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  • The hilarious story of how Graham 'Screw' Turner established a bus touring company using old converted double-decker buses. From humble beginnings in London 1973, Screw, together with a crew of colonial larrikins, builds up a fleet of 100 deckers. Screw, Spy, Bill Speaking, Wombat. Filthy, Grilly, Budgie, the mysterious Graham James Lloyd and other incorrigible crew members lead their unsuspecting punters on riotous escapades to the far flung, exotic corners of the world. Today, Graham 'Screw' Turner is one of Australia's wealthiest men and is the CEO of Flight Centre, which he began in the 1980s.  With caricatures by Bill Leak and cartoons by Warren Brown. Illustrated with black and white photographs and newspaper clippings.
  • Red In The Centre III. Are they really turning the old atomic testing site at Maralinga into a tourist park? Why did Gulflanders know 2011 was going to be a monster wet season? And what exactly is the H Chord anyway? Freelance multimedia journo and storyteller Monte Dwyer is in search of the answers to these questions as he travels through the Queensland floods of 2010, through the Great Victoria Desert and the Kimberley, across the Top End into Arnhem Land and then back into Queensland just in time for the 2011 wet season.  An exploration  of the 'cobwebby corners' of this great land. Illustrated with colour photographs.
  • Red In The Centre II. After the success of the first Red in the Centre journey for radio, Monte was commissioned by Channel 7's Sunrise programme to go bush and recreate his spontaneous story-telling style for television. But..not everything went as planned. This book follows Monte's evolution from struggling technophobe to self assured, multi-media something-or-other  as he travelled the land in search of the stories seldom told, despite Sunrise, technology grapples and a newly-acquired 4WD bus determined to kill him.  Illustrated with colour photographs.
  • Book II of Krondor's Sons. Nicholas, third son of Prince Arutha of Krondor is bright and gifted, but sheltered by the restrictive Court life. He sets sail with his squire Harry for pastoral Crydee. Shortly after their arrival, Crydee is attacked by unknown forces, the castle is reduced to ruins, the townspeople slaughtered and two young noblewomen abducted.  The invaders, servants of dark forces, are intent on the complete destruction of the Kingdom of the Isles. More than the fate of the two abducted women is at stake - there is an evil force that menaces the entire world of Midkemia, and Nicholas is destined to confront this terrifying threat. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.

  • For the first time since its establishment in 1917, the Imperial War Museum has produced a substantial, fully illustrated volume of largely unpublished material from its almost endless reserve of pictures, posters, postcards, art, photographs, films, pamphlets, books, diaries, letters, and documents that detail the massive British effort to fight and win 'the war to end all wars'.  This is the voice of the individual caught up in this cataclysmic conflict: the vivid experiences of the fighting fronts and the home fronts from soldiers, factory workers, nurses at the Front; early pilots, civilians in the Zeppelin raids, the gunners behind the howitzers, prisoners of war, sailors, the bereaves, the wounded, the brave, the bemused and much, much more.  Illustrated with colour and black and white photographs and art.
  • Here is a collection of poems all based on real events, highlighting the spirit of Australians.  There is humor, history, mystery;  past events and characters that were part of the landscape of Australia and who,  sadly, are seen no more.  Just some of the titles: Mona Vale Surf Rescue; The Wilga Ghost; Outback Library Man; The Old Camp Oven; Barnado Boy; The Anzacs; Cyclone Tracy and many more. Beautifully illustrated by Jenny Colless.
  • On a remote cattle station in Far North Queensland, four gold prospectors push their luck and pay the price. Venturing too close to the homestead they attract the attention of the landholders, who arrive armed and dangerous. Only three of the prospectors make it out alive. This is the story of Bruce Schuler’s murder at Palmerville Station on the 9th of July, 2012. His murderers, Stephen Struber and his wife Dianne Wilson, had for decades been a law unto themselves, terrorising all who dared cross ‘their’ land. Or as Struber saw it, playing ‘Cowboys and Indians’ and chasing them off the property. Using real bullets. Struberville is also a look at the darker side of isolation, and what happens to the civilising influence of society when nobody’s watching out there. Illustrated with colour photographs.
  • In this volume, people of the Bush pay tribute to their dogs for the extraordinary role they play in Australian rural life. Uncomplaining, tough and loyal, they are the only workers that never go on strike or hit the grog. In this classic collection of more than 300 original stories, many from listeners to ABC Radio's Country Hour, these cheerful workaholics are celebrated in tales of heroism, extraordinary intuition and intelligence. On this journey around the nation's farms, this band of canine characters shows they can be pretty funny, too. During long days spent together in paddocks and yards, working dogs can be a sympathetic ear when times are hard - and in a moment of total disaster, every dog have the ability to back over his shoulder with the cheekiest grin in the world.
  • Imagine - you have just finished building your dream home, it has two bedrooms and has been designed just for you. You've endured the traumas of tradesmen who you've had to cajole, bribe and beg in order to get your home finished.  The next thing that happens is that you are suddenly married, and five of your husband's children, two grandchildren, a step-son-in-law and an assortment of animals are living with you. At the end of the year, your cosy two-bedroom dream home has become a six-room mansion.  This is Patsy's entertaining story - all the comical incidents, tradesmen trials, nosy neighbours and extended-family dilemmas from her first year of marriage to Bill, a psychiatrist. Patsy Rowe combined being a best-selling author with coaching in business etiquette, conducting fun nationwide seminars. She passed away in 2016.