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  • From the far reaches of the D'Haran Empire, Bishop Hannis Arc and the ancient Emperor Sulachan lead a vast horde of Shun-Tuk and other depraved "half-people" into the Empire's heart, raising an army of the dead in order to threaten the world of the living. Meanwhile, far from home, Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell must defend themselves and their followers from a series of terrifying threats, despite a magical sickness that depletes their strength and which, if not cured, will take their lives...sooner rather than later. "Richard saw the point of a sword blade sticking out from between the man's shoulder blades. He spun back toward Richard after throwing the woman out of the opening, ready to attack. It seemed impossible, but the man looked unaffected by the blade that had impaled him through the chest. It was then, in the weak light from the fire pit off to the side, that Richard got his first good look at the killer. Richard and Kahlan III; Sword of Truth XXIV. Three knives were buried up to their brass cross-guards in the man's chest. Only the handles were showing. Richard saw, too, the broken end of a sword blade jutting out from the center of the man's chest. The point of that same blade stuck out from the man's back. Richard recognized the knife handles. All three were the style carried by the men of the First File. He looked from those blades that should have killed the big man, up into his face. That was when he realized the true horror of the situation, and the reason for the unbearable stench of death."
  • Welcome to the Fugue, a magical land inhabited by descendants of supernatural beings who once shared the earth with humans. The Fugue has been woven into a wondrous, magnificent carpet for protection against those who would destroy it; but as the carpet begins to unravel, battle is joined between good and the particularly repulsive evil forces for control of the Fugue.Cover art by Tim White.
  • A charming collection of myths, legends and tales with giants, magic, saints, robust friars, Robin Hood and miracles.
  • Book I of Farseer. Born on the wrong side of the sheets, Fitz, son of Chivalry Farseer, is a royal bastard, cast out into the world, friendless and lonely. Only his magical link with animals - the old art known as the Wit - gives him solace and companionship. But the Wit, if used too often, is a perilous magic, and one abhorred by the nobility. So when Fitz is finally adopted into the royal household, he must give up his old ways and embrace a new life of weaponry, scribing, courtly manners; and how to kill a man secretly, as he trains to become a royal assassin. Meanwhile, raiders ravage the coasts, leaving the people Forged and soulless. As Fitz grows toward manhood, he will have to face his first terrifying mission, a task that poses as much risk to himself as it does to his target - for Fitz is a threat to the throne - but he may also be the key to the future of the Kingdom.  Cover art by John Howe.
  • Haunted by the terrible choices she had to make to save her people, Rin’s only reason for living is to take revenge on the traitorous Empress who sold her homeland to its enemies. Forced to ally with the powerful Dragon Warlord in his plan to unseat the Empress, Rin throws herself into the struggle using the fearsome power bestowed on her by the vengeful god Phoenix. After all – making war is all she knows how to do…
  • A Course for Apprentices, Being a True Account of  Wizards, their Ways and Many Wonderful Powers. Do you know the appropriate tools (including flattery) to have on hand should you encounter a Western wizard? Have you memorised the spell for summoning a unicorn familiar? Can you follow the steps for releasing magical powers in a lump of rock or piece of metal? What role do natural objects and animals play in the mysterious ways of the shaman? From charts to booklets to lessons, from fascinating stories to free-form spells to create on your own, this elaborate workbook contains all the elements needed for transforming the reader into a wizard worthy of Merlin himself. Beautifully illustrated.
  • Book IV of The Mortal Instruments. The Mortal War is over, and sixteen-year-old Clary Fray is back home in New York, excited about all the possibilities before her. She’s training to become a Shadowhunter and to use her unique power. Her mother is getting married to the love of her life. Downworlders and Shadowhunters are at peace at last. And - most importantly of all - she can finally call Jace her boyfriend. But nothing comes without a price. Someone is murdering Shadowhunters, provoking tensions between Downworlders and Shadowhunters that could lead to a second, bloody war. Clary’s best friend, Simon, can’t help her - his mother just found out that he’s a vampire, and now he’s homeless. When Jace begins to pull away from her without explaining why, Clary is forced to delve into the heart of a mystery whose solution reveals her worst nightmare: she herself has set in motion a terrible chain of events that could lead to her losing everything she loves. Even Jace. Cover art by Cliff Nielsen.
  • Ten tales are told by the souls of animals killed in human conflicts in the past century or so, from a camel in colonial Australia to a cat in the trenches in World War I, from a bear starved to death during the siege of Sarajevo to a mussel that died in Pearl Harbour. Each narrator also pays homage to an author who has written imaginatively about animals during much the same time span: Henry Lawson, Colette, Kafka, Virginia Woolf, Tolstoy, Günter Grass, Julian Barnes, and others. These stories are brilliantly plotted, exquisitely written, inevitably poignant but also playful and witty. They ask us to consider profound questions. Why do animals shock us into feeling things we can't seem to feel for other humans? Why do animals allow authors to say the unsayable? Why do we sometimes treat humans as animals, and animals as humans? Can fiction help us find moral meaning in a disillusioned world?

  • Cosmo Topper, a law-abiding, mild-mannered bank manager, decides to buy a secondhand car, only to find it haunted by the ghosts of its previous owners - the reckless, feckless, frivolous couple who met their untimely demise when the car careened into an oak tree. The ghosts, George and Marion Kerby, make it their mission to rescue Topper from the drab "summer of suburban Sundays" that is his life - and they commence a series of madcap adventures (including an adventure in a lingerie department, when Marion decides to try on a pair of purple and pink knickers...)  that leave Topper, and anyone else who crosses their path, in a whirlwind of discomfiture and delight. As enchanting today as it was when first published in 1926, Topper has set the standard in American pop culture for such mischievous apparitions as those seen in The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Heaven Can Wait, Beetlejuice and Bewitched.
  • Caught in one feud too many, he’s on the verge of becoming a dead barbarian – leaving nothing behind him but bad songs, dead friends, and a lot of happy enemies. Nobleman Captain Jezal dan Luthar, dashing officer, and paragon of selfishness, has nothing more dangerous in mind than fleecing his friends at cards and dreaming of glory in the fencing circle. But war is brewing, and on the battlefields of the frozen North they fight by altogether bloodier rules. Inquisitor Glokta, cripple turned torturer, would like nothing better than to see Jezal come home in a box. But then Glokta hates everyone: cutting treason out of the Union one confession at a time leaves little room for friendship. His latest trail of corpses may lead him right to the rotten heart of government, if he can stay alive long enough to follow it. Enter the wizard, Bayaz. A bald old man with a terrible temper and a pathetic assistant, he could be the First of the Magi, he could be a spectacular fraud, but whatever he is, he's about to make the lives of Logen, Jezal, and Glokta a whole lot more difficult. Murderous conspiracies rise to the surface, old scores are ready to be settled, and the line between hero and villain is sharp enough to draw blood.
  • Two-volume set. A celebration of an unrivalled era in Australian fantasy writing and illustration. It's an anthology of Australian classics of the golden age from 1900 to the 1940s - Dorothy Wall, Harold Gaze, Norman Lindsay, Pixie O'Harris and May Gibbs, writers who created a magic door for children to enter a realm of fantasy that was uniquely Australian. The adventures of Blinky Bill, Chucklebud and Wunkydoo, Albert the Magic Christmas Pudding and an entire cast of elves, sprites, fairies and goblins who continue to charm and delight readers of all ages. There are diverse illustrators: Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, D.H. Souter, May Gibbs, Norman Lindsay and Harold Gaze, who drew inspiration from an English style of fantasy and combined it with Australian flora and fauna. Holden also presents the lives and works of well known  - and lesser-known - authors. Both volumes lavishly illustrated.
  • Book III of Guenevere. Last in a line of proud queens elected to rule the fertile lands of the West, true owner of the legendary Round Table and guardian of the Great Goddess herself... Broken-hearted at her parting from Lancelot and anguished over the loss of the sacred Hallows of the Goddess, Guenevere reconciles with Arthur. But their fragile peace is threatened by a new presence at Camelot. Mordred, Arthur’s son by Morgan Le Fay, has come to be proclaimed heir to Guenevere and Arthur’s kingdoms. At his knighting, the great Round Table, owned by the Queens of the Summer Country since time immemorial, cracks down the center and a terrible darkness falls over Camelot. In the midst of the chaos appears a new knight, Sir Galahad, who may hold the key to the mystery of the stolen Hallows. His arrival sets into motion the Quest for the Holy Grail and the fall of Camelot, which brings Guenevere to the brink of the most dreaded tragedy of all...and may ultimately fulfill her destiny as the greatest Queen of the Isles.
  • Book III of The Passage. The Twelve have been destroyed and the terrifying hundred-year reign of darkness that descended upon the world has ended. The survivors are stepping outside their walls, determined to build society anew - and daring to dream of a hopeful future. But far from them, in a dead metropolis, he waits: Zero. The First. Father of the Twelve. The anguish that shattered his human life haunts him, and the hatred spawned by his transformation burns bright. His fury will be quenched only when he destroys Amy - humanity’s only hope, the Girl from Nowhere who grew up to rise against him. One last time light and dark will clash, and at last Amy and her friends will know their fate.
  • Book II of Tyrants and Kings. Prince Richius Vantran, the Jackal of Nar, has fled into exile with his wife Dyana and young daughter Shani. With the death of Arkus, Nar's emperor, a new war is waged between the religious fanatics of Bishop Herrith who follow the Light of God and the ruthless followers of Count Biagio and his Black Renaissance.  Biagio has a grand plan to gain total power.  As for Vantran, Biagio's most hated enemy, the count has another devious plan:  to strike at Vantran's one weakness, his daughter. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.
  • Book I of The Warlord Chronicles. Derfel, once a captain in Arthur's war band, recalls the dramatic days of wilful Guinevere, arrogant Lancelot, abstracted Merlin and intolerant Bishop Sansum, vying for mastery amid faction and bitter chaos. He also tells the story of Arthur, royal bastard, unwise lover and inspired warlord, the only man who can hold Uther's throne for its infant heir and unite Britain's squabbling kingdoms against the enemy at the gates. Cover art by Bob Gregory.

  • Late one stormy night, in the pleasant and peaceful land of Ruwenda, three princesses are born.  As each baby is placed in her mother's arms, the Archimage Binah bestows on her a powerful gift: a pendant containing a bud of the long-extinct Black Trillium: the badge of the royal house, a symbol of an ancient magic. While the sisters blossom into beautiful young women, neighboring Labornok use a dark magician to sunder Binah's protection. As invaders pour into Ruwenda, the Archimage orders the princesses to flee-and changes them to search for three magical talismans which when brought together will be their only chance to regain their kingdom and free its people. Each must accomplish her task separately-and to succeed, each must also confront and conquer the limits of her own soul. Cover art by Geoff Taylor.

  • When a passenger check-in desk at Heathrow Airport shot up through the roof engulfed in a ball of orange flame, the usual people tried to claim responsibility: the IRA, the PLO and the Gas Board.  Even British Nuclear Fuels got in on the act by rushing out a statement.  But no rational explanation was found for the explosion, so it was designated an Act of God.  But, Dirk Gently wonders, which God?  And why? What God would be hanging around Terminal Two of Heathrow Airport trying to catch the 15.37 to Oslo? Cover art by Chris Moore.
  • This is the story of Margaret, a city child, who goes to live in the country with her aunt and uncle and how she develops a firm and lasting friendship with Marmaduke, a possum.
  • Book II of Raven’s Blade. The Steel Horde has laid waste to the Venerable Kingdom, unleashing a storm of fire and blood. Now the leader of this mighty host - Kehlbrand, the warlord who thinks himself a god - turns his eyes to the other merchant kingdoms. No one can stop his divine conquest. No one, perhaps, except Vaelin Al Sorna...Yet Vaelin is on the run, his own army in disarray. Worse, the new blood song he has acquired is as much a curse as a blessing, and seeks to guide him down a path far darker than he could have imagined...
  • The Left Hand Of God 1. His name is Cale. They told him he could destroy the world. Maybe he will. Here is a world of wonder and cruelty, epic grandeur and unspeakable tragedy. It is Thomas Cale's story and before it is done he will have loved, killed, outwitted, saved or betrayed those who cross his path. He will have no choice ... the fate of the world lies in his hands. Cover art by Peter Bergting.
  • Book II of Raven’s Shadow. The blood-song rose with an unexpected tune, a warm hum mingling recognition with an impression of safety. He had a sense it was welcoming him home... Vaelin Al Sorna, warrior of the Sixth Order, called Darkblade, called Hope Killer. The greatest warrior of his day, and witness to the greatest defeat of his nation: King Janus’s vision of a Greater Unified Realm drowned in the blood of brave men fighting for a cause Vaelin alone knows was forged from a lie. Sick at heart, he comes home, determined to kill no more. Named Tower Lord of the Northern Reaches by King Janus’s grateful heir, he can perhaps find peace in a colder, more remote land far from the intrigues of a troubled Realm. But those gifted with the blood-song are never destined to live a quiet life. Many died in King Janus’s wars, but many survived, and Vaelin is a target, not just for those seeking revenge but for those who know what he can do. The Faith has been sundered, and many have no doubt who their leader should be. The new King is weak, but his sister is strong. The blood-song is powerful, rich in warning and guidance in times of trouble, but is only a fraction of the power available to others who understand more of its mysteries. Something moves against the Realm, something that commands mighty forces, and Vaelin will find to his great regret that when faced with annihilation, even the most reluctant hand must eventually draw a sword.
  • Book I of Raven’s Blade. Peace never lasts...Vaelin Al Sorna is a living legend, his name known across the realm. It was his leadership that overthrew empires, his blade that won hard-fought battles - and his sacrifice that defeated an evil more terrifying than anything the world had ever seen. Yet he cast aside his earned glory for a quiet life in the Realm's northern reaches. Now whispers have come from across the sea of an army called the Steel Horde, led by a man who believes himself a god. Vaelin has no wish to fight another war, but when he learns that Sherin, the woman he lost long ago, has fallen into the Horde's grasp, he resolves to confront this powerful new threat. To this end, Vaelin travels to the realms of the Merchant Kings, a land ruled by honour and intrigue. There, as the drums of war thunder across kingdoms riven by conflict, Vaelin learns a terrible truth: that there are some battles that even he cannot hope to win.
  • Book I of Raven’s Shadow. The Sixth Order wields the sword of justice and smites the enemies of the Faith and the Realm...Vaelin Al Sorna was only a child of ten when his father left him at the iron gate of the Sixth Order. The Brothers of the Sixth Order are devoted to battle, and Vaelin will be trained and hardened to the austere, celibate, and dangerous life of a Warrior of the Faith. He has no family now save the Order. Vaelin’s father was Battle Lord to King Janus, ruler of the unified realm. Vaelin’s rage at being deprived of his birthright and dropped at the doorstep of the Sixth Order like a foundling knows no bounds. He cherishes the memory of his mother, and what he will come to learn of her at the Order will confound him. His father, too, has motives that Vaelin will come to understand. But one truth overpowers all the rest: Vaelin Al Sorna is destined for a future he has yet to comprehend. A future that will alter not only the realm, but the world.
  • The Godless World 1. An uneasy truce exists between the thanes of the True Bloods. Now; as another winter approaches, the armies of the Black Road march south from their exile beyond the Vale of Stones. For some, war will bring a swift and violent death. Others will not hear the clash of swords or see the corpses strewn over the fields. They instead will see an opportunity to advance their own ambitions. But soon, all will fall under the shadow that is descending. For, while the storm of battle rages, one man is following a path that will awaken a terrible power in him - and his legacy will be written in blood.
  • Vampire Academy 6. My vision was growing dimmer, the blackness and ghosts closing in. I swore it was like I could hear Robert whispering in my ear: The world of the dead won't give you up a second time. Just before the light completely vanished, I saw Dimitri's face join Lissa's. I wanted to smile. I decided then that if the two people I loved most were safe, I could leave this world...The dead could finally have me... Rose Hathaway has always played by her own rules. She broke the law when she ran away from St. Vladimir's Academy with her best friend and last surviving Dragomir princess, Lissa. She broke the law when she fell in love with her gorgeous, off-limits instructor, Dimitri. And she dared to defy Queen Tatiana, leader of the Moroi world, risking her life and reputation to protect generations of dhampir guardians to come. Now the law has finally caught up with Rose - for a crime she didn't even commit. She's in prison for the highest offense imaginable: the assassination of a monarch. She'll need help from both Dimitri and Adrian to find the one living person who can stall her execution and force the Moroi elite to acknowledge a shocking new candidate for the royal throne: Vasilisa Dragomir. But the clock on Rose's life is running out. Rose knows in her heart the world of the dead wants her back...and this time she is truly out of second chances. The big question is, when your whole life is about saving others, who will save you?
  • The Child: She was born with the mark on her arm. The mark of the one who would cause the downfall of Queen Bavmorda, and end her evil reign. If she survived... The Prophecy: The legend told the Queen that a child would be born who would destroy her. That prophecy was the Queen's greatest fear...and now it was about to come true. Unless she could stop it... The Power of Magic: Willow Ufgood had always wanted to be a magician, to be wise and respected in the community. His dreams were about to come true...but in ways he could have never imagined. Cover art by John Alvin. Film novelisation; illustrated with colour stills from the film.
  • Book I of The Fae Chronicles: Have you ever heard of the old Celtic legends of the Fae - beautiful, magical and deadly creatures that have a love of messing with humans just for kicks and giggles? Welcome to my world...What started out as a strange assignment led to one of the most gruesome murder mysteries of our times. My friends and I are set and determined to find out who is killing off Fae and Witches alike. Couple of problems in the way – I hate the Fae and the Prince of the Dark Fae is bound and determined that I work for him. He’s a rude, overbearing egotistical ass with a compulsive need to possess, dominate and control me. Oh - did I mention that he is absolutely sex-on-a-stick gorgeous and he makes me feel things that I never ever wanted to feel for a Fae…? Every time he touches me or looks at me with those dangerous golden eyes he seems to pull me further in under his spell, despite my better judgement. My friends and I can’t trust anyone and nothing is as it seems on the surface - not even me…Rated by the author as VERY adults only.