Helen Hollick

//Helen Hollick
  • Book II of Pendragon's Banner. At age twenty-four, King Arthur has the kingdom he fought so hard for and a new young family. But keeping the throne of Britain —and keeping his wife and three sons safe— proves far from easy. Two enemies in particular threaten everything that is dear to him: Winifred, Arthur's vindictive first wife; and Morgause, priestess of the Mother and malevolent Queen of the North. Both have royal ambitions of their own. A story of harsh battles, secret treasonous plots and the life-threatening politics of early Britain's dark ages. Cover art by Stephen Bradbury.  
  • Book III of Pendragon's Banner. Britain lies uneasily at peace and Arthur is secure in his stronghold in the heart of the Summer Lands.  Ever the fighter, he defies the advice of his wife Gwenhwyfar to sail for France to defend his territories in Less Britain.  When word comes that the Pendragon has fallen in battle, Gwenhwyfar faces overthrow by the powerful Council headed by Arthur's uncle, anxious to revert to Roman ways, forcing her to struggle for her daughter's future and her own.  But events abroad mean a far mightier battle for the Pendragon throne. Cover art by Alex Callaway.
  • Book I of Pendragon's Banner.  The year is 450 A.D.  Britain is in turmoil, caught between Roman and Saxon, pagan and Christian.  Only Arthur, a young lad, can lead Britain from darkness into a new age. Powerless and lacking an army, he must serve a hard apprenticeship.  Fiery-tempered, spirited Gwenhwyfar, Arthur's childhood sweetheart finds herself a political pawn in a deadly struggle and Vortigern, the ruthless tyrant king is determined to control Arthur. Cover art by Stephen Bradbury.