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  • In 1945, Hitler unleashes the Blood Death on Britain as his final act of vengeance. Hoke, an American pilot and one of a tiny minority with a rare blood group unaffected by the deadly disease, has survived among the debris and dead of London for three years. Now, in '48, a slow-dying group of Fascist Blackshirts believe their  only hope is a complete blood transfusion from one of Hoke's kind. They  literally want his blood. Running for his life, Hoke is rescued by other survivors and they are pursued  through London's ravaged streets and historic landmarks, reaching a dramatic, explosive climax at the top of the Tower Bridge.
  • In 1945, Hitler unleashed the Blood Death on Britain as his final act of vengeance. Those who died at once were the lucky ones. The really unfortunate took years. The survivors - people like Hoke, an American pilot and one of a tiny minority with a blood group unaffected by the killer disease - have survived among the debris and dead of London for three years. But now, Hoke's running for his life - hunted through the ruined city by a desperate pack of slow-dying Fascist Blackshirts. They're after his blood...literally...
  • This volume contains the following stories: Sticks, Stones: Chris Tsiolkas; Confession, Malla Nunn; Merlo Girls, Nick Earls; Dress, Medium; Maggie Alderson; Mirrored, Georgia Blain; Manuka, Alex Miller; The Amber Amulet, Craig Silvey; The Evolution of Sadie Smith, Rachael Treasure; The House on Hill Street, Judy Nunn; The Shedding Planner, Mark Dapin
  • What does it mean to dream of tunnels, rainbows, alarm bells, ravens, swimming, embarrassment or death? This book is a code book for unlocking the secrets and meanings of your dreams. Dreams are a combination of your deep subconscious emotions and your everyday life events. They are usually symbolic of inner hopes and fears and can give insight into the past, future and even how to proceed in certain matters. This is a very comprehensive guide with an alphabetic index.
  • Over 1000 hints and recipes for making your own wine and beers - an enjoyable hobby you can share with friends and make great savings in costs, too. There's sections on country wines, fruit wines, sparkling wines, malt syrup beers, fruit beers, ciders, liqueurs and even flavoured vinegars for cooking. All the information is here - ingredients, equipment and step by step instructions.
  • Well, perhaps not quite 1001 - but it certainly a fascinating, hand-picked cross-section of classic conversation from Andrew Denton's Enough Rope. Many feature previously unreleased material and are guaranteed to please and inspire; this is an eminently browsable and instantly addictive book. Among the guests are Cate Blanchett, Bono, Steve Irwin,Alan Bond, Elton John, Mel Brooks, Jane Goodall, Matt Lucas and David Williams, Tim Winton and Michael 'Parky' Parkinson. With black and white photographs.
  • History as you've never learnt it before - from the invasion of Briton to Alfred the Cake, to Anne (A Dead Queen), The Merrie Monarch and WilliamandMary who were a pair of Oranges.  A lot of it reads like a Blackadder script with typical English humour. With comic illustrations by John Reynolds.
  • History as you've never learnt it before - from the invasion of Briton to Alfred the Cake, from Anne (A Dead Queen) to The Merrie Monarch and WilliamandMary who were a pair of Oranges.  A lot of it reads like a Blackadder script with typical English humour. With comic illustrations by John Reynolds.
  • Whether lost, a little astray or just firming your viewpoint, everyone is welcome to journey into their potential. By recognising all aspects of the self - physical, emotional, spiritual and psychic - we can create our own wisdom, our own guidance, our own peace and our own joy. This is about how you are and how you'd like to be; it's an encouragement of your experience of your chosen path and helps to bring about true awakening within that leads to the realisation  of your core essence.
  • Never before had royal authority been so fundamentally challenged.  Eight centuries later, 63 clauses of the original Magna Carta are still in use.  But this is not a dry treatise of this well-covered historical event:  it is also what it was like to live in that momentous year. Fashion, food, religion, sex, education and medicine...Spectacles were invented...windmills were erected...Oxford became the first university and the cathedrals of Lincoln and Salisbury were built. Full of rich detail, from great matters of state to everyday domestic life.
  • 1610: Hermetic magic is about to transform into science - this is the year everything could change.  Robert Fludd, English physician and astrologer uses Jon Dee's method of foretelling the future. It appears to work but he doesn't like the centuries he's predicting. Someone will have to change the future. Rochefort, duellist, down-at-heel aristocrat and spy for the Duc de Sully, France's powerful finance minister, has troubles of his own - Dariole, a young man of his acquaintance who is lust walking on two legs and as irresponsible as an alley-cat. The last thing he needs is a mad English astrologer in his life. Continental Europe is briefly at peace - but Henry IV is planning to invade the German principalities. Five years earlier, in England, conspirators almost succeeded in blowing up King James and his Parliament. The seeds of the English Civil War and the Thirty  Years' War are being sown... For a man of no conscience, Rochefort is about to be caught between loyalty, love and blackmail - between kings, queens, politicians and Rosicrucians - and all this before he encounters the woman he has, unknowingly, crossed land and sea to meet. Robert Fludd is pulling the strings... And Rochefort does not take kindly to being someone's puppet. Cover art by Les Edwards.

  • Book II of The Assiti Shards. The Thirty Years War continues to ravage 17th century Europe, but a new force is gathering power and influence: the Confederated Principalities of Europe, an alliance between Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and the West Virginians from the 20th century led by Mike Stearns who were hurled centuries into the past by a mysterious cosmic accident. The democratic ideals of the CPE have aroused the implacable hostility of the privileged and powerful who draw up secret plans against these upstarts from the future. But the USE is also working in secret. A group of West Virginians have secretly traveled to Venice to combat a plague - and hope to establish commercial ties with the powerful Ottoman Empire. Most important, they hope to establish private diplomatic ties with the Vatican. But a Venetian artisan involved with the West Virginians may cause all their plans to come to naught. Having read 20th century history books of the period, he has become determined to rescue Galileo from his trial for heresy. The Americans are divided on whether to help him or stop him—and whether he succeeds or fails, the results may be catastrophic for the USE. Cover art by Tom Kidd.
  • Watkin Tench stepped ashore at Botany Bay with the First Fleet in  January 1788. He was in his late twenties, a captain of the marines and on the adventure of his life. Insatiably curious with a natural genius for storytelling, Tench wrote two accounts of the infant colony: A Narrative Of The Expedition To Botany Bay and A Complete Account Of The Settlement At Port Jackson. He brings to life the legendary figures of Bennelong, Arabanoo and Governor Phillip and records the voices of the convicts as they make new lives in their new country.  Edited and introduced by Tim Flannery.
  • Scandals, disasters, shocks and crises: 1932 could truly be described as one of the most electrifying years in Australian history, alive with unforgettable characters and momentous events. So much happened in that fateful year, becoming the stuff of enduring national legend: the Sydney Harbour Bridge opened by surprise with the slashing sword of Captain Francis de Groot; the birth of the Australian Broadcasting Commission; the mysterious death of the beloved race horse Phar Lap; the controversial dismissal of NSW Premier Jack Lang; and the start of cricket's infamous Bodyline series. Ivy Field, in the most notorious divorce case of the decade, sued for today's equivalent of $350,00 in alimony to support her lifestyle of imported lace underwear and $5000 dresses. Overshadowing all else, the Great Depression seemed to single Australians out for special punishment, pushing a fragile young society to the brink of disintegration. By 1932 - the worst of it - a third of the population had been reduced to living like refugees in their own land while a lucky few emerged rich as third world rajahs. Dead men were walking - the tens of thousands of jobless  tramp the bush roads, and among them, the prime suspect in a brutal murder. And 1932 was also a year that would see dauntless courage and endurance as ordinary Australians weathered a global catastrophe and become a critical turning point for a country balanced between its colonial past and its independent future. Illustrated with historical black and white photographs.
  • Sale!
    Patterson's first in the series of the Women's Murder Club.  As the only woman homicide detective in San Francisco, Lindsay Boxer has to be tough.  But the honeymoon murders throws her.  A brutal maniac is on a spree, slaughtering newly-weds.  Her determination to bring the killer to justice is threatened by a personal tragedy, so she turns to Claire, a coroner, Cindy, a journalist and Jill, an attorney for help in both crises: and the Women's Murder Club is born.
  • The Ring: It begins as another urban  legend - the whispered tale of a nightmarish videotape that causes anyone to watch it to die seven days later. But when four teenagers all meet with mysterious deaths exactly one week after watching just such a tape, investigative reporter Rachel Keller tracks down the video and watches it. Now, the legend is coming true...the clock is ticking...and Rachel has seven days to unravel the mystery of The Ring. Also stars David Dorfman, Jane Alexander, Brian Cox and Daveigh Chase. The Ring 2: To escape their haunting memories, Rachel and her son start a new life in a  small Oregon town. But when evidence at a crime scene reveals a mysterious unmarked videotape, Rachel realises the relentless cycle of horror is going to continue  and only a life-or-death battle can decide things once and for all. Also stars David Dorfman, Elizabeth Perkins, Gary Cole and Sissy Spacek.
  • It is 1867: an unknown monster roams the sea and a U.S. Navy ship commanded by Captain Farragut is sent to investigate the strange and hazardous world of the ocean's depths. Here is Verne's classic tale of Captain Nemo and the  Nautilus with all the suspense and excitement of a modern sci-fi thriller. Complete and unabridged edition.
  • Three million years B.C., a mysterious black monolith of alien origin influences a group of prehistoric human ancestors to develop tools and establish dominance over other tribes. Fast-forward to 1999 - and a black monolith with magnetic properties is detected by scientists working on a moon base. When the rays of the sun activate it, the monolith sends a signal toward one of the moons of Saturn.  In 2001, the Discovery Mission to Saturn -  five men and an artificially intelligent computer named HAL 9000 - is launched. Three of the crew are in suspended animation; and all proceeds smoothly until communications with Earth break down...and HAL begins to act independently and take over...Cover art by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
  • Based on the screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke. A group of primates is singled out to receive information from a superior outside force which will speed up their development into mankind. Later, men excavate a huge monolith from the Moon's  surface - a monolith which emits a strange and, to  them, incomprehensible signal. Upon its discovery the monolith launches into deep space, its task of watching over Man, now that he has reached the level of sophistication necessary to find it, being over. This theme continues building into a  a massive climax.
  • Out among the moons of Jupiter, the empty spacecraft Discovery and the enigmatic alien monolith still float it the silence of space, mute witnesses to the mysterious disappearance of astronaut David Bowman through the 'Star Gate' nine years before. The Leonov is on its way, carrying a joint Soviet American scientific team on a mission of investigation and recovery, but the outcome will be beyond the wildest imaginings of any mere humans involved. Cover art by Michael Whelan.
  • In 2061, when two Suns share the skies of Earth, Halley's Comet returns to the inner Solar System. Soon the fates of  two spacefaring expeditions are entwined by human necessity and the immutable laws of astrophysics. Centenarian Heywood Floyd must again confront Dave Bowman, a newly independent  HAL and the limitless power of an alien race that has decided humanity must play a part in the evolution of the galaxy - whether it wants to or not...Cover at by Michael Whelan.
  • The Womens' Murder Club face the fight of their lives....Three victims. Three bullets. Three cities. The first of these simultaneous serial killings occurs in San Francisco, Sergeant Lindsay Boxer's jurisdiction and reporter Cindy Thomas's beat. The shooters are precise, as is their target selection. Each one of the men and women down excels at an illegal and deadly activity that is dominating public debate. As the casualty list expands, the fear and fascination with this shooting gallery galvanises the county. Are the shooters villains or heroes? And who will be next?
  • The year is 2312. Scientific and technological advances have opened gateways to an extraordinary future. Earth is no longer humanity's only home; new habitats have been created throughout the solar system on moons, planets, and in between. But in this year, 2312, a sequence of events will force humanity to confront its past, its present, and its future. The first event takes place on Mercury, on the city of Terminator, itself a miracle of engineering on an unprecedented scale. It is an unexpected death, but one that might have been foreseen. For Swan Er Hong, it is an event that will change her life. Swan was once a woman who designed worlds. Now she will be led into a plot to destroy them.
  • Lindsay Boxer, San Francisco's only woman homicide detective, is ready to reconvene the Women's Murder Club when a little girl is shot outside a church.  They start to track a mystifying killer - one who quickly turns his pursuers into victims.  Further murders lead them to suspect the killer is an ex-cop, but nothing will prepare them for the demented logic behind the killer's choice of victims.
  • The North Korean People's Army has crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded South Korea, viciously ambushing a routine American convoy. The shocking news reaches the beaches of Hawaii, where Captain Mark Isen is a 27 year old second-generation professional soldier. Commander of C Company, part of a light infantry division and like most of his peers, he's never seen combat. The Army's lightest, most mobile units are rushed to Korea. Charlie Company gets there weeks ahead of the Army heavy forces and in a matter of days, Isen's men are at war. And when the front-line grunts of C Company are exposed to the white heat of battle, Isen knows, before the first engagement is over, that his men will be outnumbered and outgunned in every battle they fight.

  • As the trains ran parallel, Mrs McGillicuddy could see into the lighted carriage only a few feet away.  A man, standing with his back to her, was strangling the life out of a woman, her eyes starting from their sockets, her face purple.  The end came as Mrs McGillicuddy watched - then the train accelerated rapidly and vanished from her sight...
  • Scotland Street, in Edinburgh's Bohemian New Town, has more than its fair share of eccentrics and students. When Pat - on her second gap year and a source of worry to her parents - is accepted as a new tenant at number 44, she isn't sure how long she'll last. Her flatmate Bruce, a rugby-playing surveyor, is impossibly narcissistic, carelessly philandering and maddeningly handsome. Downstairs is gloriously pretentious Irene, whose precocious 5 year old is in therapy after setting fire to his father's copy of The Guardian. And then there is shrewd, intellectual Domenica MacDonald mysteriously employed but a sharp-eyed observer of the house's activities in her spare time...