glass; At The "Bells And Motley"; The Sign In The Sky; The Soul Of The Croupier; The Man From The Sea; The Voice In The Dark; The Face Of Helen; The Dead Harlequin; The Bird With The Broken Wing; The World's End; Harlequin's Lane.
  • When War Gods Call, Achmed Abdullah; 'Cuthbert', A. J Alan; At All Costs, Richard Aldington; The Unfathomable Mrs Royelm, Bertram Atkey; The Little More, J.J. Bell; The Man On Ben Na Garve, H.H. Bashford; The Lift, J.D. Beresford; The Second Gong, Agatha Christie; Sargasso, Captain Dingle; The Brown Sandwich, St. John Ervine; This Way Out, John Ferguson; Look For The Woman, J.S. Fletcher; Mystery Of A Spade Beard, Gilbert Frankau; The Call Of The Hand, Louis Golding; After The Inquest, George Goodchild; The Case Of Jacob Heylyn, Leonard R. Gribble; The White Witch Of Curzon Street, Sydney Horler; Last Times, F. Tennyson Jesse; The Thing That Was There, Mrs Belloc Lowndes; S.O.S., G.R. Malloch; ‘...Perchance To Dream…’, Antony Marsden; The Squirrel Man, Sax Rohmer; The Man Who Knew How, Dorothy L. Sayers; The Camellia Petal, H. De Vere Stacpoole; The Affair Of The Plaque, Alan Sullivan; The Girl In The Car, Frank Swinnerton; The Unseen Witness, Valentine Williams; A Millionaire Is Kidnapped, Mrs. C.N. Williamson.
  • Justice Flanagan 2. New York in 1803 is rife with tension as the city expands, and whoever knows where the city will build can control it. And violence builds as a mysterious provocateur pits the city’s black and Irish gangs against each other. When a young black girl is found stabbed to death, both Justy Flanagan, now a City Marshal, and Kerry O’Toole, now a school teacher, decide separately to go after the killer. They each find their way to a shadowy community on the fringes of the growing city, where they uncover a craven political conspiracy bound up with a criminal enterprise that is stunning in its depravity. Justy and Kerry have to fight to save themselves and the city, and only then can they bring the girl’s killer to justice.
  • John Cardinal and Lise Delorme 1. In the quiet Canadian town of Algonquin Bay, a frozen body has been found in an abandoned mine shaft. She is soon identified as Katie Pine, a teenager who had disappeared months ago. At the time, Detective John Cardinal insisted that Katie was no ordinary runaway. His relentless pursuit and refusal to give up on the case, and his lack of results, got him demoted from Homicide. Now the police force wants Cardinal back on the case—to work with a new partner, Lise Delorme. Unfortunately, as these two untrusting officers slowly gather evidence of a serial murder spree, a pair of sociopaths is quickly moving in on the next victim.

  • With her cell phone, corporate jargon, glossy brochures, and plans to give their chambers a new image, Luci presumes Rumpole is soon to expire, and has been planning his memorial service. But the witty and irreverent Rumpole, sharp as ever, is far from hanging up his wig. In this volume: Rumpole And The Primrose Path; Rumpole And The New Year’s Resolutions; Rumpole And The Scales Of Justice; Rumpole And The Right To Privacy; Rumpole And The Vanishing Juror; Rumpole Redeemed.
  • Cormac Reilly 2. When DS Cormac Reilly’s girlfriend Emma stumbles across the victim of a hit and run early one morning, he is first on the scene of a murder that would otherwise never have been assigned to him. The dead girl is carrying an ID, that of Carline Darcy, heir apparent to Darcy Therapeutics, Ireland’s most successful pharmaceutical company. Darcy Therapeutics has a finger in every pie, from sponsoring university research facilities to funding political parties to philanthropy – it has funded Emma’s own ground-breaking research. The investigation into Carline’s death promises to be high profile and high pressure. As Cormac investigates, evidence mounts that the death is linked to a Darcy laboratory and, increasingly, to Emma herself. Cormac is sure she couldn’t be involved, but how well does he really know her? After all, this isn’t the first time Emma’s been accused of murder...
  • Size 12 is Not Fat: Heather Wells Rocks! Or, at least, she did. That was before she left the pop-idol life behind after she gained a dress size or two - and lost a boyfriend, a recording contract and her life savings (when Mom took the money and ran off to Argentina). Now that the glamour and glory days of endless mall appearances are in the past, Heather's perfectly happy with her new size 12 shape and her new job as an assistant dorm director at one of New York's top colleges. That is, until the dead body of a female student from Heather's residence hall is discovered at the bottom of an elevator shaft. The cops and the college president are ready to chalk the death off as an accident, the result of reckless youthful mischief. But Heather knows teenage girls...and girls do not elevator surf. Yet no one wants to listen - not the police, her colleagues, or the P.I. who owns the brownstone where she lives - even when more students start turning up dead in equally ordinary and subtly sinister ways. So Heather takes on yet another new career: spunky girl detective. But her new job comes with few benefits, no cheering crowds, and lots of liabilities, some of them potentially fatal. And nothing ticks off a killer more than a portly ex-pop star who's sticking her nose where it doesn't belong... Size 14 Is Not Fat Either: Former pop star Heather Wells has settled nicely into her new life as assistant dorm director at New York College - a career that does not require her to drape her size 12 body in embarrassingly skimpy outfits. She can even cope (sort of) with her rocker ex-boyfriend's upcoming nuptials, which the press has dubbed The Celebrity Wedding of the Decade. But she's definitely having a hard time dealing with the situation in the dormitory kitchen - where a cheerleader has lost her head on the first day of the semester. (Actually, her head is accounted for - it's her torso that's AWOL.) Surrounded by hysterical students - with her ex-con father on her doorstep and her ex-love bombarding her with unwanted phone calls - Heather welcomes the opportunity to play detective….again. If it gets her mind off her personal problems—and teams her up again with the gorgeous P.I. who owns the brownstone where she lives - it's all good. But the murder trail is leading the average-sized amateur investigator into a shadowy world. And if she doesn't watch her step, Heather will soon be singing her swan song…