Antiquities & Oddities

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  • A fascinating blend of Biblical commentary and travel narrative that characterised its predecessor,  In The Steps Of The Master.  Morton set himself the task of following the the Missionary Journeys of St. Paul and tracing the route by which  Christianity came to the West. He made four journeys to the Near East, covering Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Macedonia, Greece, Cypress, Malta, Rhodes and the City of Rome. Morton wanted to portray St Paul as a Saint and a man, and what problems he would have encountered as he set out to Christianise the pagan world, to describe the world in which he lived and to contrast the cities of his day with their modern equivalents. Photographic illustrations.
  • Everything and everyone is under the gun in this collection of outrageous stories and non-politically jokes! Even James Bond isn't exempt. There's blonde bombshells, ethnic jokes, religious rib-ticklers, mansplains, church crackers, sex, quickies and shorties and the completely bizarre to make you laugh out loud wherever you are. Adults only...
  • The son of the chief of Maia Island has taken Ati Manu, a jewelled collar which is their only valuable, to exchange for food for its starving people. Two men follow him through the jungle but he manages to hide the collar in a hollow tree before he is cornered and killed. The Brevitt family take up the search for the valuable collar despite the armed murderers who wait  for them in the jungle. They are robbed of vital skin diving equipment and are attacked by sea creatures in  their efforts to find Ati Manu and help the natives.  Danger stalks the family as they search for the treasure, with plenty of adventures before the hunt ends. Illustrated by Stuart Tresilian.
  • Over 1000 hints and recipes for making your own wine and beers - an enjoyable hobby you can share with friends and make great savings in costs, too. There's sections on country wines, fruit wines, sparkling wines, malt syrup beers, fruit beers, ciders, liqueurs and even flavoured vinegars for cooking. All the information is here - ingredients, equipment and step by step instructions.
  • Cop This Lot: Nino Culotta: Book II of They're A Weird Mob. Nino, now an Australian with the help of his mates and Kay, his missus, has a chance to get a few laughs at the expense of workmates Joe and Dennis as they accompany him on a trip to Italy to visit Nino's parents.  Joe and Dennis have never left Sydney and the plan is to go by 'plane and cargo ship then buy a cheap car in Germany to drive to Italy.  At the Culotta family villa, Nino's father, a crusty and misbehaving patriarch who loves to conduct local feuds, is only concerned that Nino and Kay have not been 'properly' married by an Italian priest. Nino's mother is worried that the children will be eaten by kangaroos. By the time they return to Sydney, Joe and Dennis have learnt a smattering of several European languages and despite their working-class 'Ocker' background, have acquired a veneer of European sophistication, preferring wine to beer and Italian suits to Jack Howe singlets - a veneer, of course, that doesn't last too long! Illustrated by 'Wep'. There Was A Kid: John O'Grady: Author John O'Grady's  (Nino Culotta) father, with no practical experience and very little money, threw up city life and became a farmer - he bought his land, worked hard, applied the latest scientific methods - and went broke.  Yet O'Grady has wonderful memories of growing up on the farm near Tamworth and recounts them all here with his usual wry humour. Illustrated by Collinridge Rivett.
  • Are You Irish Or Normal? Sean O'Grada. O'Grada traces the history of the Irish in his own inimitable fashion, from many centuries B.C. (The First Irishman was a Greek) through the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries (A Man's Best Enemy is His Neighbour - And Where Was The O'Neill?) into the 15th and 16th centuries (A Good Sharp Axe Makes Divorce Permanent) and beyond. Now Listen, Mate! John O'Grady: O'Grady sez: These essays, or whatever they may be, represent my thoughts and conclusions on various things and people. My eldest son wanted me to write my autobiography: "The story of your life, Pop" he said. "And tell the truth." He can go and jump in Lake Burley Griffin. I offer instead some comment on what life has taught me. After sixty years of knocking around and being knocked about, a man acquires a sort of philosophy. Basically, mine is that nothing in life is worth getting steamed up about, and most things are good only for a laugh.  Illustrated by Paul Rigby.
  • The team behind the The Book of General Ignorance turns conventional biography on its head.  Following their Herculean - or is it Sisyphean?- efforts to save the living from ignorance, the two wittiest Johns in the English language turn their attention to the dead. As the authors themselves say, “The first thing that strikes you about the Dead is just how many of them there are.” Helpfully, Lloyd and Mitchinson have employed a simple but ruthless criterion for inclusion: the dead person has to be interesting. Here, then, is a dictionary of the dead, an encyclopedia of the embalmed. Ludicrous in scope, whimsical in its arrangement, this wildly entertaining tome presents pithy and provocative biographies of the no-longer-living from the famous to the undeservedly and - until now - permanently obscure. Spades in hand, Lloyd and Mitchinson have dug up everything embarrassing, fascinating and downright weird about their subjects’ lives and added their own uniquely irreverent observations.  Organized by capricious categories such as dead people who died virgins, who kept pet monkeys, who lost limbs, those whose corpses refused to stay put - the dearly departed, from the inventor of the stove to a cross-dressing, bear-baiting female gangster finally receive the epitaphs they truly deserve. Discover:  Why Freud had a lifelong fear of trains; the one thing that really made Isaac Newton laugh; how Catherine the Great really died (no horse was involved) and much more.
  • This highland tale focuses on Alistair, a young American laird, and his cousin Don. When they fight over Norray, an actress who has bewitched both young gentlemen, Alistair is left battered. Aleac, an occasional poacher, finds the laird and brings him home to be nursed back to health. There, he meets Aleac's niece Margaret...and the action really begins.
  • Being the Chronicle of the Wars of Montrose as Seen By Martin Somers, Adjutant of Women in O'Cahan's Regiment.  Surgeon and adjutant of women in  O'Cahan's Irish regiment, warring in Scotland with Montrose, is Martin Somers, better exponent of swordplay than of surgery. In his adventurous wardship of this ill-fated company of women, in the strengthening of the line against the forces of the Covenant, his dexterity and toughness is often decisive. This is a tale of keen endeavour, fury and tenderness.  Also published as The Dark Rose.