
  • Peter and Sarah’s marriage has reached an impasse; their holiday in beautiful Cornwall is chosen to mend old wounds and bandage past pain. The house they go to has space – space for their writing, their painting and their reconciliation. It has space, too - for its own memories and its own unforgettable horrors… but they are not to know that. When the locals are less than friendly than they might be and when the house sighs with its secrets, the sands of their marriage shift… and then Sarah vanishes and Peter is left alone. Or is he...?  Cover art by Gerry Grace.
  • The sleepy, eastern Washington wheat town of Antioch has become a gateway for the supernatural—from sightings of angels and a weeping crucifix to a self-proclaimed prophet with an astounding message. The national media and the curious all flock to the little town - a great boon for local business but not for Travis Jordan. The burned-out former pastor has been trying to hide his past in Antioch. Now the whole world is headed to his backyard to find the Messiah, and in the process, every spiritual assumption he has ever held will be challenged. The startling secret behind this visitation ultimately pushes one man into a supernatural confrontation that has eternal consequences. Cover art by Kamil Vojnar.
  • Anne, confused and unhappy, comes to live in the cottage next to the derelict Watch House, where the volunteer boatmen had gathered for over a century to watch the cruel rocks and rescue those in danger from the sea. Her father has disappeared, her mother doesn't want her and the Watch House seemed to be watching her.  Then the flashing lights appeared, and the messages scrawled by unseen hands in  the dust...Someone - or something - needed her help.
  • One theory weaves like a constant thread of darkness through human history...the rumour of an ancient race, more powerful than we are: elusive, terrifying, offering sexual frenzy but bringing madness and death. These are the tales of the Weerde. They gather at the edges of our settlements; they appear nightly on TV. They are not werewolves...but they are the shape-shifting predators of which occult legend speaks. They are plausible, charming, different...and very very dangerous. In this volume, eleven chilling tales that expose the terrifying truth behind the conspiracy: The Lady And/Or The Tiger I, Neil Gaiman and Roz Kaveney; A Wolf To Man, Roz Kaveney; Sunflower Pump, Paul Cornell; Rain, Chris Amies (as by Christopher Amies); What God Abandoned, Mary Gentle; To The Bad, Brian Stableford; A Strange Sort Of Friend, Josephine Saxton; Railway Mania, Michael Fearn; Blind Fate, Liz Holliday; A Change Of Season, Storm Constantine; Going To The Black Bear, Colin Greenland; Ancient Of Days, Charles Stross; The Lady And/Or The Tiger II, Neil Gaiman and Roz Kaveney.
  • In South Carolina a young black man faces the death penalty for the rape and murder of Marianne Larousse, daughter of one of the richest men in the state.  No-one wants to touch this case.  Its roots are in old evil, and old evil is private detective's  Charlie Parker's specialty. Parker is about to enter a living nightmare, a dreamscape haunted by the murderous spectre of a hooded woman, a black car waiting for a passenger that never comes and by the complicity of friends and enemies in the events surrounding the Larousse  investigation. It will be  a confrontation with dark forces that threaten all he holds dear: his lover, his unborn child and even his soul. In a prison cell far to the north, fanatic preacher Faulkner is about to take his revenge on Charlie, using the very men Parker is hunting and a strange hunched creature that keeps it own secrets buried by a riverbank: the undiscovered killer Cyrus Nairn. All of these characters will come to a showdown in southern swamps and northern forests, in distant locations linked by a single thread, the place where the paths of the living and the dead converge... A place known as the White Road. Cover art by Mark Harrison after a detail from an engraving by Veneziano, Allegory of Death and Fame.
  • A Gregory Sallust adventure, No. 11. The war is long over, but danger and excitement still cling to ex-agent Gregory Sallust. Boredom leads him to Rio de Janeiro, where he is soon drawn into an adventure that takes him to the South Pacific.  Circumstance leads to him becoming the friend of a young South Seas Rajah, Ratu James Omboluku, there to secure finance to recover treasure from a sunken ship lying off the island he rules; and he intends to use this treasure for the betterment of his people. But others, led by the unscrupulous Pierre Lacost, are also planning to recover the treasure, and it is not long before Gregory, having an affair with the passionate Manon de Bois-Tracy, finds himself surrounded by blackmail, kidnapping, the most ruthless thugs he has ever encountered - and murder and black magic that turn the paradise of the islands into a place of horror and death.  
  • A Gregory Sallust adventure, No. 11. The war is long over, but danger and excitement still cling to ex-agent Gregory Sallust. Boredom leads him to Rio de Janeiro, where he is soon drawn into an adventure that takes him to the South Pacific.  Circumstance leads to him becoming the friend of a young South Seas Rajah, Ratu James Omboluku, there to secure finance to recover treasure from a sunken ship lying off the island he rules; and he intends to use this treasure for the betterment of his people. But others, led by the unscrupulous Pierre Lacost, are also planning to recover the treasure, and it is not long before Gregory, having an affair with the passionate Manon de Bois-Tracy, finds himself surrounded by blackmail, kidnapping, the most ruthless thugs he has ever encountered - and murder and black magic that turn the paradise of the islands into a place of horror and death.  
  • A Gregory Sallust adventure, No. 11. The war is long over, but danger and excitement still cling to ex-agent Gregory Sallust. Boredom leads him to Rio de Janeiro, where he is soon drawn into an adventure that takes him to the South Pacific.  Circumstance leads to him becoming the friend of a young South Seas Rajah, Ratu James Omboluku, there to secure finance to recover treasure from a sunken ship lying off the island he rules; and he intends to use this treasure for the betterment of his people. But others, led by the unscrupulous Pierre Lacost, are also planning to recover the treasure, and it is not long before Gregory, having an affair with the passionate Manon de Bois-Tracy, finds himself surrounded by blackmail, kidnapping, the most ruthless thugs he has ever encountered - and murder and black magic that turn the paradise of the islands into a place of horror and death.  Illustrated by Stephen Bennett.
  • Dusty Shame is a high school senior - and a serial killer. He's already murdered three women, and has more planned. Yet he does not want to hurt anyone. There is something inside him - or outside him - that compels him to kill. Sheila Hardolt lost her best friend to Dusty's insanity. It will be her task to probe the clues that will point her into the past - to a time when a large portion of m,ankind lost all sense of decency. There she will find the seed of Dusty's evil compulsion - the Wicked Heart - and the reason why it did not die the first time it was destroyed. Cover art by Paul Davies.
  • Reverend Merrily Watkins had never wanted a picture postcard parish - nor a huge and haunted vicarage.  Nor did she need a local dispute of a controversial play about a strange seventeenth century clergyman accused of witchcraft...a story that certain old established families would rather remained obscure. But this is Ledwardine, steeped in cider and secrets, a paradise of cobbled streets and timber framed houses - a village where horrific murder is a tradition that spans centuries. Cover art by Keiko Kanda.
  • When Englishman Clive Bagnall arrives in Darwin in 1939 to begin a new life on the land of his inherited cattle station, he finds it to be a crocodile-infested, barren wasteland and not only that, he's not the sole owner.  It's shared with his Australian cousin Val, a red-head with a temper.  And then there is Doug, sometime oyster-opener and layabout who feels obliged to instruct him in the ways of the Territory.  And haunting all three is the spirit world of the Aborigine and their sacred Remembering Stones that seem to hold the key to events past and present. Cover art by Tony Pyrzakowski.
  • Meg Finn is in big trouble.  Unearthly trouble.  A botched attempt to rob a pensioner's flat ends with a fatal gas explosion and puts Meg in a  very sticky situation.  Her soul is up for grabs as Heaven and Hell try every sneaky trick imaginable to claim it. Her only chance is helping a lonely old man to complete the tasks on his wish list.  But even if she grabs this chance, will she have enough points to face up to St. Peter? Cover art by Keijiro Komine.
  • Life in Tudor England was very hard for all but the landed gentry. The fear of witchcraft was prominent in people's minds. When Mary True's parents are taken to London and burned as witches, she knows that they-as well as so many others-are innocent. She follows them to the big city. Penniless, barefoot, lost, and knowing no one, she is determined to know the truth. Why were her parents so wrongfully punished?
  • Who can forget Jack Nicholson's classic line from the classic film? "I'm just a horny little devil!" In the quiet little town of Eastwick, in 1970,  nothing ever changes...but three beautiful women are about to discover powers they never knew they had.  Now the man of their dreams is here to stay for a spell, ready to lure them into his mansion where they can do things they never dreamt of...
  • The authorised sequel to Susan Hill's The Woman In Black. Autumn 1940, World War Two. Bombs are raining down, destroying the cities of Britain. The evacuations begin, and soon children are being taken to the country for safety. Teacher Eve Parkins is in charge of one such group. The children are scared and Eve does her best to calm them, but the truth is that she too is haunted by a personal tragedy she cannot put behind her. Their destination is Eel Marsh House. Desolate and forlorn, it is situated on a causeway and is sinking into the treacherous tidal marshes that surround it. Far from home and with no alternative, Eve and the children move in. But soon it becomes apparent that there is someone else in the house with them, someone Eve can't see but who is far more deadly than any number of German bombs ...  https://cosmiccauldronbooks.com.au/p/the-woman-in-black-susan-hill/
  • The sudden mist seeped and coiled through the wood, cold as death. The naked, terrified girl floundered deeper into the undergrowth and black mud, desperate to escape her pursuer.  But there was a worse horror...for with the mist came the figures of the past - from many pasts - lurching through the blinding whiteness, reaching out to choke and smother....Cover art by Les Edwards.
  • Something hideous is about to happen in the village of Shillingham. Why does crazy Frank Warwick shoot at the workmen taking the old gibbet from the crossroads? Why should the villagers feel a sudden shiver of terror? Why are the local children draw, as if by a silent command, to play around the gibbet? The unearthly fog surrounding the village is thickening, killing the wildlife and cutting the villagers off from the outside world. Beneath the earth, something is stirring...and as the bulldozers roll on unchecked, a dark and terrible evil imprisoned below the gibbet for centuries slowly awakes 0 burning for revenge against mankind. Shillingham is about to become Hell on Earth.
  • Gregory Sallust Adventure No. VII. It is 1943, World War II, and secret agent Gregory Sallust is parachuted into Nazi Germany. Together with ex-Bolshevik General Stefan Kuporovitch, they join forces with the widow of a German diplomat who is in contact with Allied Intelligence. It is through her that Gregory becomes unwillingly involved with a Black Magician and when, 16 months later, they meet again, each decides to use occult forces in an attempt to destroy Hitler once and for all...Illustrated by Hugh Marshall.
  • Ashton wasn't a big important town, yet it was here that three very different characters would face the hardest tests of their lives.  Marshall, an ex-city newspaper editor with an eye for a story and a nose for something rotten; Hank, the young pastor of a small church in danger of tearing itself apart and Tal, captain of the angelic warriors summoned to make a stand against an encroaching tide of evil.  They had to face a callous, clever, sleepless enemy and they would need each other more than would dare to believe. Cover art by Vic Mitchell.
  • Tommy Phan,  successful detective novelist, comes home on evening to find a small rag doll on his doorstep. It's a simple doll, covered entirely in white cloth, with crossed black stitches for the eyes and mouth, and another pair forming an X over the heart. Curious, he brings it inside. That night Tommy hears an odd popping sound and looks up to see the stitches breaking over the doll's heart. And in minutes the fabric of Tommy Phan's reality will be torn apart as he is forced to flee a seemingly indestructible adversary. He must use all his journalistic skills to find out what this thing is, here it's from and why it has been sent to him. And he's running out of time...the message that appears on his computer screen reads: The deadline is dawn...  Cover at by Lee Gibbons.
  • Why did the solitary girl leave her rented house only for short walks at night? Why was she so frightened? Why did animals shrink away from her? The girl herself didn't know.  Molly Fountain, the no-nonsense neighbour, was determined to find the answer. She sent for a wartime secret service colleague to come and help. What they discovered was horrifying beyond anything they could have imagined...the young, beautiful girl is being groomed to be the sacrificial virgin at a ceremony... her death will give life to a hideous creature that lurks beneath the ancient stones of Bentford Priory.  Writer Molly Fontaine and her son John battle time, ruthless gangsters and the forces of evil to try to save Christina.
  • Why did the solitary girl leave her rented house only for short walks at night? Why was she so frightened? Why did animals shrink away from her? The girl herself didn't know.  Molly Fountain, the no-nonsense neighbour, was determined to find the answer. She sent for a wartime secret service colleague to come and help. What they discovered was horrifying beyond anything they could have imagined...the young, beautiful girl is being groomed to be the sacrificial virgin at a ceremony... her death will give life to a hideous creature that lurks beneath the ancient stones of Bentford Priory.  Writer Molly Fontaine and her son John battle time, ruthless gangsters and the forces of evil to try to save Christina.
  • For two families, it was supposed to be a relaxing camping trip in the California mountains. They thought it would be fun to get away from everything for a while. But they're not alone. The woods are also home to two terrifying residents who don't take kindly to strangers - an old hag with unholy powers, and her hulking son, a half-wild brute with uncontrollable, violent urges. The campers still need to get away - but now their lives depend on it...Cover art by Jill Bauman
  • This book is NOT fiction! Count Dracula really existed. Donald F. Glut brings to life tales of historical vampires taken from numerous contemporary chronicles dating from the days of the Roman Empire up through the recorded exploits of vampire hunters of the Twentieth Century. From the cobblestone streets of European cities, through the vastness of Asia and the jungles of Africa, to the secret haunts of the New World, the author brings his researches to life in over fifty narratives of vampire case histories. Have you ever wondered whether or not vampires actually exist? Folklore or fact? Glut's classic survey of the historical record provides food for thought fascinating insights into sanguinary world of the vampire.
  • No ordinary teenager does the things that Slim MacKenzie does - but then no ordinary teenager sees the things he has seen. Slim has Twilight Eyes, a terrifying psychic ability that allows him to see beneath the outer skin of humans - sometimes revealing an altogether different creature beneath. And once he's identified the monster within, Slim knows it is his sacred duty to kill it. Cover art variant by Phil Parks.
  • You're travelling through another dimension, not only of sight and sound, but of mind:  a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination...The Twilight Zone:  where demonic tyrants of the past live again to terrorise a man who carries the seeds of their hate into the present; where evil perches on the wing of a plane taunting a psychic who dare not believe his eyes and hold onto his mind; where the power to control the world rests in the fantasy-fraught imagination of a lonely child; where the joys of eternal youth are offered to those who remember childhood and who are not too old to dream. With fabulous black and white photos from all four segments.

  • The creator of Lincoln Rhyme offers a selection of  sixteen very twisted tales: Without Jonathon; The Weekender; For Services Rendered;  Beautiful; The Fall Guy; Eye To Eye; Triangle; All The World's A Stage; Gone Fishing; Nocturne; Lesser-Included Offence; The Blank Card; The Christmas Present; Together; The Widow of Pine Creek; The Kneeling Soldier. A great sampler of Deaver's writing.