
  • If you got a call that Batman was assaulting Spider-Man and the person who called it in was Marilyn Monroe, who is actually a 6'3" transvestite, there's only one place you could be: nothing is too weird in Los Angeles. For the cops of Hollywood Station, policing crack-heads dressed as cartoon characters is business as usual. But when there's a diamond robbery connected to the Russian Mafia and a pair of totally clueless and ambitious crystal meth addicts, the pieces have got to be put together by the sergeant they call the Oracle and his squad of street cops. There's Budgie Polk, a twenty-something firecracker with a four-month-old at home; Wesley Drubb, a rich boy who joined the force seeking thrills; Fausto Gamboa is the tetchy veteran; and Hollywood Nate, who never shuts up about movies. They spend their days in patrol cars and their nights in the underbelly of a city that never sleeps. From their headquarters at Hollywood Station, they see the glamour city for what it is: a field of land mines, where the mundane is dangerous and the dangerous is mundane.

  • On Sunday, 13 December, a letter is delivered to the White House, starting the most astonishing blackmail of all time:  if President Carter does not submit, the cost will be New York City.  Over the next 36 hours, the action whirls from the Situation Room of the White House to the nuclear laboratories of Los Alamos, from the home of the Israeli Prime Minister to a remote seaside villa, nerve centre of a network global terrorism, thence to the slums, the  glittering discos, the towers of power of New York and the barrenness of the African desert.   Here is a world crisis and the real reactions of men and women to a deadly menace known as the Fifth Horseman.

  • Advice in the form of poetry for growing old disgracefully and happily.  When the author was a child, the poems of A.A. Milne reassured him that other children were just as naughty, puzzled and foolish as he was, and that grown-ups could be even sillier. Upon reaching his sixties, he decided there was a need for an equally reassuring volume for those of his generation who are not only more confused than ever, but are losing their teeth, their hair and too often, losing their car-keys!  Poetry not for the prudish. Those discolourations you can see in the photo are actually intentional printing.
  • Amanda Barrie was a star of the English stage, screen and the occasional Carry On film.  She was believed to be a slow learner for years as she could not read, so she would have a friend repeat her lines over and over to her until she was word perfect and completely cued-in!  She was finally diagnosed with dyslexia. Here she recounts anecdotes from her packed professional life and talks frankly and without self-pity about her disrupted childhood, disastrous schooldays and her relationships with both men and women, including remarkable threesomes with her husband Robin Hunter.  An ideal piece for any Carry On fan. Illustrated with black and white and colour photographs.

  • Acre, 1291 A.D. - As the city burns under the onslaught of the Sultan's men, the Falcon Temple sets sail, carrying a small band of knights and a mysterious chest entrusted to them by the Order's Grand Master. The ship vanishes, without a trace...

    New York City - Present Day: At the Metropolitan Museum, four horsemen dressed as Knights Templar storm the gala opening of an exhibition of Vatican treasures and in a brutal, bloody attack, steal an arcane medieval decoder. For FBI agent Sean Reilly and archeologist Tess Chaykin this is just the start of a deadly game of cat and mouse s they race across three continents in search of ruthless killers and a centuries-old mystery.

  • A.D. 79 - Rome's rich and shameless are relaxing in their luxury holiday villas on the coast.  The Imperial Navy is peacefully at anchor at Misenum. Tourists are out and about in the resorts of Baiae, Herculaneum and Pompeii. Only one man is worried. Engineer Marius Attilius Primus has just taken charge of the Aqua Augusta, the enormous aqueduct that brings fresh water to a quarter of a million people in nine towns around the Bay of Naples. Springs are failing for the first time in generations.  His predecessor has disappeared. And now there's a crisis on the Augusta's sixty-mile mainline, north of Pompeii on the slopes of Vesuvius. Attilus - decent, practical and incorruptible - assures Pliny, the scholarly naval commander, the he can repair the aqueduct before the reservoir runs dry.  But as he makes his way to Vesuvius he finds there are forces in the world which even the world's only superpower cannot control.

  • Ex-SAS Jeff Hawkins is summoned to war-torn Bosnia to replace a negotiator in the Royal Wessex - and he soon finds he's been pitched into a  task far more difficult and dangerous than he imagined. His role is to keep the UN aid convoys running at all costs. But his Company commander isn't up to the job and his oppo in Liaison is running his own Agenda with the Secret Service. The uneasy Muslim/Croat alliance is breaking down with the arrival of Afghani freedom fighters - then there the mercenaries for hire and the CIA stirring the pot for its own ends. The winter snow brings a welcome lull from the mayhem - but there's a bigger problem. One huge aid convoy must run the gauntlet of fighting along the icy mountain roads to break the siege of Sarajevo before Christmas.  One hundred trucks are on a journey to hell and back...

  • All the usual suspects are here, along with the late Jackie Collins' wry, dry wit and observations on the 'beautiful people'. Kris Phoenix, legendary English rock star; Bobby Mondella, handsome black soul superstar, recovering from a suspicious and near-fatal accident; and Rafealla, the beautiful half-caste girl with plenty of reasons to sing the blues.  Their lives will clash with billionaire Marcus Citroen and Max Sicily, the son of a mob boss posing as a waiter for his own nefarious reasons.  The fund-raiser party on Citroen's lush Malibu estate, with tonnage of wealth, glamour and celebrities, will end with a big bang.

  • If Kurt Wenzel had not turned up in troubled post-war Trieste, there would have been no problem. Surgeon Eugen Reichenbach would have continued his placid, respectable life as a naturalised American with the World Universities Relief Organisation. But when crafty Kurt challenged him with, 'If you were asked to perform an operation tonight you'd be frightened out of your wits,' Eugen knew only too well that he could not refuse. It was in this way that Reichenbach began the journey that would lead him to the darkness of an isolated farmhouse where a man lay desperately ill, with a bullet in his lung and the police of several nations at his heels. When Eugen discovered the identity of the patient, it was too late to turn back. Blackmailed into a a fight for the outlaw's life, Reichenbach is also cut off from the protection of law and order.