Arthur C.Clarke

//Arthur C.Clarke
  • A collection of Clarke's finest shorts including :  I Remember Babylon; Summertime On Icarus; Out of the Cradle, Endlessly Orbiting...; Who's There? Hate; Into the Comet; An Ape About the House; Saturn Rising; Let There Be Light; Death and the Senator; Trouble With Time; Before Eden; A Slight Case of Sunstroke; Dog Star; The Road to the Sea. Cover art by Terry Pastor.                    
  • For those of you who are worried about what the neighbors will think, there is what is purported to be an old Martian document which tells us what our nearest neighbor has to say about life on Earth.  Clarke explains the proper etiquette for contacting and dealing with aliens from outer space, or what to do if they get here first...Ranging from the light fantastic to the extremely possible, this collection is divided into five sections: Talking of Space; Outward from Earth; The Technological Future; Frontiers of Science; and Son of Dr. Strangelove, Etc. From Martians to Magi, here is Arthur C. Clarke's unforgettable tour of the Universe - known, unknown and yet to come.
  • After a terrifying nightmare in outer space, Walter Franklin needs to discover a reason for living. He found it in the ocean depths when strangers defied life to give it back to him. Freedom to roam above and below the great waters should have been enough for any man - but Franklin was haunted by an echo - an echo that could solve the oldest mystery of the sea. Cover art by W. F. Phillipps.
  • In 1973 Sidgwick and Jackson published The Best Of Arthur C. Clarke 1937 - 1972 as one volume.  In 1977, they reprinted it as two volumes: The Best Of Arthur C. Clarke Volume 1 1937 - 1955 and The Best Of Arthur C. Clarke Volume 2 1956 - 1972.  In this volume: Venture To The Moon: Six stories in one of the first crewed mission to the Moon as a joint American-Russian-British mission,  narrated by the British team commander.  Into The Comet: an expedition sets out to discover what the comet is like at its core - mission accomplished...but when the ship's computer goes haywire, it will need all the crew's ingenuity to make it home again.  Summertime On Icarus:  Lone scientist Colin Sherrard is stranded on Icarus - an asteroid too close to the sun.  Death And The Senator: An ambitious senior US Senator, who has sacrificed everything and everyone - friends, his wife, his daughter and his grandchildren - in pursuit of a political career contracts a terminal illness. His only hope for a cure is to accept a innovative treatment which he campaigned against funding... a decision for which he will be branded a hypocrite. Hate:  When a downed Sputnik lands near a mussel-collecting boat, a Hungarian crewman wants revenge for what the Russians did to his family.  Sunjammer (Variant Title: The Wind From The Sun): A spaceship designer develops a lightweight spacecraft with a large area of solar sail to participate sun-yacht racing. A Meeting With Medusa: When an experimental helium airship crashes, captain Howard Falcon is severely injured and takes over a year to recover. He then proposes an expedition to explore the atmosphere of Jupiter...
  • In 2061, when two Suns share the skies of Earth, Halley's Comet returns to the inner Solar System. Soon the fates of  two spacefaring expeditions are entwined by human necessity and the immutable laws of astrophysics. Centenarian Heywood Floyd must again confront Dave Bowman, a newly independent  HAL and the limitless power of an alien race that has decided humanity must play a part in the evolution of the galaxy - whether it wants to or not...Cover at by Michael Whelan.
  • 2012: a hundred years after the sinking of the Titanic. Two of the world's most powerful corporations, each headed by an eccentric and brilliant man, race to find a way to raise and preserve the doomed luxury ocean liner. Two multi-billion-dollar technologies are tested in a plan to raise the ship that will stun the world and create a media feeding frenzy. The rival CEOs gather and together the twenty-first century's most brilliant minds, including Roy Emerson, technical problem solver and the prodigy behind the glass microsphere; computer geniuses Donald and Edith Craig, darkly fixated by the enigmatic mathematical "Mandelbrot-Set"; and the grand old man of deep-water operations, Jason Bradley, pilot of a state-of-the-art high-pressure heliox suit named "Jim". Two adversary technologies under four hundred atmospheres of pressure at the bottom of the ocean. To each of the undersea explorers, the quest to uncover the secrets of the wreck and to reclaim her for all time becomes an obsession...and for some, a fatal one. Cover art by Paul Swendsen.
  • Clarke's most significant and prophetic non-fiction writings, gathered together to present a personal view of the twentieth century.  He predicts the role of geosynchronous satellites decades before they existed; reports from Kennedy Space Centre; discusses Star Wars, giant squid and numerous other fascinating and philosophical topics.
  • Duncan Makenzie is traveling from Titan, a moon of Saturn, to Earth, as a diplomatic guest of the United States for the celebration of its Quincentennial in the year 2276. Titan, an independent republic, was originally colonized from Earth three generations earlier. Duncan's initial challenge is to prepare, physically and intellectually, for the 500-million-mile trip to Earth. Once there, he is caught up in a sweep of new experiences, including the social and political whirl in Washington, a strange visit to a carefully preserved ancient city once prominent in the 20th century, and a search for and meeting with a woman he loved since she visited Titan years before.
  • Out among the moons of Jupiter, the empty spacecraft Discovery and the enigmatic alien monolith still float it the silence of space, mute witnesses to the mysterious disappearance of astronaut David Bowman through the 'Star Gate' nine years before. The Leonov is on its way, carrying a joint Soviet American scientific team on a mission of investigation and recovery, but the outcome will be beyond the wildest imaginings of any mere humans involved. Cover art by Michael Whelan.