Raymond E Feist

//Raymond E Feist
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  • Book  I of The Demonwar Saga. The last remnants of an ancient advanced race, the Clan of the Seven Stars, are returning at long last to their lost homeworld, Midkemia - not as friends, but as would-be conquerors. Led by the conjurer Laromendis, they are fleeing the relentless demon hordes that are sweeping through their galaxy and destroying the Elves' vast empire planet by planet. Only by escaping to Midkemia and brutally overtaking the war-weary world can the last remnants of a mighty civilization hope to survive...if the Dread Legion does not pursue them through the rift. The magician Pug, Midkemia's brave and constant defender, is all too familiar with the Demon King Maarg and his minions and their foul capacity for savagery and horror, and he recognises the even graver threat that is following on the heels of the Elven invasion. The onslaught to come will dwarf every dire catastrophe his imperiled world has previously withstood, and there is no magical champion in all of Midkemia powerful enough to prevent it. Only one path remains for Pug and Midkemia's clandestine protectors, the Conclave of Shadows: forging an alliance of formidable magical talents, from the demon-dealing warlock Amirantha, brother of Pug's hated foe, and the demon-taming cleric Sandreena, to the elven Queen Miranda, to the warrior Tomas. However, uniting enemies and bitter, vengeful former lovers will be no easy task, and even together they may ultimately be unable to turn the death tide. But a failure to do so will most certainly ensure Midkemia's doom.
  • Book II of Serpentwar. Roo Avery, recently returned from a harrowing brush with the armies of the Emerald Queen, is now free to choose his own destiny and his ambition is to become one of the most powerful and rich merchants in Midkemia. But nothing prepares him for the dangers of this new life, where the demand for the payment of a debt can be as deadly as a knife in the shadows.  Even those closest to him are suspect and as Roo struggles to build his financial empire, betrayal is ever close at hand and he soon realises the road to success is far from smooth. While he works towards his goal, the memory of the distant forces of darkness are never far away. The war with the Emerald Queen is not over and the inevitable confrontation will be the biggest threat yet to his new found wealth and power. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.

  • Book II of Serpentwar. Roo Avery, recently returned from a harrowing brush with the armies of the Emerald Queen, is now free to choose his own destiny and his ambition is to become one of the most powerful and rich merchants in Midkemia. But nothing prepares him for the dangers of this new life, where the demand for the payment of a debt can be as deadly as a knife in the shadows.  Even those closest to him are suspect and as Roo struggles to build his financial empire, betrayal is ever close at hand and he soon realises the road to success is far from smooth. While he works towards his goal, the memory of the distant forces of darkness are never far away. The war with the Emerald Queen is not over and the inevitable confrontation will be the biggest threat yet to his new found wealth and power. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Book I of the Serpentwar Saga. Something dark is moving in distant nations and ancient powers are readying themselves for a final confrontation.  A Dark Queen has raised a standard in remote lands and is gathering armies of unmatched might.  Enter a band of desperate men whose only hope for survival is to face this ancient power and discover its true nature - a dangerous and suicidal quest.   With these men travels the mysterious Miranda on whom all must wager their lives.  She appears to be an ally but knows much more than she is willing to tell.  Does she have a hidden agenda?  Will she prove be an ally in the final confrontation? Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Volume IV of The Serpentwar Saga. The enemy has been routed yet peace still eludes the Kingdom. Midkemia lies in smouldering ruins following the Demon King's siege. Many lives have been lost including that of brave James, Duke of Krondor. As the people turn their hands to rebuilding their once-great nation, a new threat arises from the ashes of war: the fearsome Fadawah, former Commander General of the Army of the Emerald Queen. He has grasped the fallen reins of command and seeks to forge a personal empire out of the wreckage of the Western Realm. And so it is the task of two young men - Jimmy and Dash, grandsons of the late Duke - to gather the shards of the broken crown and resurrect the Kingdom to its former glory. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Book I of Conclave of Shadows. FOur four days and nights Kieli has waited on the remote mountain peak of Shatana Higo for the gods to grant him his manhood name.  Exhausted and despairing, he is woken by the sharp claws of a rare silver hawk piercing his arm, although later he's not sure if it ever happened.  On his return home, Keili founds his village blazing and his people slaughtered.  Although it means certain death he throws himself into the battle - and survives.  A distant voices echoes in his mind: Rise up and be a talon for your people... Now he is Talon of the Silver Hawk and he must avenge the murder of his people. Cover art by Martin McKenna.
  • Book I of Conclave Of Shadows. Four four days and nights Kieli has waited on the remote mountain peak of Shatana Higo for the gods to grant him his manhood name.  Exhausted and despairing, he is woken by the sharp claws of a rare silver hawk piercing his arm, although later he's not sure if it ever happened.  On his return home, Keili founds his village blazing and his people slaughtered.  Although it means certain death he throws himself into the battle - and survives.  A distant voices echoes in his mind: Rise up and be a talon for your people... Now he is Talon of the Silver Hawk and he must avenge the murder of his people. Cover art by Martin McKenna.
  • Book II of Krondor's Sons. Nicholas, third son of Prince Arutha of Krondor is bright and gifted, but sheltered by the restrictive Court life. He sets sail with his squire Harry for pastoral Crydee. Shortly after their arrival, Crydee is attacked by unknown forces, the castle is reduced to ruins, the townspeople slaughtered and two young noblewomen abducted.  The invaders, servants of dark forces, are intent on the complete destruction of the Kingdom of the Isles. More than the fate of the two abducted women is at stake - there is an evil force that menaces the entire world of Midkemia, and Nicholas is destined to confront this terrifying threat. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.

  • Nicholas, third son of Prince Arutha of Krondor is bright and gifted, but sheltered by the restrictive Court life. He sets sail with his squire Harry for pastoral Crydee. Shortly after their arrival, Crydee is attacked by unknown forces, the castle is reduced to ruins, the townspeople slaughtered and two young noblewomen abducted.  The invaders, servants of dark forces, are intent on the complete destruction of the Kingdom of the Isles. More than the fate of the two abducted women is at stake - there is an evil force that menaces the entire world of Midkemia, and Nicholas is destined to confront this terrifying threat. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.