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  • Gerald's Game - a husband and wife game. But this time, Jessie didn't want to play. Lying there, spread-eagled, handcuffed to the bed while he'd drooled over her, she felt angry and humiliated. So she'd kicked out - hard. Aiming to get him where it would hurt. And it did hurt - it caused a coronary.  Gerald was dead on the floor, leaving Jessie alone and helpless in a lakeside holiday cabin, miles from anywhere. No-one to hear her screams. Alone - except for the voices in her head that had begun to chatter...and argue...and sneer...Cover art by Paul Davies.
  • In this volume: The Langoliers: A handful of passengers on a packed red-eye flight awake to find all the other passengers and crew vanished, the plane still in the air...they manage to land the plane at a dead, silent terminal and all that would be bad enough - but one of the survivors has brought his demons with him... Secret Window, Secret GardenRecently divorced writer Mort Rainey is alone at Tashmore Lake - that is, until a figure named John Shooter arrives, pointing an accusing finger. The Library Policeman: In Junction City, Iowa, middle-aged businessman Sam Peebles happens to have some overdue books. It seems a minor offence - but not to Junction City's malevolent monster of a librarian. The Sun Dog:  A simple Polaroid camera owned by a 15-year-old boy in the small town of Castle Rock, Maine, always produces a photograph of an enormous, ugly, vicious looking dog, no matter where Kevin Delevan aims the lens. In each successive picture, the menacing creature draws nearer to the flat surface of the Polaroid film as if it intends to break through. When old Pop Merrill, the town's sharpest trader, gets wind of this phenomenon, he envisions a way to profit from it but the Sun Dog, a beast that shouldn't exist at all, turns out to be a very dangerous investment.Cover art by Paul Davies.
  • Needful Things is the new shop in Castle Rock, run by Mr. Leland Gaunt.  There really is something for everyone.  For poor little bewildered Nettie Cobb, there's a fabulous carnival glass lampshade to add to her carefully-protected little collection. Nerdish Norris Ridgewick gets a very special fishing rod at a real bargain price. And Myra Evans buys a picture of Elvis Presley that seems to have magical powers.  While the cash prices are a bargain, the balance of payment is costly - and Leland Gaunt enjoys seeing how much people will pay for their secret desires.  A secret deal here; a bargain cash amount with a balance owing of a harmless little practical joke to be played on someone - all week, wires are crossed all over Castle Rock until the inevitable explosion occurs that literally sets the town ablaze. Cover art by Steve Crisp.
  • Lisey Debusher Landon lost her husband, Scott, two years ago, after a twenty-five year marriage of the most profound and sometimes frightening intimacy. Scott was an award-winning, bestselling novelist and a very complicated man. Early in their relationship, before they married, Lisey had to learn from him about books and blood and bools. Later, she understood that there was a place Scott went--a place that both terrified and healed him, that could eat him alive or give him the ideas he needed in order to live. Now it's Lisey's turn to face Scott's demons, Lisey's turn to go to Boo'ya Moon. What begins as a widow's efforts to sort through the papers of her celebrated husband becomes a nearly fatal journey into the darkness he inhabited.
  • For a moment, seeing the green-eyed woman staring in terror at the shining blade, Graham had not been aware of the world around him - the TV studio, the lights, the cameras.  Grahame is a gifted psychic, and during a late night television interview, he 'sees' a murder being committed.  He knows it is the killer the police call The Butcher, the brutal slayer of nine young women.  And now The Butcher, learning of the psychic identification, stalks Grahame. Cover art by Graham Potts.
  • Book III of The Omen. His coming was foretold in a prophecy of ultimate evil from beyond the dawn of time. A prophecy which spelled destruction for those who ignored the warning until it was too late, and which is about to be fulfilled...From a crumbling monastery in the depths of Northern Italy, Father DeCarlo has watched the relentless progress of the Anti-Christ. Now he knows the world is on the edge of a nightmare that it will not survive. Around the globe, drought, famine and flood strike down helpless millions. There is trouble everywhere. Damien Thorn, the handsome, thirty-two year old head of one of the world's most powerful corporations... and certain to be president of the United States by the time he is forty. Damien, believed to be the son of Satan, reaching out to claim the Earth for the forces of darkness... Now is the time of prophecy, and Mankind's only hope lies with twelve men and one woman who must fight a desperate battle that will carry them across the very frontiers of darkness in the final showdown between good and evil. From the screenplay by Andrew Birkin and based on characters created by David Seltzer.
  • The Sineater...according to legend, a dark and mysterious figure of the night who devours food from the chests of the dead to allow them to ascend to heaven. In the small American town, children have to lock themselves away on the rare occasions the Sineater calls at their home. Now the order has been broken - the Sineater has children of his own. But when Joel, the last born, begins to lead a normal life, strange and disturbing events begin to affect the peaceful life of the community. Before long no-one is safe from the dark forces that have been set loose. But does the evil come from the Sineater? His family? Or some other mysterious force?
  • When Danny moved to Blackbriar, he thought the house would be quiet and peaceful, a change from the big city. But there's something sinister about the house, something...strange. Danny begins to dream of fires and witches. Night after night he is awakened by a peal of laughter that seems to belong to a different place and time. Then Danny and his friend Lark discover an ancient doll abandoned in a corner of the house. They know it has something to do with the mysteries of Blackbriar - but they don;t realise it will lead them to a secret more awful than they can imagine and a mystery that could take their lives to solve..
  • Amy Redwing is famous in her chosen field of dog rescue.  She'll risk everything to save a dog. When she confronts a violent drunk in order to rescue Nickie, a beautiful golden retriever, she has no misgivings. Dogs always do their best, and so will she. But Amy's past is about to catch up with her, threatening to turn her into a desperate, hunted creature - like those she has devoted her life to rescuing. And Brian, the one man who might save her, ha a problem of his own in the shape of the terrifying Vanessa, his ex-wife, who's come crashing back into his life just as Amy needs him most. The darkest evening of their lives is approaching...