Marion Zimmer Bradley

//Marion Zimmer Bradley
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  • Book II of Avalon. Eilan, daughter of the Druids, is destined to serve the Great Goddess as a virgin priestess. Gaius, son of a Roman father and British mother, serves with the legions. Trapped between a love that can never be permitted and duty to their irreconcilable cultures, their hearts and minds are in turmoil as the waning power of Rome and the rising rebellion of the tribes clash in the bitter struggle for Britain. Yet it is foretold that from their tragic union of Eagle and Dragon will one day come a defender of the land...Cover art by John Jude Palencar.
  • An interesting re-telling of Homer's epic poem, the Iliad from the point of view of Kassandra, daughter of King Priam of Troy. Trained as an Amazon and a priestess of Apollo,  she is doomed to have her visions dismissed as lunatic ravings and she is powerless to avert the fall of Troy. The Trojan War is seen and experienced through the eyes of not only Kassandra, but her mother Hecuba, her sister Andromache, Helen, wife of Paris and Klytemnestra. Blending archaeological fact and legend, the myths of the gods and the feats of heroes,  the classic tale of the Trojan War is larger-than-life, as living people engaged in a desperate struggle that dooms both the victors and the vanquished. Cover art by Mel Flatt.
  • Narabedla...where the Rainbow Cities gleam in every colour imaginable under the light of twin suns; where lush flowers croon a song of death in the gardens of Karamy the Golden, where their victims are never found; where falcons with human intelligence hunt in the forests, but seek no ordinary prey; where the mutant Dreamers sleep fitfully in their dark keep, dreaming of power lost long ago, and soon to be reclaimed...Cover art by Melvyn Grant.
  • Book XVIII of DarkoverFor Jeff Kerwin, Darkover meant home, the home he had left as a child, the home he had longed for through the many years. When he finally returned, it was to mystery.  There were no records of any kind of either his birth or childhood.Then after he renounced his Terran allegiance and joined the natives attempting to free Darkover from Earth's control, the Darkovans accused him of being a spy. Had Jeff been conditioned on Earth to betray Darkover? He was no longer sure of who - or what - he really was. Cover art by Melvyn Grant.
  • Book IV of The Saga Of The Trillium. Haramis – the White Lady – has lived several lifetimes as Archimage and Guardian of a land now abloom with the mystical Black Trillium, once thought extinct. But now she is plagued by disturbing dreams that will drive her to seek a successor – Mikayla, who knows nothing of her fate or kinship with the great Haramis. The challenges ahead will be more difficult than either Haramis or Mikayla could ever imagine. For installing a successor may be the most difficult fight they’ve ever had to face…Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Six of Earth's finest young people, perfect in mind and body, have been trained from the cradle for one task - to brave the infinite dangers of space in order to find new homes for Man. But once alone in the pitiless universe, they are betrayed by their ship and plagued by space hazards; their voyage becomes a grim test of survival. In order to survive, they must tame their wild talents and turn their training into skill, with no margin for error. They must conquer their fears, longings and nightmares; they must become a team; they must learn how to love. Or they will die. Cover art by Paul Alexander.
  • Zadieyek of Gyre - a dangerous fighter, a star gladiator who is greatly feared - has been captured and sold as a slave. Suffering from amnesia, she remembers nothing of her life before the trip across the desert with the slavers - and, due to a head injury, remembers mercifully little of that. But she does know that she would rather fight in the arena than be a harlot for the men who do...Cover art by Peter Jones. N.B. This is NOT a typical MZB - legend tells that she wrote it as a result of a bet with her son and in response to the Gor novels.
  • Book IX of Darkover. Earthmen on Darkover stayed in the shelter of their specially-constructed spaceport - beyond lay wild, uncharted, inhospitable territory. But for space traveller Andrew Carr the desolate planet held an attraction he could not resist.  Darkover drew him and haunted him.  It was this irresistible force that lured his craft to destruction among the unexplored mountains, leaving him alone among the magical people of the ancient planet. Cover art by Melvyn Grant.
  • Endless voyage...that's an old saying in the Explorers. But for every Explorer there is, somewhere, a planet he will not leave. For some, the cause is love. For others, the desire to give up the strange roving life of the star wanderers who live outside of planet-time. Even for the ones who love the metal ships that are their only home there is still a planet waiting, a planet that will hold them forever - in the final clasp of death. But until then, life is adventure and wonders undreamed of by mere planet dwellers, an Endless Universe of the unknown.  Cover art by Lombardo.  Later re-written and published as Endless Universe.