Phyllis Gotlieb

//Phyllis Gotlieb
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  • Book I of Starcats. Four novellas in one volume:  Son Of The Morning; The King's Dogs; Nebuchadnezzar; A Judgment Of Dragons. Meet Prandra & Krengh - giant telepathic red starcats from Ungruwarhkh. They are bad tempered; they hold grudges and they are uninterested in anything that is not good to eat. They are the most unusual agents of the Galactic Federation.  They eat from the same bowl, couple, then preen - then travel across Time, down through Space, to the most bizarre and dangerous worlds - and times! - in the Galactic Federation.   A Starcat and rabbi tale - with dragons. Cover art by Tom Kidd.
  • Book II of Starcats. All is not well on Qsaprinel. The normally peaceful world, ruled by crustacean-like creatures blessed with a dry wit and the philosophical good sense of a Mahatma Gandhi, has suddenly turned up "Classified" on all Federation records. Duncan Kinnear isn't an important Federation investigator - but then Qsaprinel isn't an important planet. Besides, Kinnear has a modest record of success in odd jobs where even the problem is unclear, to say nothing of the solution. And he has some unlikely allies: the big red cats called Ungrukh - dangerous, telepathic and fiercely loyal to their friends. Kinnear saved their world; they will help him save this one - even though the natives do look more like crayfish than one normally expects of a race of philosophers, and are not good to eat. With the help of a psychic reader of Tarot cards and a chilling rumor about mutant humans (not inclined even slightly toward philosophy) on Qsaprinel, Kinnear and company are on their way.