Stephen King

//Stephen King
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  •  Andy McGee and Vicky Tomlinson were once college students looking to make some extra cash, volunteering as test subjects for an experiment orchestrated by the clandestine government organization known as The Shop. But the outcome unlocked exceptional latent psychic talents for the two of them - manifesting in even more terrifying ways when they fell in love and had a child. Their daughter, Charlie, has been gifted with the most extraordinary and uncontrollable power ever seen - pyrokinesis, the ability to create fire with her mind. Now the merciless agents of The Shop are in hot pursuit to apprehend this unexpected genetic anomaly for their own diabolical ends by any means necessary...including violent actions that may well ignite the entire world around them as Charlie retaliates with a fury of her own...Cover shows a young Drew Barrymore as Charlie in the film of the same name.
  • Needful Things is the new shop in Castle Rock, run by Mr. Leland Gaunt.  There really is something for everyone.  For poor little bewildered Nettie Cobb, there's a fabulous carnival glass lampshade. Norris Ridgewick gets a very special fishing rod at a real bargain price. And Myra Evans buys a picture of Elvis Presley that seems to have magical powers.  While the cash amounts are a bargain, the balance of payment is costly - and Leland Gaunt enjoys seeing how much people will pay for their secret desires.  A secret deal here; a bargain cash amount with a balance owing of a harmless little practical joke to be played on someone - all week, wires are crossed all over Castle Rock until the inevitable explosion occurs that literally sets the town ablaze.

  • Headed down the highway are the Jacksons, on their way home to New York; the Carvers, a family on vacation and Johnny Marinville, a once-famous author.  They all encounter the little town of Desperation, which should be a refuge in the middle of the Nevada desert.  But the once thriving copper mining town is eerily empty.  Almost abandoned - except for the local cop patrolling the wilderness, guarding Desperation's secrets, hidden in the landscape. When those secrets are unleashed, a terrifying transformation takes place and the travellers learn the true meaning of the word desperation...Cover art by Chris Moore.

  • Book IV of The Dark Tower. The dark tower beckons Roland, the gunslinger. Roland is determined to make the journey with the companions he has gathered: Susannah Holmes, wheel-chair bound; Eddie Dean, a narcotic prisoner, a boy named Jake and his pet creature Oy. Through the devastated  urban wasteland to the Mid-World where cavernous black holes threaten the structure of the tower, time grows thin and the past becomes a riddle. The malevolent monorail hurtles ever on,  threatening destruction as the pilgrims bargain desperately. There is hidden danger on all sides: from the terror of Roland's relentless cunning enemy to the temptation of the wizard's glass. Cover art by Bob Warner.
  • When writer Thad Beaumont hit a difficult period, he created 'George Stark' - at first, Stark was a bit of fun, a pseudonym, complete with a sinister author-biography. He wrote violent, commercial thrillers which became best sellers and soon, Stark was earning more money than Thad Beaumont.  Now, Thad is feeling better and beginning to write for himself and as himself again. He doesn't need George Stark now so he announces that Stark will write no more, and even 'buries' him with a specially-made headstone for a magazine photo-feature. A happy ending to a lucrative but strange period in the life of Thad and Liz Beaumont. Except - George Stark doesn't want to die. Impossibly, he seems to have returned as a killing machine intent on destroying everything and anything that gets between him and his creator...Cover art by Paul Davies
  • Late last night and the night before...Tommyknockers, tommyknockers, knocking at the door...Something's happening in the idylllic little town of Haven, Maine.  Something that comes from a metal object, buried for millennia, that Bobbi literally accidentally stumbles across. Now there's something strange about Bobbi, too. Jim Gardner, poet, drunk and potential suicide decides to visit Bobbi, his only real friend - and he finds she's lost an alarming amount of weight...and she's dismantling kitchen appliances and making weirdly brilliant inventions out of them...and then there's the thing she's discovered buried in her garden.  And as she digs, the metamorphosis of Haven's citizens becomes stranger and more murderous to outsiders. Jim realises he isn't in another drunken nightmare, he's in a waking one of terrifying significance. Bobbi and the other good folks of Haven didn't sell their souls to reap the rewards of the most deadly evil this side of hell. It was more like a diabolical invasion of body, soul - and mind...
  • Rosie Daniels, trapped in a fourteen year nightmare marriage is suddenly roused by a single drop of blood and she realises that her husband Norman is going to kill her. Or maybe - worse still - he won't. And she takes flight – with his credit card. Alone in a strange city, Rosie begins to build a new life: she meets Bill Steiner and she finds an old junk shop painting, "Rose Madder," which is perfect for her new apartment and strangely, the painting seems to want her as much as she wants it.  But it’s hard for Rosie not to keep looking over her shoulder. Rose-maddened and on the rampage, Norman is a corrupt cop with a dog’s instinct for tracking people. And he’s getting close. Rosie can feel just how close he is getting… Cover art by Bob Warner.
  • Headed down the highway are the Jacksons, on their way home to New York; the Carvers, a family on vacation and Johnny Marinville, a once-famous author.  They all encounter the little town of Desperation, which should be a refuge in the middle of the Nevada desert.  But the once thriving copper mining town is eerily empty.  Almost abandoned - except for the local cop patrolling the wilderness, guarding Desperation's secrets, hidden in the landscape. When those secrets are unleashed, a terrifying transformation takes place and the travellers learn the true meaning of the word desperation...Cover art by Chris Moore.
  • A terrible construction site accident takes Edgar Freemantle's right arm and scrambles his memory and his mind, leaving him with little but rage as he begins the ordeal of rehabilitation. A marriage that produced two lovely daughters suddenly ends, and Edgar begins to wish he hadn't survived the injuries that could have killed him. But he remembers that sketching used to make him happy...Ed leaves Minnesota for a rented house on Duma Key and he doesn't expect to find much there.  But Duma has been waiting for him and he begins to paint. He meets a kindred spirit in Wireman, a man reluctant to reveal his own wounds, and the elderly Elizabeth Eastlake. As he paints, his pictures take on a life of their own and the island's secrets begin to stir: secrets of children lost in the undertow, a ghost ship riding the distant horizon - and a family's buried past reaching long fingers into the present. Cover art by Lisa Kimmell