G.D. Falksen

//G.D. Falksen
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  • Book III of The Ouroboros Cycle. For a thousand years, the immortal Shashavani have hidden from the world in the halls of their mountain fortress, amassing great stores of knowledge in a haven of academic tranquility.  Even Dr. Varanus cannot deny that the peace and quiet make for a pleasant diversion after her recent chaotic adventures in London.  Having left the horrors of murder and wellness behind her, she has thrown herself into the study of the Shashavani condition, determined to learn the secret of their undying power.  But as winter snow covers the Shashavani  Valley and closes the mountain passes, sinister events are unfolding in the shadows.  Whispers of conspiracy echo through the halls.  Soon loyalties will be tested and friendships betrayed.  Blood will flow.  An ancient evil is stirring.  As darkness descends, one question remains:  Do you serve the Winter King?  Illustrated by Lawrence Gullo.
  • Book II of The Ouroboros Cycle.  London, 1888.  A madman is terrorising the East End of London.  But Dr Varanus Shasavani has far more pressing concerns than a lunatic in Whitechapel.  Her charitable hospital is under siege by gang lords, her English cousins are threatening to steal her inheritance and her best friend is obsessed with Gothic novels.  Not only all that, her son Friedrich has befriended an American who talks endlessly of wellness and yoghurt and her bodyguard is pestering her to return home to Georgia, half a world away.  It seems everyone - friends, enemies and 'Saucy Jack' - conspire to interrupt her work.  But Varanus did not become immortal just to let mad killers and distant relations get in the way of scientific progress.  Though supernatural conspiracies and very human monsters confront her at every turn, she will stand firm against all the odds.  After all, she is accustomed to fighting for what is rightfully hers... Illustrated by Laurence Gullo.
  • Book I of The Ouroboros Cycle. How far would you go to avenge the one you love? Would you go beyond death?  Born into the stifling confines of upper French society, Babette never thought she'd have to answer that question.  Surrounded by wealth yet ostracised by her peers, Babette had no interest in love until she met the scandalous German Baron Korbinian.  When the intrigues of her grandfather's empire threaten to tear them apart, Babette will embark on a journey of vengeance, love and redemption that will take her beyond the limitations of mortality and reveal to her the dark forces that command humanity from the shadows.  Madness, murder, hidden cults and erudite vampires - does she have the strength to withstand the storm that rises against her?  Illustrated by Laurence Gullo.